
来源:互联网 发布:excel比对两列数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 02:23





  enum IntelMicroArchitecture {    PENTIUM,    SSE,    SSE2,    SSE3,    SSSE3,    SSE41,    SSE42,    AVX,    MAX_INTEL_MICRO_ARCHITECTURE  };

SSE(Streaming SIMD Extensions)是英特尔在AMD的3D Now!发布一年之后,在其计算机芯片Pentium III中引入的指令集,是MMX的超集。

SSE2是Intel在Pentium 4处理器的最初版本中引入的,但是AMD后来在Opteron 和Athlon 64处理器中也加入了SSE2的支持。SSE2指令集添加了对64位双精度浮点数的支持。这个指令集还增加了对CPU快取的控制指令。AMD对它的扩展增加了8个XMM寄存器,但是需要切换到64位模式(AMD64)才可以使用这些寄存器。

SSE3是Intel在Pentium 4处理器的 Prescott 核心中引入的第三代SIMD指令集,AMD在Athlon 64的第五个版本,Venice核心中也加入了SSE3的支持。以及对超执行绪技术的支持。
SSSE3是Intel针对SSE3指令集的一次额外扩充,最早内建于Core 2 Duo处理器中。

SSE4是Intel在Penryn核心的Core 2 Duo与Core 2 Solo处理器时,新增的47条新多媒体指令集,多媒体指令集,并内建在Phenom与Opteron等K10架构处理器中,不过无法与Intel的SSE4系列指令集相容。

SSE5]是AMD为了打破Intel垄断在处理器指令集的独霸地位所提出的,SSE5初期规划将加入超过100条新指令,其中最引人注目的就是三算子指令(3-Operand Instructions)及熔合乘法累积(Fused Multiply Accumulate)。其中,三算子指令让处理器可将一个数学或逻辑函式库,套用到算子或输入资料。借由增加算子的数量,一个 x86 指令能处理二至三笔资料, SSE5 允许将多个简单指令汇整成一个指令,达到更有效率的指令处理模式。提升为三运算指令的运算能力,是少数 RISC 架构的水平。熔合乘法累积让允许建立新的指令,有效率地执行各种复杂的运算。熔合乘法累积可结合乘法与加法运算,透过单一指令执行多笔重复计算。透过简化程式码,让系统能迅速执行绘图着色、快速相片着色、音场音效,以及复杂向量演算等效能密集的应用作业。SSE5最快将内建于AMD下一代Bulldozer核心。

AVX是Intel的SSE延伸架构,如IA16至IA32般的把暂存器XMM 128bit提升至YMM 256bit,以增加一倍的运算效率。此架构支持了三运算指令(3-Operand Instructions),减少在编码上需要先复制才能运算的动作。在微码部分使用了LES LDS这两少用的指令作为延伸指令Prefix。


#ifndef BASE_CPU_H_#define BASE_CPU_H_#include <string>#include "base/base_export.h"namespace base {// Query information about the processor.class BASE_EXPORT CPU { public:  // Constructor  CPU();  enum IntelMicroArchitecture {    PENTIUM,    SSE,    SSE2,    SSE3,    SSSE3,    SSE41,    SSE42,    AVX,    MAX_INTEL_MICRO_ARCHITECTURE  };  // Accessors for CPU information.  const std::string& vendor_name() const { return cpu_vendor_; }  int signature() const { return signature_; }  int stepping() const { return stepping_; }  int model() const { return model_; }  int family() const { return family_; }  int type() const { return type_; }  int extended_model() const { return ext_model_; }  int extended_family() const { return ext_family_; }  bool has_mmx() const { return has_mmx_; }  bool has_sse() const { return has_sse_; }  bool has_sse2() const { return has_sse2_; }  bool has_sse3() const { return has_sse3_; }  bool has_ssse3() const { return has_ssse3_; }  bool has_sse41() const { return has_sse41_; }  bool has_sse42() const { return has_sse42_; }  bool has_avx() const { return has_avx_; }  // has_avx_hardware returns true when AVX is present in the CPU. This might  // differ from the value of |has_avx()| because |has_avx()| also tests for  // operating system support needed to actually call AVX instuctions.  // Note: you should never need to call this function. It was added in order  // to workaround a bug in NSS but |has_avx()| is what you want.  bool has_avx_hardware() const { return has_avx_hardware_; }  bool has_aesni() const { return has_aesni_; }  bool has_non_stop_time_stamp_counter() const {    return has_non_stop_time_stamp_counter_;  }  // has_broken_neon is only valid on ARM chips. If true, it indicates that we  // believe that the NEON unit on the current CPU is flawed and cannot execute  // some code. See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=341598  bool has_broken_neon() const { return has_broken_neon_; }  IntelMicroArchitecture GetIntelMicroArchitecture() const;  const std::string& cpu_brand() const { return cpu_brand_; } private:  // Query the processor for CPUID information.  void Initialize();  int signature_;  // raw form of type, family, model, and stepping  int type_;  // process type  int family_;  // family of the processor  int model_;  // model of processor  int stepping_;  // processor revision number  int ext_model_;  int ext_family_;  bool has_mmx_;  bool has_sse_;  bool has_sse2_;  bool has_sse3_;  bool has_ssse3_;  bool has_sse41_;  bool has_sse42_;  bool has_avx_;  bool has_avx_hardware_;  bool has_aesni_;  bool has_non_stop_time_stamp_counter_;  bool has_broken_neon_;  std::string cpu_vendor_;  std::string cpu_brand_;};}  // namespace base#endif  // BASE_CPU_H_


void CPU::Initialize() {#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY)  int cpu_info[4] = {-1};  char cpu_string[48];  // __cpuid with an InfoType argument of 0 returns the number of  // valid Ids in CPUInfo[0] and the CPU identification string in  // the other three array elements. The CPU identification string is  // not in linear order. The code below arranges the information  // in a human readable form. The human readable order is CPUInfo[1] |  // CPUInfo[3] | CPUInfo[2]. CPUInfo[2] and CPUInfo[3] are swapped  // before using memcpy to copy these three array elements to cpu_string.  __cpuid(cpu_info, 0);  int num_ids = cpu_info[0];  std::swap(cpu_info[2], cpu_info[3]);  memcpy(cpu_string, &cpu_info[1], 3 * sizeof(cpu_info[1]));  cpu_vendor_.assign(cpu_string, 3 * sizeof(cpu_info[1]));  // Interpret CPU feature information.  if (num_ids > 0) {    __cpuid(cpu_info, 1);    signature_ = cpu_info[0];    stepping_ = cpu_info[0] & 0xf;    model_ = ((cpu_info[0] >> 4) & 0xf) + ((cpu_info[0] >> 12) & 0xf0);    family_ = (cpu_info[0] >> 8) & 0xf;    type_ = (cpu_info[0] >> 12) & 0x3;    ext_model_ = (cpu_info[0] >> 16) & 0xf;    ext_family_ = (cpu_info[0] >> 20) & 0xff;    has_mmx_ =   (cpu_info[3] & 0x00800000) != 0;    has_sse_ =   (cpu_info[3] & 0x02000000) != 0;    has_sse2_ =  (cpu_info[3] & 0x04000000) != 0;    has_sse3_ =  (cpu_info[2] & 0x00000001) != 0;    has_ssse3_ = (cpu_info[2] & 0x00000200) != 0;    has_sse41_ = (cpu_info[2] & 0x00080000) != 0;    has_sse42_ = (cpu_info[2] & 0x00100000) != 0;    has_avx_hardware_ =                 (cpu_info[2] & 0x10000000) != 0;    // AVX instructions will generate an illegal instruction exception unless    //   a) they are supported by the CPU,    //   b) XSAVE is supported by the CPU and    //   c) XSAVE is enabled by the kernel.    // See http://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2011/04/14/is-avx-enabled    //    // In addition, we have observed some crashes with the xgetbv instruction    // even after following Intel's example code. (See crbug.com/375968.)    // Because of that, we also test the XSAVE bit because its description in    // the CPUID documentation suggests that it signals xgetbv support.    has_avx_ =        has_avx_hardware_ &&        (cpu_info[2] & 0x04000000) != 0 /* XSAVE */ &&        (cpu_info[2] & 0x08000000) != 0 /* OSXSAVE */ &&        (_xgetbv(0) & 6) == 6 /* XSAVE enabled by kernel */;    has_aesni_ = (cpu_info[2] & 0x02000000) != 0;  }  // Get the brand string of the cpu.  __cpuid(cpu_info, 0x80000000);  const int parameter_end = 0x80000004;  int max_parameter = cpu_info[0];  if (cpu_info[0] >= parameter_end) {    char* cpu_string_ptr = cpu_string;    for (int parameter = 0x80000002; parameter <= parameter_end &&         cpu_string_ptr < &cpu_string[sizeof(cpu_string)]; parameter++) {      __cpuid(cpu_info, parameter);      memcpy(cpu_string_ptr, cpu_info, sizeof(cpu_info));      cpu_string_ptr += sizeof(cpu_info);    }    cpu_brand_.assign(cpu_string, cpu_string_ptr - cpu_string);  }  const int parameter_containing_non_stop_time_stamp_counter = 0x80000007;  if (max_parameter >= parameter_containing_non_stop_time_stamp_counter) {    __cpuid(cpu_info, parameter_containing_non_stop_time_stamp_counter);    has_non_stop_time_stamp_counter_ = (cpu_info[3] & (1 << 8)) != 0;  }#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM_FAMILY) && (defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_LINUX))  cpu_brand_.assign(g_lazy_cpuinfo.Get().brand());  has_broken_neon_ = g_lazy_cpuinfo.Get().has_broken_neon();#endif}CPU::IntelMicroArchitecture CPU::GetIntelMicroArchitecture() const {  if (has_avx()) return AVX;  if (has_sse42()) return SSE42;  if (has_sse41()) return SSE41;  if (has_ssse3()) return SSSE3;  if (has_sse3()) return SSE3;  if (has_sse2()) return SSE2;  if (has_sse()) return SSE;  return PENTIUM;}



Generates the cpuid instruction available on x86 and x64, which queries the processor for information about the supported features and CPU type.


void __cpuid(   int CPUInfo[4],   int InfoType);


__cpuidex函数的InfoType参数是CPUID指令的eax参数,即功能ID。ECXValue参数是CPUID指令的ecx参数,即子功能ID。CPUInfo参数用于接收输出的eax, ebx, ecx, edx这四个寄存器。



int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {  base::CPU *cpu = new base::CPU();  std::cout << cpu->cpu_brand() << std::endl;  system("pause");  return 0;}

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz

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