
来源:互联网 发布:数据响应200 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 03:21

源码为k8s v1.3.0稳定版本


(1) 代码起始位置


(2) 业务逻辑代码

二 、初始化启动过程

(1) main函数的处理

main函数的过程,基本属于k8s的统一风格,代码位于 kubernetes\cmd\kubelet\kubelet.go中


// NewKubeletServer will create a new KubeletServer with default values.func NewKubeletServer() *KubeletServer {       glog.Errorf("NewKubeletServer is called")       config := componentconfig.KubeletConfiguration{}       api.Scheme.Convert(&v1alpha1.KubeletConfiguration{}, &config)       return &KubeletServer{              AuthPath:             util.NewStringFlag("/var/lib/kubelet/kubernetes_auth"), // deprecated              KubeConfig:           util.NewStringFlag("/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig"),              KubeletConfiguration: config,       }}

// KubeletServer encapsulates all of the parameters necessary for starting up// a kubelet. These can either be set via command line or directly.type KubeletServer struct {       componentconfig.KubeletConfiguration       AuthPath      util.StringFlag // Deprecated -- use KubeConfig instead       KubeConfig    util.StringFlag       APIServerList []string       RunOnce bool       // Insert a probability of random errors during calls to the master.       ChaosChance float64       // Crash immediately, rather than eating panics.       ReallyCrashForTesting bool}


type KubeletConfiguration struct {       unversioned.TypeMeta       // config is the path to the config file or directory of files       Config string `json:"config"`       // syncFrequency is the max period between synchronizing running       // containers and config       SyncFrequency unversioned.Duration `json:"syncFrequency"`       // fileCheckFrequency is the duration between checking config files for       // new data       FileCheckFrequency unversioned.Duration `json:"fileCheckFrequency"`       // httpCheckFrequency is the duration between checking http for new data       HTTPCheckFrequency unversioned.Duration `json:"httpCheckFrequency"`       // manifestURL is the URL for accessing the container manifest       ManifestURL string `json:"manifestURL"`       // manifestURLHeader is the HTTP header to use when accessing the manifest       // URL, with the key separated from the value with a ':', as in 'key:value'       ManifestURLHeader string `json:"manifestURLHeader"`       // enableServer enables the Kubelet's server       EnableServer bool `json:"enableServer"`       // address is the IP address for the Kubelet to serve on (set to       // for all interfaces)       Address string `json:"address"`       // port is the port for the Kubelet to serve on.       Port int32 `json:"port"`       // readOnlyPort is the read-only port for the Kubelet to serve on with       // no authentication/authorization (set to 0 to disable)       ReadOnlyPort int32 `json:"readOnlyPort"`       // tlsCertFile is the file containing x509 Certificate for HTTPS.  (CA cert,       // if any, concatenated after server cert). If tlsCertFile and       // tlsPrivateKeyFile are not provided, a self-signed certificate       // and key are generated for the public address and saved to the directory       // passed to certDir.       TLSCertFile string `json:"tlsCertFile"`       // tlsPrivateKeyFile is the ile containing x509 private key matching       // tlsCertFile.       TLSPrivateKeyFile string `json:"tlsPrivateKeyFile"`       // certDirectory is the directory where the TLS certs are located (by       // default /var/run/kubernetes). If tlsCertFile and tlsPrivateKeyFile       // are provided, this flag will be ignored.       CertDirectory string `json:"certDirectory"`       // hostnameOverride is the hostname used to identify the kubelet instead       // of the actual hostname.       HostnameOverride string `json:"hostnameOverride"`       // podInfraContainerImage is the image whose network/ipc namespaces       // containers in each pod will use.       PodInfraContainerImage string `json:"podInfraContainerImage"`       // dockerEndpoint is the path to the docker endpoint to communicate with.       DockerEndpoint string `json:"dockerEndpoint"`       // rootDirectory is the directory path to place kubelet files (volume       // mounts,etc).       RootDirectory string `json:"rootDirectory"`       // seccompProfileRoot is the directory path for seccomp profiles.       SeccompProfileRoot string `json:"seccompProfileRoot"`       // allowPrivileged enables containers to request privileged mode.       // Defaults to false.       AllowPrivileged bool `json:"allowPrivileged"`       // hostNetworkSources is a comma-separated list of sources from which the       // Kubelet allows pods to use of host network. Defaults to "*". Valid       // options are "file", "http", "api", and "*" (all sources).       HostNetworkSources []string `json:"hostNetworkSources"`       // hostPIDSources is a comma-separated list of sources from which the       // Kubelet allows pods to use the host pid namespace. Defaults to "*".       HostPIDSources []string `json:"hostPIDSources"`       // hostIPCSources is a comma-separated list of sources from which the       // Kubelet allows pods to use the host ipc namespace. Defaults to "*".       HostIPCSources []string `json:"hostIPCSources"`       // registryPullQPS is the limit of registry pulls per second. If 0,       // unlimited. Set to 0 for no limit. Defaults to 5.0.       RegistryPullQPS int32 `json:"registryPullQPS"`       // registryBurst is the maximum size of a bursty pulls, temporarily allows       // pulls to burst to this number, while still not exceeding registryQps.       // Only used if registryQPS > 0.       RegistryBurst int32 `json:"registryBurst"`       // eventRecordQPS is the maximum event creations per second. If 0, there       // is no limit enforced.       EventRecordQPS int32 `json:"eventRecordQPS"`       // eventBurst is the maximum size of a bursty event records, temporarily       // allows event records to burst to this number, while still not exceeding       // event-qps. Only used if eventQps > 0       EventBurst int32 `json:"eventBurst"`       // enableDebuggingHandlers enables server endpoints for log collection       // and local running of containers and commands       EnableDebuggingHandlers bool `json:"enableDebuggingHandlers"`       // minimumGCAge is the minimum age for a finished container before it is       // garbage collected.       MinimumGCAge unversioned.Duration `json:"minimumGCAge"`       // maxPerPodContainerCount is the maximum number of old instances to       // retain per container. Each container takes up some disk space.       MaxPerPodContainerCount int32 `json:"maxPerPodContainerCount"`       // maxContainerCount is the maximum number of old instances of containers       // to retain globally. Each container takes up some disk space.       MaxContainerCount int32 `json:"maxContainerCount"`       // cAdvisorPort is the port of the localhost cAdvisor endpoint       CAdvisorPort int32 `json:"cAdvisorPort"`       // healthzPort is the port of the localhost healthz endpoint       HealthzPort int32 `json:"healthzPort"`       // healthzBindAddress is the IP address for the healthz server to serve       // on.       HealthzBindAddress string `json:"healthzBindAddress"`       // oomScoreAdj is The oom-score-adj value for kubelet process. Values       // must be within the range [-1000, 1000].       OOMScoreAdj int32 `json:"oomScoreAdj"`       // registerNode enables automatic registration with the apiserver.       RegisterNode bool `json:"registerNode"`       // clusterDomain is the DNS domain for this cluster. If set, kubelet will       // configure all containers to search this domain in addition to the       // host's search domains.       ClusterDomain string `json:"clusterDomain"`       // masterServiceNamespace is The namespace from which the kubernetes       // master services should be injected into pods.       MasterServiceNamespace string `json:"masterServiceNamespace"`       // clusterDNS is the IP address for a cluster DNS server.  If set, kubelet       // will configure all containers to use this for DNS resolution in       // addition to the host's DNS servers       ClusterDNS string `json:"clusterDNS"`       // streamingConnectionIdleTimeout is the maximum time a streaming connection       // can be idle before the connection is automatically closed.       StreamingConnectionIdleTimeout unversioned.Duration `json:"streamingConnectionIdleTimeout"`       // nodeStatusUpdateFrequency is the frequency that kubelet posts node       // status to master. Note: be cautious when changing the constant, it       // must work with nodeMonitorGracePeriod in nodecontroller.       NodeStatusUpdateFrequency unversioned.Duration `json:"nodeStatusUpdateFrequency"`       // imageMinimumGCAge is the minimum age for a unused image before it is       // garbage collected.       ImageMinimumGCAge unversioned.Duration `json:"imageMinimumGCAge"`       // imageGCHighThresholdPercent is the percent of disk usage after which       // image garbage collection is always run.       ImageGCHighThresholdPercent int32 `json:"imageGCHighThresholdPercent"`       // imageGCLowThresholdPercent is the percent of disk usage before which       // image garbage collection is never run. Lowest disk usage to garbage       // collect to.       ImageGCLowThresholdPercent int32 `json:"imageGCLowThresholdPercent"`       // lowDiskSpaceThresholdMB is the absolute free disk space, in MB, to       // maintain. When disk space falls below this threshold, new pods would       // be rejected.       LowDiskSpaceThresholdMB int32 `json:"lowDiskSpaceThresholdMB"`       // How frequently to calculate and cache volume disk usage for all pods       VolumeStatsAggPeriod unversioned.Duration `json:"volumeStatsAggPeriod"`       // networkPluginName is the name of the network plugin to be invoked for       // various events in kubelet/pod lifecycle       NetworkPluginName string `json:"networkPluginName"`       // networkPluginDir is the full path of the directory in which to search       // for network plugins       NetworkPluginDir string `json:"networkPluginDir"`       // volumePluginDir is the full path of the directory in which to search       // for additional third party volume plugins       VolumePluginDir string `json:"volumePluginDir"`       // cloudProvider is the provider for cloud services.       CloudProvider string `json:"cloudProvider,omitempty"`       // cloudConfigFile is the path to the cloud provider configuration file.       CloudConfigFile string `json:"cloudConfigFile,omitempty"`       // KubeletCgroups is the absolute name of cgroups to isolate the kubelet in.       KubeletCgroups string `json:"kubeletCgroups,omitempty"`       // Enable QoS based Cgroup hierarchy: top level cgroups for QoS Classes       // And all Burstable and BestEffort pods are brought up under their       // specific top level QoS cgroup.       CgroupsPerQOS bool `json:"CgroupsPerQOS,omitempty"`       // Cgroups that container runtime is expected to be isolated in.       RuntimeCgroups string `json:"runtimeCgroups,omitempty"`       // SystemCgroups is absolute name of cgroups in which to place       // all non-kernel processes that are not already in a container. Empty       // for no container. Rolling back the flag requires a reboot.       SystemCgroups string `json:"systemCgroups,omitempty"`       // CgroupRoot is the root cgroup to use for pods.       // If CgroupsPerQOS is enabled, this is the root of the QoS cgroup hierarchy.       CgroupRoot string `json:"cgroupRoot,omitempty"`       // containerRuntime is the container runtime to use.       ContainerRuntime string `json:"containerRuntime"`       // runtimeRequestTimeout is the timeout for all runtime requests except long running       // requests - pull, logs, exec and attach.       RuntimeRequestTimeout unversioned.Duration `json:"runtimeRequestTimeout,omitempty"`       // rktPath is the path of rkt binary. Leave empty to use the first rkt in       // $PATH.       RktPath string `json:"rktPath,omitempty"`       // rktApiEndpoint is the endpoint of the rkt API service to communicate with.       RktAPIEndpoint string `json:"rktAPIEndpoint,omitempty"`       // rktStage1Image is the image to use as stage1. Local paths and       // http/https URLs are supported.       RktStage1Image string `json:"rktStage1Image,omitempty"`       // lockFilePath is the path that kubelet will use to as a lock file.       // It uses this file as a lock to synchronize with other kubelet processes       // that may be running.       LockFilePath string `json:"lockFilePath"`       // ExitOnLockContention is a flag that signifies to the kubelet that it is running       // in "bootstrap" mode. This requires that 'LockFilePath' has been set.       // This will cause the kubelet to listen to inotify events on the lock file,       // releasing it and exiting when another process tries to open that file.       ExitOnLockContention bool `json:"exitOnLockContention"`       // configureCBR0 enables the kublet to configure cbr0 based on       // Node.Spec.PodCIDR.       ConfigureCBR0 bool `json:"configureCbr0"`       // How should the kubelet configure the container bridge for hairpin packets.       // Setting this flag allows endpoints in a Service to loadbalance back to       // themselves if they should try to access their own Service. Values:       //   "promiscuous-bridge": make the container bridge promiscuous.       //   "hairpin-veth":       set the hairpin flag on container veth interfaces.       //   "none":               do nothing.       // Setting --configure-cbr0 to false implies that to achieve hairpin NAT       // one must set --hairpin-mode=veth-flag, because bridge assumes the       // existence of a container bridge named cbr0.       HairpinMode string `json:"hairpinMode"`       // The node has babysitter process monitoring docker and kubelet.       BabysitDaemons bool `json:"babysitDaemons"`       // maxPods is the number of pods that can run on this Kubelet.       MaxPods int32 `json:"maxPods"`       // nvidiaGPUs is the number of NVIDIA GPU devices on this node.       NvidiaGPUs int32 `json:"nvidiaGPUs"`       // dockerExecHandlerName is the handler to use when executing a command       // in a container. Valid values are 'native' and 'nsenter'. Defaults to       // 'native'.       DockerExecHandlerName string `json:"dockerExecHandlerName"`       // The CIDR to use for pod IP addresses, only used in standalone mode.       // In cluster mode, this is obtained from the master.       PodCIDR string `json:"podCIDR"`       // ResolverConfig is the resolver configuration file used as the basis       // for the container DNS resolution configuration."), []       ResolverConfig string `json:"resolvConf"`       // cpuCFSQuota is Enable CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that       // specify CPU limits       CPUCFSQuota bool `json:"cpuCFSQuota"`       // containerized should be set to true if kubelet is running in a container.       Containerized bool `json:"containerized"`       // maxOpenFiles is Number of files that can be opened by Kubelet process.       MaxOpenFiles int64 `json:"maxOpenFiles"`       // reconcileCIDR is Reconcile node CIDR with the CIDR specified by the       // API server. No-op if register-node or configure-cbr0 is false.       ReconcileCIDR bool `json:"reconcileCIDR"`       // registerSchedulable tells the kubelet to register the node as       // schedulable. No-op if register-node is false.       RegisterSchedulable bool `json:"registerSchedulable"`       // contentType is contentType of requests sent to apiserver.       ContentType string `json:"contentType"`       // kubeAPIQPS is the QPS to use while talking with kubernetes apiserver       KubeAPIQPS int32 `json:"kubeAPIQPS"`       // kubeAPIBurst is the burst to allow while talking with kubernetes       // apiserver       KubeAPIBurst int32 `json:"kubeAPIBurst"`       // serializeImagePulls when enabled, tells the Kubelet to pull images one       // at a time. We recommend *not* changing the default value on nodes that       // run docker daemon with version  < 1.9 or an Aufs storage backend.       // Issue #10959 has more details.       SerializeImagePulls bool `json:"serializeImagePulls"`       // experimentalFlannelOverlay enables experimental support for starting the       // kubelet with the default overlay network (flannel). Assumes flanneld       // is already running in client mode.       ExperimentalFlannelOverlay bool `json:"experimentalFlannelOverlay"`       // outOfDiskTransitionFrequency is duration for which the kubelet has to       // wait before transitioning out of out-of-disk node condition status.       OutOfDiskTransitionFrequency unversioned.Duration `json:"outOfDiskTransitionFrequency,omitempty"`       // nodeIP is IP address of the node. If set, kubelet will use this IP       // address for the node.       NodeIP string `json:"nodeIP,omitempty"`       // nodeLabels to add when registering the node in the cluster.       NodeLabels map[string]string `json:"nodeLabels"`       // nonMasqueradeCIDR configures masquerading: traffic to IPs outside this range will use IP masquerade.       NonMasqueradeCIDR string `json:"nonMasqueradeCIDR"`       // enable gathering custom metrics.       EnableCustomMetrics bool `json:"enableCustomMetrics"`       // Comma-delimited list of hard eviction expressions.  For example, 'memory.available<300Mi'.       EvictionHard string `json:"evictionHard,omitempty"`       // Comma-delimited list of soft eviction expressions.  For example, 'memory.available<300Mi'.       EvictionSoft string `json:"evictionSoft,omitempty"`       // Comma-delimeted list of grace periods for each soft eviction signal.  For example, 'memory.available=30s'.       EvictionSoftGracePeriod string `json:"evictionSoftGracePeriod,omitempty"`       // Duration for which the kubelet has to wait before transitioning out of an eviction pressure condition.       EvictionPressureTransitionPeriod unversioned.Duration `json:"evictionPressureTransitionPeriod,omitempty"`       // Maximum allowed grace period (in seconds) to use when terminating pods in response to a soft eviction threshold being met.       EvictionMaxPodGracePeriod int32 `json:"evictionMaxPodGracePeriod,omitempty"`       // Maximum number of pods per core. Cannot exceed MaxPods       PodsPerCore int32 `json:"podsPerCore"`       // enableControllerAttachDetach enables the Attach/Detach controller to       // manage attachment/detachment of volumes scheduled to this node, and       // disables kubelet from executing any attach/detach operations       EnableControllerAttachDetach bool `json:"enableControllerAttachDetach"`       // A set of ResourceName=ResourceQuantity (e.g. cpu=200m,memory=150G) pairs       // that describe resources reserved for non-kubernetes components.       // Currently only cpu and memory are supported. [default=none]       // See http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/user-guide/compute-resources.md for more detail.       SystemReserved utilconfig.ConfigurationMap `json:"systemReserved"`       // A set of ResourceName=ResourceQuantity (e.g. cpu=200m,memory=150G) pairs       // that describe resources reserved for kubernetes system components.       // Currently only cpu and memory are supported. [default=none]       // See http://releases.k8s.io/HEAD/docs/user-guide/compute-resources.md for more detail.       KubeReserved utilconfig.ConfigurationMap `json:"kubeReserved"`}

(2) 进入到Run函数中:

// Run runs the specified KubeletServer for the given KubeletConfig.  This should never exit.// The kcfg argument may be nil - if so, it is initialized from the settings on KubeletServer.// Otherwise, the caller is assumed to have set up the KubeletConfig object and all defaults// will be ignored.func Run(s *options.KubeletServer, kcfg *KubeletConfig) error {       glog.Errorf(" begin to KubeletServer Run.")       err := run(s, kcfg)       if err != nil {              glog.Errorf("Failed running kubelet: %v", err)       }else {              glog.Errorf(" running kubelet succeed.")        }       return err}

func run(s *options.KubeletServer, kcfg *KubeletConfig) (err error) {       if s.ExitOnLockContention && s.LockFilePath == "" {              return errors.New("cannot exit on lock file contention: no lock file specified")       }       done := make(chan struct{})       if s.LockFilePath != "" {              glog.Infof("aquiring lock on %q", s.LockFilePath)              if err := flock.Acquire(s.LockFilePath); err != nil {                     return fmt.Errorf("unable to aquire file lock on %q: %v", s.LockFilePath, err)              }              if s.ExitOnLockContention {                     glog.Infof("watching for inotify events for: %v", s.LockFilePath)                     if err := watchForLockfileContention(s.LockFilePath, done); err != nil {                            return err                     }              }       }       if c, err := configz.New("componentconfig"); err == nil {              c.Set(s.KubeletConfiguration)       } else {              glog.Errorf("unable to register configz: %s", err)       }       if kcfg == nil {              cfg, err := UnsecuredKubeletConfig(s)              if err != nil {                     return err              }              kcfg = cfg              clientConfig, err := CreateAPIServerClientConfig(s)              if err == nil {                     kcfg.KubeClient, err = clientset.NewForConfig(clientConfig)                     // make a separate client for events                     eventClientConfig := *clientConfig                     eventClientConfig.QPS = float32(s.EventRecordQPS)                     eventClientConfig.Burst = int(s.EventBurst)                     kcfg.EventClient, err = clientset.NewForConfig(&eventClientConfig)              }              if err != nil && len(s.APIServerList) > 0 {                     glog.Warningf("No API client: %v", err)              }              if s.CloudProvider == kubeExternal.AutoDetectCloudProvider {                     kcfg.AutoDetectCloudProvider = true              } else {                     cloud, err := cloudprovider.InitCloudProvider(s.CloudProvider, s.CloudConfigFile)                     if err != nil {                            return err                     }                     glog.V(2).Infof("Successfully initialized cloud provider: %q from the config file: %q\n", s.CloudProvider, s.CloudConfigFile)                     kcfg.Cloud = cloud              }       }       if kcfg.CAdvisorInterface == nil {              kcfg.CAdvisorInterface, err = cadvisor.New(uint(s.CAdvisorPort), kcfg.ContainerRuntime)              if err != nil {                     return err              }       }       if kcfg.ContainerManager == nil {              if kcfg.SystemCgroups != "" && kcfg.CgroupRoot == "" {                     return fmt.Errorf("invalid configuration: system container was specified and cgroup root was not specified")              }              kcfg.ContainerManager, err = cm.NewContainerManager(kcfg.Mounter, kcfg.CAdvisorInterface, cm.NodeConfig{                     RuntimeCgroupsName: kcfg.RuntimeCgroups,                     SystemCgroupsName:  kcfg.SystemCgroups,                     KubeletCgroupsName: kcfg.KubeletCgroups,                     ContainerRuntime:   kcfg.ContainerRuntime,                     CgroupsPerQOS:      kcfg.CgroupsPerQOS,                     CgroupRoot:         kcfg.CgroupRoot,              })              if err != nil {                     return err              }       }       runtime.ReallyCrash = s.ReallyCrashForTesting       rand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano())       // TODO(vmarmol): Do this through container config.       oomAdjuster := kcfg.OOMAdjuster       if err := oomAdjuster.ApplyOOMScoreAdj(0, int(s.OOMScoreAdj)); err != nil {              glog.Warning(err)       }       if err := RunKubelet(kcfg); err != nil {              return err       }       if s.HealthzPort > 0 {              healthz.DefaultHealthz()              go wait.Until(func() {                     err := http.ListenAndServe(net.JoinHostPort(s.HealthzBindAddress, strconv.Itoa(int(s.HealthzPort))), nil)                     if err != nil {                            glog.Errorf("Starting health server failed: %v", err)                     }              }, 5*time.Second, wait.NeverStop)       }       if s.RunOnce {              return nil       }       <-done       return nil}


step1: 创建一个done的channel,实现主Goroutine的运行


step3:  UnsecuredKubeletConfig调用,里面创建KubeletConfig(重点)


step5: CloudProvider的初始化

step6:   cadvisor对象的初始化

step7:  NewContainerManager

step8: oomAdjuster对象的初始化

step9: RunKubelet (下一级的执行函数)

step10: healthz.DefaultHealthz (这里启动了一个协程)

(3) UnsecuredKubeletConfig分析

// UnsecuredKubeletConfig returns a KubeletConfig suitable for being run, or an error if the server setup// is not valid.  It will not start any background processes, and does not include authentication/authorizationfunc UnsecuredKubeletConfig(s *options.KubeletServer) (*KubeletConfig, error) {       hostNetworkSources, err := kubetypes.GetValidatedSources(s.HostNetworkSources)       if err != nil {              return nil, err       }       hostPIDSources, err := kubetypes.GetValidatedSources(s.HostPIDSources)       if err != nil {              return nil, err       }       hostIPCSources, err := kubetypes.GetValidatedSources(s.HostIPCSources)       if err != nil {              return nil, err       }       mounter := mount.New()       var writer io.Writer = &io.StdWriter{}       if s.Containerized {              glog.V(2).Info("Running kubelet in containerized mode (experimental)")              mounter = mount.NewNsenterMounter()              writer = &io.NsenterWriter{}       }       tlsOptions, err := InitializeTLS(s)       if err != nil {              return nil, err       }       var dockerExecHandler dockertools.ExecHandler       switch s.DockerExecHandlerName {       case "native":              dockerExecHandler = &dockertools.NativeExecHandler{}       case "nsenter":              dockerExecHandler = &dockertools.NsenterExecHandler{}       default:              glog.Warningf("Unknown Docker exec handler %q; defaulting to native", s.DockerExecHandlerName)              dockerExecHandler = &dockertools.NativeExecHandler{}       }       imageGCPolicy := kubelet.ImageGCPolicy{              MinAge:               s.ImageMinimumGCAge.Duration,              HighThresholdPercent: int(s.ImageGCHighThresholdPercent),              LowThresholdPercent:  int(s.ImageGCLowThresholdPercent),       }       diskSpacePolicy := kubelet.DiskSpacePolicy{              DockerFreeDiskMB: int(s.LowDiskSpaceThresholdMB),              RootFreeDiskMB:   int(s.LowDiskSpaceThresholdMB),       }       manifestURLHeader := make(http.Header)       if s.ManifestURLHeader != "" {              pieces := strings.Split(s.ManifestURLHeader, ":")              if len(pieces) != 2 {                     return nil, fmt.Errorf("manifest-url-header must have a single ':' key-value separator, got %q", s.ManifestURLHeader)              }              manifestURLHeader.Set(pieces[0], pieces[1])       }       reservation, err := parseReservation(s.KubeReserved, s.SystemReserved)       if err != nil {              return nil, err       }       thresholds, err := eviction.ParseThresholdConfig(s.EvictionHard, s.EvictionSoft, s.EvictionSoftGracePeriod)       if err != nil {              return nil, err       }       evictionConfig := eviction.Config{              PressureTransitionPeriod: s.EvictionPressureTransitionPeriod.Duration,              MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: int64(s.EvictionMaxPodGracePeriod),              Thresholds:               thresholds,       }       return &KubeletConfig{              Address:                      net.ParseIP(s.Address),              AllowPrivileged:              s.AllowPrivileged,              Auth:                         nil, // default does not enforce auth[nz]              CAdvisorInterface:            nil, // launches background processes, not set here              VolumeStatsAggPeriod:         s.VolumeStatsAggPeriod.Duration,              CgroupRoot:                   s.CgroupRoot,              Cloud:                        nil, // cloud provider might start background processes              ClusterDNS:                   net.ParseIP(s.ClusterDNS),              ClusterDomain:                s.ClusterDomain,              ConfigFile:                   s.Config,              ConfigureCBR0:                s.ConfigureCBR0,              ContainerManager:             nil,              ContainerRuntime:             s.ContainerRuntime,              RuntimeRequestTimeout:        s.RuntimeRequestTimeout.Duration,              CPUCFSQuota:                  s.CPUCFSQuota,              DiskSpacePolicy:              diskSpacePolicy,              DockerClient:                 dockertools.ConnectToDockerOrDie(s.DockerEndpoint, s.RuntimeRequestTimeout.Duration), // TODO(random-liu): Set RuntimeRequestTimeout for rkt.              RuntimeCgroups:               s.RuntimeCgroups,              DockerExecHandler:            dockerExecHandler,              EnableControllerAttachDetach: s.EnableControllerAttachDetach,              EnableCustomMetrics:          s.EnableCustomMetrics,              EnableDebuggingHandlers:      s.EnableDebuggingHandlers,              CgroupsPerQOS:                s.CgroupsPerQOS,              EnableServer:                 s.EnableServer,              EventBurst:                   int(s.EventBurst),              EventRecordQPS:               float32(s.EventRecordQPS),              FileCheckFrequency:           s.FileCheckFrequency.Duration,              HostnameOverride:             s.HostnameOverride,              HostNetworkSources:           hostNetworkSources,              HostPIDSources:               hostPIDSources,              HostIPCSources:               hostIPCSources,              HTTPCheckFrequency:           s.HTTPCheckFrequency.Duration,              ImageGCPolicy:                imageGCPolicy,              KubeClient:                   nil,              ManifestURL:                  s.ManifestURL,              ManifestURLHeader:            manifestURLHeader,              MasterServiceNamespace:       s.MasterServiceNamespace,              MaxContainerCount:            int(s.MaxContainerCount),              MaxOpenFiles:                 uint64(s.MaxOpenFiles),              MaxPerPodContainerCount:      int(s.MaxPerPodContainerCount),              MaxPods:                      int(s.MaxPods),              NvidiaGPUs:                   int(s.NvidiaGPUs),              MinimumGCAge:                 s.MinimumGCAge.Duration,              Mounter:                      mounter,              NetworkPluginName:            s.NetworkPluginName,              NetworkPlugins:               ProbeNetworkPlugins(s.NetworkPluginDir),              NodeLabels:                   s.NodeLabels,              NodeStatusUpdateFrequency:    s.NodeStatusUpdateFrequency.Duration,              NonMasqueradeCIDR:            s.NonMasqueradeCIDR,              OOMAdjuster:                  oom.NewOOMAdjuster(),              OSInterface:                  kubecontainer.RealOS{},              PodCIDR:                      s.PodCIDR,              ReconcileCIDR:                s.ReconcileCIDR,              PodInfraContainerImage:       s.PodInfraContainerImage,              Port:                           uint(s.Port),              ReadOnlyPort:                   uint(s.ReadOnlyPort),              RegisterNode:                   s.RegisterNode,              RegisterSchedulable:            s.RegisterSchedulable,              RegistryBurst:                  int(s.RegistryBurst),              RegistryPullQPS:                float64(s.RegistryPullQPS),              ResolverConfig:                 s.ResolverConfig,              Reservation:                    *reservation,              KubeletCgroups:                 s.KubeletCgroups,              RktPath:                        s.RktPath,              RktAPIEndpoint:                 s.RktAPIEndpoint,              RktStage1Image:                 s.RktStage1Image,              RootDirectory:                  s.RootDirectory,              SeccompProfileRoot:             s.SeccompProfileRoot,              Runonce:                        s.RunOnce,              SerializeImagePulls:            s.SerializeImagePulls,              StandaloneMode:                 (len(s.APIServerList) == 0),              StreamingConnectionIdleTimeout: s.StreamingConnectionIdleTimeout.Duration,              SyncFrequency:                  s.SyncFrequency.Duration,              SystemCgroups:                  s.SystemCgroups,              TLSOptions:                     tlsOptions,              Writer:                         writer,              VolumePlugins:                  ProbeVolumePlugins(s.VolumePluginDir),              OutOfDiskTransitionFrequency:   s.OutOfDiskTransitionFrequency.Duration,              HairpinMode:                    s.HairpinMode,              BabysitDaemons:                 s.BabysitDaemons,              ExperimentalFlannelOverlay:     s.ExperimentalFlannelOverlay,              NodeIP:         net.ParseIP(s.NodeIP),              EvictionConfig: evictionConfig,              PodsPerCore:    int(s.PodsPerCore),       }, nil}

step1: 根据配置创建hostNetworkSources,hostPIDSources,hostIPCSources对象,该函数后面会用到

step2: mounter,writer,tlsOptions对象的创建

step3: dockerExecHandler的初始化


step5: diskSpacePolicy初始化

step6:  manifestURLHeader,reservation,thresholds,evictionConfig对象的初始化

step7: 构建KubeletConfig对象,在这个构建函数中,同时构建了几个关键的对象;


dockertools.ConnectToDockerOrDie(s.DockerEndpoint, s.RuntimeRequestTimeout.Duration)

(4) ConnectToDockerOrDie分析

// ConnectToDockerOrDie creates docker client connecting to docker daemon.// If the endpoint passed in is "fake://", a fake docker client// will be returned. The program exits if error occurs. The requestTimeout// is the timeout for docker requests. If timeout is exceeded, the request// will be cancelled and throw out an error. If requestTimeout is 0, a default// value will be applied.func ConnectToDockerOrDie(dockerEndpoint string, requestTimeout time.Duration) DockerInterface {       if dockerEndpoint == "fake://" {              return NewFakeDockerClient()       }       client, err := getDockerClient(dockerEndpoint)       if err != nil {              glog.Fatalf("Couldn't connect to docker: %v", err)       }       glog.Infof("Start docker client with request timeout=%v", requestTimeout)       return newKubeDockerClient(client, requestTimeout)}

// newKubeDockerClient creates an kubeDockerClient from an existing docker client. If requestTimeout is 0,// defaultTimeout will be applied.func newKubeDockerClient(dockerClient *dockerapi.Client, requestTimeout time.Duration) DockerInterface {       if requestTimeout == 0 {              requestTimeout = defaultTimeout       }       return &kubeDockerClient{              client:  dockerClient,              timeout: requestTimeout,       }}

// DockerInterface is an abstract interface for testability.  It abstracts the interface of docker client.type DockerInterface interface {       ListContainers(options dockertypes.ContainerListOptions) ([]dockertypes.Container, error)       InspectContainer(id string) (*dockertypes.ContainerJSON, error)       CreateContainer(dockertypes.ContainerCreateConfig) (*dockertypes.ContainerCreateResponse, error)       StartContainer(id string) error       StopContainer(id string, timeout int) error       RemoveContainer(id string, opts dockertypes.ContainerRemoveOptions) error       InspectImage(image string) (*dockertypes.ImageInspect, error)       ListImages(opts dockertypes.ImageListOptions) ([]dockertypes.Image, error)       PullImage(image string, auth dockertypes.AuthConfig, opts dockertypes.ImagePullOptions) error       RemoveImage(image string, opts dockertypes.ImageRemoveOptions) ([]dockertypes.ImageDelete, error)       ImageHistory(id string) ([]dockertypes.ImageHistory, error)       Logs(string, dockertypes.ContainerLogsOptions, StreamOptions) error       Version() (*dockertypes.Version, error)       Info() (*dockertypes.Info, error)       CreateExec(string, dockertypes.ExecConfig) (*dockertypes.ContainerExecCreateResponse, error)       StartExec(string, dockertypes.ExecStartCheck, StreamOptions) error       InspectExec(id string) (*dockertypes.ContainerExecInspect, error)       AttachToContainer(string, dockertypes.ContainerAttachOptions, StreamOptions) error       ResizeContainerTTY(id string, height, width int) error       ResizeExecTTY(id string, height, width int) error}


(5)  RunKubelet 函数分析

// RunKubelet is responsible for setting up and running a kubelet.  It is used in three different applications://   1 Integration tests//   2 Kubelet binary//   3 Standalone 'kubernetes' binary// Eventually, #2 will be replaced with instances of #3func RunKubelet(kcfg *KubeletConfig) error {       kcfg.Hostname = nodeutil.GetHostname(kcfg.HostnameOverride)       if len(kcfg.NodeName) == 0 {              // Query the cloud provider for our node name, default to Hostname              nodeName := kcfg.Hostname              if kcfg.Cloud != nil {                     var err error                     instances, ok := kcfg.Cloud.Instances()                     if !ok {                            return fmt.Errorf("failed to get instances from cloud provider")                     }                     nodeName, err = instances.CurrentNodeName(kcfg.Hostname)                     if err != nil {                            return fmt.Errorf("error fetching current instance name from cloud provider: %v", err)                     }                     glog.V(2).Infof("cloud provider determined current node name to be %s", nodeName)              }              kcfg.NodeName = nodeName       }       eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()       kcfg.Recorder = eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(api.EventSource{Component: "kubelet", Host: kcfg.NodeName})       eventBroadcaster.StartLogging(glog.V(3).Infof)       if kcfg.EventClient != nil {              glog.V(4).Infof("Sending events to api server.")              eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&unversionedcore.EventSinkImpl{Interface: kcfg.EventClient.Events("")})       } else {              glog.Warning("No api server defined - no events will be sent to API server.")       }       privilegedSources := capabilities.PrivilegedSources{              HostNetworkSources: kcfg.HostNetworkSources,              HostPIDSources:     kcfg.HostPIDSources,              HostIPCSources:     kcfg.HostIPCSources,       }       capabilities.Setup(kcfg.AllowPrivileged, privilegedSources, 0)       credentialprovider.SetPreferredDockercfgPath(kcfg.RootDirectory)       glog.V(2).Infof("Using root directory: %v", kcfg.RootDirectory)       builder := kcfg.Builder       if builder == nil {              builder = CreateAndInitKubelet       }       if kcfg.OSInterface == nil {              kcfg.OSInterface = kubecontainer.RealOS{}       }       k, podCfg, err := builder(kcfg)       if err != nil {              return fmt.Errorf("failed to create kubelet: %v", err)       }       util.ApplyRLimitForSelf(kcfg.MaxOpenFiles)       // TODO(dawnchen): remove this once we deprecated old debian containervm images.       // This is a workaround for issue: https://github.com/opencontainers/runc/issues/726       // The current chosen number is consistent with most of other os dist.       const maxkeysPath = "/proc/sys/kernel/keys/root_maxkeys"       const minKeys uint64 = 1000000       key, err := ioutil.ReadFile(maxkeysPath)       if err != nil {              glog.Errorf("Cannot read keys quota in %s", maxkeysPath)       } else {              fields := strings.Fields(string(key))              nkey, _ := strconv.ParseUint(fields[0], 10, 64)              if nkey < minKeys {                     glog.Infof("Setting keys quota in %s to %d", maxkeysPath, minKeys)                     err = ioutil.WriteFile(maxkeysPath, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", uint64(minKeys))), 0644)                     if err != nil {                            glog.Warningf("Failed to update %s: %v", maxkeysPath, err)                     }              }       }       const maxbytesPath = "/proc/sys/kernel/keys/root_maxbytes"       const minBytes uint64 = 25000000       bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(maxbytesPath)       if err != nil {              glog.Errorf("Cannot read keys bytes in %s", maxbytesPath)       } else {              fields := strings.Fields(string(bytes))              nbyte, _ := strconv.ParseUint(fields[0], 10, 64)              if nbyte < minBytes {                     glog.Infof("Setting keys bytes in %s to %d", maxbytesPath, minBytes)                     err = ioutil.WriteFile(maxbytesPath, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", uint64(minBytes))), 0644)                     if err != nil {                            glog.Warningf("Failed to update %s: %v", maxbytesPath, err)                     }              }       }       // process pods and exit.       if kcfg.Runonce {              if _, err := k.RunOnce(podCfg.Updates()); err != nil {                     return fmt.Errorf("runonce failed: %v", err)              }              glog.Infof("Started kubelet %s as runonce", version.Get().String())       } else {              startKubelet(k, podCfg, kcfg)              glog.Errorf("Started kubelet %s", version.Get().String())       }       return nil}

step1: KubeletConfig中NodeName的设置

step2: NewBroadcaster与API Server交互(待验证)

step3: privilegedSources capabilities初始化

step4: SetPreferredDockercfgPath设置

step5: CreateAndInitKubelet,该函数的作用从名字中就可以看出,创建并初始化kubelet(重要)

step6: ApplyRLimitForSelf

step7: 中间的代码,好像是是修改了系统的某些参数,解决一个debug

step8: startKubelet进入下一级的初始化过程

(6)  CreateAndInitKubelet函数分析


func CreateAndInitKubelet(kc *KubeletConfig) (k KubeletBootstrap, pc *config.PodConfig, err error) {       // TODO: block until all sources have delivered at least one update to the channel, or break the sync loop       // up into "per source" synchronizations       // TODO: KubeletConfig.KubeClient should be a client interface, but client interface misses certain methods       // used by kubelet. Since NewMainKubelet expects a client interface, we need to make sure we are not passing       // a nil pointer to it when what we really want is a nil interface.       var kubeClient clientset.Interface       if kc.KubeClient != nil {              kubeClient = kc.KubeClient              // TODO: remove this when we've refactored kubelet to only use clientset.       }       gcPolicy := kubecontainer.ContainerGCPolicy{              MinAge:             kc.MinimumGCAge,              MaxPerPodContainer: kc.MaxPerPodContainerCount,              MaxContainers:      kc.MaxContainerCount,       }       daemonEndpoints := &api.NodeDaemonEndpoints{              KubeletEndpoint: api.DaemonEndpoint{Port: int32(kc.Port)},       }       pc = kc.PodConfig       if pc == nil {              pc = makePodSourceConfig(kc)       }       k, err = kubelet.NewMainKubelet(              kc.Hostname,              kc.NodeName,              kc.DockerClient,              kubeClient,              kc.RootDirectory,              kc.SeccompProfileRoot,              kc.PodInfraContainerImage,              kc.SyncFrequency,              float32(kc.RegistryPullQPS),              kc.RegistryBurst,              kc.EventRecordQPS,              kc.EventBurst,              gcPolicy,              pc.SeenAllSources,              kc.RegisterNode,              kc.RegisterSchedulable,              kc.StandaloneMode,              kc.ClusterDomain,              kc.ClusterDNS,              kc.MasterServiceNamespace,              kc.VolumePlugins,              kc.NetworkPlugins,              kc.NetworkPluginName,              kc.StreamingConnectionIdleTimeout,              kc.Recorder,              kc.CAdvisorInterface,              kc.ImageGCPolicy,              kc.DiskSpacePolicy,              kc.Cloud,              kc.AutoDetectCloudProvider,              kc.NodeLabels,              kc.NodeStatusUpdateFrequency,              kc.OSInterface,              kc.CgroupsPerQOS,              kc.CgroupRoot,              kc.ContainerRuntime,              kc.RuntimeRequestTimeout,              kc.RktPath,              kc.RktAPIEndpoint,              kc.RktStage1Image,              kc.Mounter,              kc.Writer,              kc.ConfigureCBR0,              kc.NonMasqueradeCIDR,              kc.PodCIDR,              kc.ReconcileCIDR,              kc.MaxPods,              kc.PodsPerCore,              kc.NvidiaGPUs,              kc.DockerExecHandler,              kc.ResolverConfig,              kc.CPUCFSQuota,              daemonEndpoints,              kc.OOMAdjuster,              kc.SerializeImagePulls,              kc.ContainerManager,              kc.OutOfDiskTransitionFrequency,              kc.ExperimentalFlannelOverlay,              kc.NodeIP,              kc.Reservation,              kc.EnableCustomMetrics,              kc.VolumeStatsAggPeriod,              kc.ContainerRuntimeOptions,              kc.HairpinMode,              kc.BabysitDaemons,              kc.EvictionConfig,              kc.Options,              kc.EnableControllerAttachDetach,       )       if err != nil {              return nil, nil, err       }       k.BirthCry()       k.StartGarbageCollection()       return k, pc, nil}

step1: kubecontainer.ContainerGCPolicy对象创建

step2: api.NodeDaemonEndpoints赋值

step3:NewMainKubelet函数调用,并返回一个Kubelet对象  (重要,该函数类创建了大多数kubelet需要用到的对象)




step6:   Kubelet对象返回C:





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