
来源:互联网 发布:学风水看什么书 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 20:29

    Recently Little Hi joined an algorithm learning group. The group consists of one algorithm master and members. The members are numbered from 1 to N. Each member has one or more other members as his mentors. Some members' mentor is the master himself.

    Every week each member sends a report of his own learning progress and the reports collected from his pupils (if there is any) to his mentors. The group is so well designed that there is no loop in the reporting chain so no one receives his own report from his pupil. And finally the master gets every one's report (maybe more than once).

    Little Hi notices that for some members their reporting routes to the master can be easily cut off by a single member's (other than the master and himself) absence from the reporting duty. They are called unstable members while the others are stable members. Given the reporting network of the group, can you find out how many members are stable?

    Assume there are 4 members in the group. Member 1 and 2 both have the master as their only mentor. Member 3 has 2 mentors: member 1 and member 2. Member 4 has 1 mentor: member 3. Then member 4 is the only unstable member in the group because if member 3 is absent his learning report will be unable to be sent to the master. 











The first line contains an integer N, the number of members.

The i-th line of the following N lines describe the mentors of the i-th member. The first integer is Ki, the number of mentors of the i-th member. Then follows Ki integers A1 ... AN, which are his mentors' numbers. Number 0 indicates that the master is one of his mentor.

For 40% of the data, 1 ≤ N ≤ 1000.

For 100% of the data, 1 ≤ N ≤ 100000.

For 100% of the data, 1 ≤ Ki ≤ 10, Ki < N, 0 ≤ Ai  N.  
             Output the number of stable members. 


/****************************************************//* File        : HihoCoder1343                      *//* Author      : Zhang Yufei                        *//* Date        : 2016-07-21                         *//* Description : HihoCoder ACM program. (submit:g++)*//****************************************************/#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<memory.h>/* * Define the tree node. * Parameters: *@value: The value of this node. *@depth: The depth of the node in tree. *@parent: The parent node. *@child: The children node list. *@brother: The brother nodes of this node,  *it's the next field in children linklist. */ typedef struct node1 {int value;int depth;struct node1 *parent;struct node1 *child;struct node1 *brother;} tree_node;/* * The edge of graph. * Parameters: *@dst: The destination node of this edge. *@next: The next field in linklist. */typedef struct node2 {int dst;struct node2 *next;} edge;/* * The vertex in graph, the member's message. * Parameters: *@index: The index of this vertex. *@visited: Mark if the vertex has been visited in DFS. *@pupils: All pupils of this member. *@mentors: All mentors of this member. *@tree_node: The respective node in the tree. */typedef struct node3 {int index;int visited;edge *pupils;edge *mentors;tree_node *n;} member;// The root of tree.tree_node *root = NULL;// Define stack.int *stack = NULL;int top = -1;// All the member.member *members;// The number of member.int N;/* * This is the initial function. It initiates the stack and  * set up the graph. * Parameters: *None. * Returns: *None. */void init(void) {scanf("%d", &N);stack = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * (N + 1));members = (member*) malloc(sizeof(member) * (N + 1));members[0].visited = 0;members[0].pupils = NULL;members[0].mentors = NULL;members[0].index = 0;members[0].n = NULL;for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {members[i].visited = 0;members[i].pupils = NULL;members[i].mentors = NULL;members[i].index = i;members[i].n = NULL;int K;scanf("%d", &K);for(int j = 0; j < K; j++) {int A;scanf("%d", &A);edge *e1 = (edge*) malloc(sizeof(edge));e1->dst = A;e1->next = members[i].mentors;members[i].mentors = e1;edge *e2 = (edge*) malloc(sizeof(edge));e2->dst = i;e2->next = members[A].pupils;members[A].pupils = e2;}}}/* * This function get the result of topo-sort of graph using DFS. * Parameters: *@m: The current node to search. * Returns: *None. */void topo_sort(member *m) {m->visited = 1;edge *e = m->pupils;while(e != NULL) {if(members[e->dst].visited == 0) {topo_sort(&members[e->dst]);}e = e->next;}stack[++top] = m->index;}/* * This function finds the Latest Common Ancient of the mentors * of given node. * Parameters: *@n1: The member to search. * Returns: *The index of the Latest Common Ancient node. */int LCA(member *n1) {int min_depth = -1;tree_node *p[N];edge *e = n1->mentors;int cnt = 0;while(e != NULL) {p[cnt++] = members[e->dst].n;if(min_depth == -1 || min_depth > members[e->dst].n->depth) {min_depth = members[e->dst].n->depth;}e = e->next;}for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {while(p[i]->depth > min_depth) {p[i] = p[i]->parent;}}while(1) {int i;for(i = 1; i < cnt; i++) {if(p[i] != p[0]) {break;}}if(i >= cnt) {break;}for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {p[i] = p[i]->parent;}}if(p[0] == NULL) {return -1;} else {return p[0]->value;}}/* * This function set up tree according to graph. * Parameters: *None. * Returns: *None. */void set_tree(void) {while(top > -1) {member *cur = &members[stack[top]];top--;tree_node *n = (tree_node*) malloc(sizeof(tree_node));n->child = NULL;n->brother = NULL;n->parent = NULL;n->value = cur->index;cur->n = n;if(root == NULL) {root = n;n->depth = 0;n->parent = NULL;} else {int anci = LCA(cur);tree_node *p = members[anci].n;n->brother = p->child;p->child = n;n->parent = p;n->depth = p->depth + 1;}}}/* * The main program. */int main(void) {init();topo_sort(&members[0]);set_tree();int count = 0;tree_node *n = root->child;while(n != NULL) {count++;n = n->brother;}printf("%d\n", count);return 0;}

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