English summary——June

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝买处方药流程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 08:37

        June has quietly is the pastI think english study is not bad this month.In this month,Imainly studied ‘Follow me’.Though my learning is slower,but i think my quality of learning is out bad.Most of  the first few chapters,I can listen to understand what they said,but most aftera few chapters,I can listen to understand what they said at the first time tolisten,so then,I listened three times every chapter to understand.The result oflistening three times is not bad,I can listen to understand more then the firsttime.


     Here is my feeling about studying English this month.First of all,Maybe you are agitated  because learning is not very smooth,but at this time,what you should do is to calm down, comfort yourself,and find a good way to leaning.For example,if you cann’t understandwhat they said when you are practicing to learing skills,you should listenmore.Besides,learning from different parts is good for learner,i will watch another learning material when i dontn't want to learn one .Maybe the feeling of freshness can set fire to you to learn what you don know.微笑Last  but not least,insist is very important in learning englist.Of course, it's important to be on the other side.




       Come on!

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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 英国平邮寄到中国丢件怎么办 安卓app与设备不兼容怎么办 手机卡坏了收不到快递短信怎么办 pph手术后钛钉没有脱落怎么办 右侧附件囊状透明声可怎么办 刚刚出生小孩睾丸没有掉下来怎么办 汽车被依非法营运之由扣押怎么办 老婆结婚小孩两个又上夜场该怎么办 对于不断无理要求赔偿的房东怎么办 欠的钱越来越多不知道怎么办了 手机壳的开机按键不好按怎么办 对方把保权的房子卖给我怎么办 内存卡在手机上显示损坏怎么办 内存卡显示但是下载不了东西怎么办 相机sd卡没办法读卡怎么办 尼康相机新sd卡显示满了怎么办 修冰箱没几个月又坏了怎么办 星露谷物语活动中心成了仓库怎么办 你家如果油锅起火时应该怎么办 当你遇到电器起火时应该怎么办 酷派大神f2充不进去电怎么办 借车子别人开违章一年了怎么办 快递刚发货我点错了收货怎么办 快递收货地址错了已经发货了怎么办 老公在外地工地上夜班吃不好怎么办 工人在工地干活被吊车撞了怎么办 小米手机记不得保密柜密码怎么办 华为手机文件保密柜密码忘了怎么办 超市寄存柜密码纸丢了怎么办 佳明软件安装不到手机上怎么办 最好的朋友的抢了自己的活怎么办 支付宝被实名验证上限了怎么办 装修预留插座被挡了一半怎么办 衣服放在柜子里面有味道怎么办 河北发货一个柜到天津港口怎么办 家用潜水泵更换电容后压力小怎么办 无塔供水井水水位低了怎么办 应急部成立林场的专业灭火队怎么办 路由器我恢复出厂设置断网了怎么办 多囊卵巢综合症不来月经怎么办 天刀普通血战苍梧城没有太白怎么办