
来源:互联网 发布:钓鱼软件生成器安卓版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 18:50


,属于android sdk的API中的一员,供上层APP来使用。





1. App如何使用该客户端?
2. 客户端如何与服务端通信?



    获取TelecomManager对象的方法    /**     * @hide     */    public static TelecomManager from(Context context) {        return (TelecomManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE);    }    构造方法    /**     * @hide     */    public TelecomManager(Context context) {        Context appContext = context.getApplicationContext();        if (appContext != null) {            mContext = appContext;        } else {            mContext = context;        }    }


    final TelecomManager tm =        (TelecomManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE);


    //Public Methods    void     cancelMissedCallsNotification()    //Removes the missed-call notification if one is present.    boolean  handleMmi(String dialString)    //Processes the specified dial string as an MMI code.    boolean  isInCall()    //Returns whether there is an ongoing phone call (can be in dialing, ringing, active or holding states).    void     showInCallScreen(boolean showDialpad)    //Brings the in-call screen to the foreground if there is an ongoing call

  上述为SDK中介绍的方法,查看源码可以发现,它还提供了更多的方法(qcom 和 MTK有少许的差别),下面主要罗列下MTK下该Manager提供的方法:



      tm.isInCall();//获取当前是否正在通话      tm.isRinging();//获取当前是否正在响铃      ... ...



    /**      * Places a new outgoing call to the provided address using the system telecom service with      * the specified extras.      *      * This method is equivalent to placing an outgoing call using {@link Intent#ACTION_CALL},      * except that the outgoing call will always be sent via the system telecom service. If      * method-caller is either the user selected default dialer app or preloaded system dialer      * app, then emergency calls will also be allowed.      *      * Requires permission: {@link android.Manifest.permission#CALL_PHONE}      *      * Usage example:      * <pre>      * Uri uri = Uri.fromParts("tel", "12345", null);      * Bundle extras = new Bundle();      * extras.putBoolean(TelecomManager.EXTRA_START_CALL_WITH_SPEAKERPHONE, true);      * telecomManager.placeCall(uri, extras);      * </pre>      *      * The following keys are supported in the supplied extras.      * <ul>      *   <li>{@link #EXTRA_OUTGOING_CALL_EXTRAS}</li>      *   <li>{@link #EXTRA_PHONE_ACCOUNT_HANDLE}</li>      *   <li>{@link #EXTRA_START_CALL_WITH_SPEAKERPHONE}</li>      *   <li>{@link #EXTRA_START_CALL_WITH_VIDEO_STATE}</li>      * </ul>      *      * @param address The address to make the call to.      * @param extras Bundle of extras to use with the call.      */      public void placeCall(Uri address, Bundle extras) {        // 获取ITelecomService对象        ITelecomService service = getTelecomService();        if (service != null) {          if (address == null) {              Log.w(TAG, "Cannot place call to empty address.");            }            try {              // 调用该对象方法执行              service.placeCall(address, extras == null ? new Bundle() : extras,                      mContext.getOpPackageName());                      } catch (RemoteException e) {                      Log.e(TAG, "Error calling ITelecomService#placeCall", e);                      }                  }      }

* 获取ITelecomService对象

      private ITelecomService getTelecomService() {          return ITelecomService.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE));          }

* 执行:

      service.placeCall(address, extras == null ? new Bundle() : extras,        mContext.getOpPackageName());





      public static final String TELECOM_SERVICE = "telecom";


命令:adb shell dumpsys activity services



* binder为即服务绑定后的返回IBinder;
* cmp为
* 位置:




<service android:name=".components.TelecomService"        android:singleUser="true"        android:process="system">    <intent-filter>        <action android:name="android.telecom.ITelecomService" />    </intent-filter></service>


// Start services.try {    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_SYSTEM_SERVER, "StartServices");    startBootstrapServices();    startCoreServices();    startOtherServices();} catch (Throwable ex) {    Slog.e("System", "******************************************");    Slog.e("System", "************ Failure starting system services", ex);    /// M: RecoveryManagerService  @{    if (mRecoveryManagerService != null && ex instanceof RuntimeException) {        mRecoveryManagerService.handleException((RuntimeException) ex, true);    } else {        throw ex;    }    /// @}} finally {    Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_SYSTEM_SERVER);}

1. 初始化Service 对象,获得IBinder对象。

  1. 启动后台线程,并进入Loop等待。

  2. 将自己注册到Service Manager, 让其他进程通过名字可以获得远程调用必须的IBinder的对象。




@Overridepublic void onBootPhase(int phase) {    if (phase == PHASE_ACTIVITY_MANAGER_READY) {        //  注册监听默认应用程序(电话和短信应用)        registerDefaultAppNotifier();        //  注册监听运营商信息发生变化        registerCarrierConfigChangedReceiver();        //  启动Telecom并连接        connectToTelecom();    }}



private void connectToTelecom() {    synchronized (mLock) {        if (mServiceConnection != null) {            // TODO: Is unbinding worth doing or wait for system to rebind?            mContext.unbindService(mServiceConnection);            mServiceConnection = null;        }        // 构建连接类        TelecomServiceConnection serviceConnection = new TelecomServiceConnection();        // 这里的ACTION和SERVICE_COMPONENT即是第二节中Telecom的AndroidManifest中注册的。        Intent intent = new Intent(SERVICE_ACTION);        intent.setComponent(SERVICE_COMPONENT);        int flags = Context.BIND_IMPORTANT | Context.BIND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE                | Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE;        // Bind to Telecom and register the service        if (mContext.bindServiceAsUser(intent, serviceConnection, flags, UserHandle.OWNER)) {            mServiceConnection = serviceConnection;        }    }}


private class TelecomServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection {    @Override    public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {        // Normally, we would listen for death here, but since telecom runs in the same process        // as this loader (process="system") thats redundant here.        try {            service.linkToDeath(new IBinder.DeathRecipient() {                @Override                public void binderDied() {                    connectToTelecom();                }            }, 0);            SmsApplication.getDefaultMmsApplication(mContext, false);            // 这里将IBinder添加至系统服务中,且服务的TAG为Context.TELECOM_SERVICE</font>            ServiceManager.addService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE, service);            synchronized (mLock) {            // 对默认短信、电话等app进行权限动态赋予            ... ...            ... ...            }        } catch (RemoteException e) {            Slog.w(TAG, "Failed linking to death.");        }    }    @Override    public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {        connectToTelecom();    }}

  根据服务的跨进程调用可知:服务端中OnBinder()方法将IBinder对象的代理传递给客户端中ServiceConnected的onServiceConnected的第二个参数,即上述代码中的IBinder service;而此时客户端将该对象添加至系统服务中:

// 这里将IBinder添加至系统服务中,且服务的TAG为Context.TELECOM_SERVICE</font>ServiceManager.addService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE, service);




@Overridepublic IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {    Log.d(this, "onBind");    // 初始化Telecom系统    initializeTelecomSystem(this);    // 返回服务代理给客户端    synchronized (getTelecomSystem().getLock()) {        return getTelecomSystem().getTelecomServiceImpl().getBinder();    }}


/**     * This method is to be called by components (Activitys, Services, ...) to initialize the     * Telecom singleton. It should only be called on the main thread. As such, it is atomic     * and needs no synchronization -- it will either perform its initialization, after which     * the {@link TelecomSystem#getInstance()} will be initialized, or some other invocation of     * this method on the main thread will have happened strictly prior to it, and this method     * will be a benign no-op.     *     * @param context     */    static void initializeTelecomSystem(Context context) {        if (TelecomSystem.getInstance() == null) {            TelecomSystem.setInstance(                    new TelecomSystem(                            context,                            new MissedCallNotifierImpl(context.getApplicationContext()),                            new CallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory() {                                @Override                                public CallerInfoAsyncQuery startQuery(int token, Context context,                                        String number,                                        CallerInfoAsyncQuery.OnQueryCompleteListener listener,                                        Object cookie, int subId) {                                    Log.i(TelecomSystem.getInstance(),                                            "CallerInfoAsyncQuery.startQuery number=%s cookie=%s",                                            Log.pii(number), cookie);                                    return CallerInfoAsyncQuery.startQuery(                                            token, context, number, listener, cookie, subId);                                }                            },                            new HeadsetMediaButtonFactory() {                                @Override                                public HeadsetMediaButton create(                                        Context context,                                        CallsManager callsManager,                                        TelecomSystem.SyncRoot lock) {                                    return new HeadsetMediaButton(context, callsManager, lock);                                }                            },                            new ProximitySensorManagerFactory() {                                @Override                                public ProximitySensorManager create(                                        Context context,                                        CallsManager callsManager) {                                    return new ProximitySensorManager(context, callsManager);                                }                            },                            new InCallWakeLockControllerFactory() {                                @Override                                public InCallWakeLockController create(Context context,                                        CallsManager callsManager) {                                    return new InCallWakeLockController(context, callsManager);                                }                            }));        }        if (BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter() != null) {            context.startService(new Intent(context, BluetoothPhoneService.class));        }    }




public TelecomSystem(        Context context,        MissedCallNotifier missedCallNotifier,        CallerInfoAsyncQueryFactory callerInfoAsyncQueryFactory,        HeadsetMediaButtonFactory headsetMediaButtonFactory,        ProximitySensorManagerFactory proximitySensorManagerFactory,        InCallWakeLockControllerFactory inCallWakeLockControllerFactory) {    mContext = context.getApplicationContext();    // 未接来电通知管理    mMissedCallNotifier = missedCallNotifier;    // 通话账号注册监听类    mPhoneAccountRegistrar = new PhoneAccountRegistrar(mContext);    // 联系人同步类    mContactsAsyncHelper = new ContactsAsyncHelper(mLock);    // 通话状态管理中心,是整个通话上层逻辑的枢纽    mCallsManager = new CallsManager(            mContext,            mLock,            mContactsAsyncHelper,            callerInfoAsyncQueryFactory,            mMissedCallNotifier,            mPhoneAccountRegistrar,            headsetMediaButtonFactory,            proximitySensorManagerFactory,            inCallWakeLockControllerFactory);    // 短信快速回复管理    mRespondViaSmsManager = new RespondViaSmsManager(mCallsManager, mLock);    mCallsManager.setRespondViaSmsManager(mRespondViaSmsManager);    mContext.registerReceiver(mUserSwitchedReceiver, USER_SWITCHED_FILTER);    mBluetoothPhoneServiceImpl = new BluetoothPhoneServiceImpl(            mContext, mLock, mCallsManager, mPhoneAccountRegistrar);    // 通话Intent处理类    mCallIntentProcessor = new CallIntentProcessor(mContext, mCallsManager);    mTelecomBroadcastIntentProcessor = new TelecomBroadcastIntentProcessor(            mContext, mCallsManager);    // Telecom服务的代理,返回给客户端    mTelecomServiceImpl = new TelecomServiceImpl(            mContext, mCallsManager, mPhoneAccountRegistrar, mLock);}


synchronized (getTelecomSystem().getLock()) {    return getTelecomSystem().getTelecomServiceImpl().getBinder();    public TelecomSystem getTelecomSystem() {    return TelecomSystem.getInstance();}


public ITelecomService.Stub getBinder() {    return mBinderImpl;}


private final ITelecomService.Stub mBinderImpl = new ITelecomService.Stub() {        @Override        public PhoneAccountHandle getDefaultOutgoingPhoneAccount(String uriScheme,                String callingPackage) {            synchronized (mLock) {                if (!canReadPhoneState(callingPackage, "getDefaultOutgoingPhoneAccount")) {                    return null;                }                long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();                try {                    PhoneAccountHandle defaultOutgoingPhoneAccount =                            mPhoneAccountRegistrar.getOutgoingPhoneAccountForScheme(uriScheme);                    // Make sure that the calling user can see this phone account.                    // TODO: Does this isVisible check actually work considering we are clearing                    // the calling identity?                    if (defaultOutgoingPhoneAccount != null                            && !isVisibleToCaller(defaultOutgoingPhoneAccount)) {                        Log.w(this, "No account found for the calling user");                        return null;                    }                    return defaultOutgoingPhoneAccount;                } catch (Exception e) {                    Log.e(this, e, "getDefaultOutgoingPhoneAccount");                    throw e;                } finally {                    Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);                }            }        }        // ITelecomService中函数的具体实现        ... ...        ... ...        /**         * @see android.telecom.TelecomManager#placeCall         */        @Override        public void placeCall(Uri handle, Bundle extras, String callingPackage) {            enforceCallingPackage(callingPackage);            if (!canCallPhone(callingPackage, "placeCall")) {                throw new SecurityException("Package " + callingPackage                        + " is not allowed to place phone calls");            }            // Note: we can still get here for the default/system dialer, even if the Phone            // permission is turned off. This is because the default/system dialer is always            // allowed to attempt to place a call (regardless of permission state), in case            // it turns out to be an emergency call. If the permission is denied and the            // call is being made to a non-emergency number, the call will be denied later on            // by {@link UserCallIntentProcessor}.            final boolean hasCallAppOp = mAppOpsManager.noteOp(AppOpsManager.OP_CALL_PHONE,                    Binder.getCallingUid(), callingPackage) == AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED;            final boolean hasCallPermission = mContext.checkCallingPermission(CALL_PHONE) ==                    PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;            synchronized (mLock) {                final UserHandle userHandle = Binder.getCallingUserHandle();                long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();                try {                    final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, handle);                    intent.putExtras(extras);                    new UserCallIntentProcessor(mContext, userHandle).processIntent(intent,                            callingPackage, hasCallAppOp && hasCallPermission);                } finally {                    Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(token);                }            }        }        ... ...        ... ...    };


// 拨打电话,最终通过UserCallIntentProcessor进行拨打电话,然后建立通话链接进入拨号的流程。new UserCallIntentProcessor(mContext, userHandle).processIntent(intent,        callingPackage, hasCallAppOp && hasCallPermission);



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