
来源:互联网 发布:mac充电黄灯一直亮 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 22:00

1. in one shell, start nsqlookupd:
$ nsqlookupd

  1. in another shell, start nsqd:
    $ nsqd –lookupd-tcp-address=

  2. in another shell, start nsqadmin:
    $ nsqadmin –lookupd-http-address=

  3. publish an initial message (creates the topic in the cluster, too):
    $ curl -d ‘hello world 1’ ‘’

  4. finally, in another shell, start nsq_to_file:
    $ nsq_to_file –topic=test –output-dir=/tmp –lookupd-http-address=

  5. publish more messages to nsqd:
    $ curl -d ‘hello world 2’ ‘’
    $ curl -d ‘hello world 3’ ‘’

  6. to verify things worked as expected, in a web browser open to view thensqadmin UI and see statistics. Also, check the contents of the log files (test.*.log) written to /tmp.



package mainimport(    "os"    "github.com/nsqio/go-nsq")func main(){    topic := os.Args[1]  //指定话题    message := os.Args[2]   //指定消息    p, err := nsq.NewProducer("", nsq.NewConfig())  //第一个参数是nsqd的tcp端口,第二个参数是配置类Config,nsq.NewConfig()产生一个默认的Config    if err != nil{        panic(err)    }    //发布消息时指定topic,消息要转换为字节数组    if err :=p.Publish(topic, []byte(message));err != nil{        panic(err)    }}


package mainimport(    "os"    "fmt"    "github.com/nsqio/go-nsq")//定义一个结构体,实现HandleMessage方法,用于实现Handler接口/*type Handler interface {    HandleMessage(message *Message) error}*/type ConsumerT struct{}func (*ConsumerT)HandleMessage(msg *nsq.Message)error{    fmt.Println(string(msg.Body))    return nil}func main(){    topic := os.Args[1]  //指定话题    channel := os.Args[2]  //指定通道,同一话题的不同通道会将消息进行分发;同一话题同一通道会将消息按序均分到消费者。    var consumer ConsumerT    c, err := nsq.NewConsumer(topic,channel,nsq.NewConfig())        if err != nil{        panic(err)    }    //添加一个Handler    c.AddHandler(&consumer)    //连接到nsqd的tcp端口    if err := c.ConnectToNSQD("");err != nil{        panic(err)    }    <-make(chan bool)}
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