
来源:互联网 发布:惠斯通电桥测电阻数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 06:41

tensorflow buckets

tensorflow的编码原则是,先构建计算图,然后再去执行计算图(sess.run()).这就会导致一个问题,我们无法在运行的过程中动态的更改图的结构.我们能做的就是,先构建出完整的图,然后可以去执行其子图. tensorflow中的bucket就是基于这么一种思想.


seq2seq场景中,输入和输出的sequence的长度往往是变长的.假设在train set中, encoder sequence的长度最长为100,decoder sequence的长度最长为150, 那么我们往往需要将所有的encoder sequencepad成长度100的sequence, 将所有的decoder sequencepad成长度150的sequence.而相应的,encoder rnn单元的个数至多是100,decoder rnn 单元的个数至多是150.你可能会纠结为什么是至多,因为从编码的角度来讲,如果rnn 单元的个数少于100, 那么序列中的最后几个数据就不用去考虑, 想反,如果rnn的单元个数多,那么就会存在某些 rnn单元的输入没有进行初始话,会出错.
encoderdecoder的基本形式如图,两者以某种形式配合起来,就会构成seq2seq结构.其中m n分别代表encoder sequencedecoder sequence的最大长度.


1. 对train set:要对sequence的长度聚类,确保如何分配bucket
2. 数据依旧要填充到最大长度
3. 对每个buckets都要建立一个一个模型,但是模型都是共享变量的
4. 对每个模型都要都要计算loss,保存到list中
5. 训练的时候,最小化对应bucket的loss

def model_with_buckets(encoder_inputs,                       decoder_inputs,                       targets,                       weights,                       buckets,                       seq2seq,                       softmax_loss_function=None,                       per_example_loss=False,                       name=None):  """Create a sequence-to-sequence model with support for bucketing.  The seq2seq argument is a function that defines a sequence-to-sequence model,  e.g., seq2seq = lambda x, y: basic_rnn_seq2seq(x, y, rnn_cell.GRUCell(24))  Args:    encoder_inputs: A list of Tensors to feed the encoder; first seq2seq input.    decoder_inputs: A list of Tensors to feed the decoder; second seq2seq input.    targets: A list of 1D batch-sized int32 Tensors (desired output sequence).    weights: List of 1D batch-sized float-Tensors to weight the targets.    buckets: A list of pairs of (input size, output size) for each bucket.    seq2seq: A sequence-to-sequence model function; it takes 2 input that      agree with encoder_inputs and decoder_inputs, and returns a pair      consisting of outputs and states (as, e.g., basic_rnn_seq2seq).    softmax_loss_function: Function (inputs-batch, labels-batch) -> loss-batch      to be used instead of the standard softmax (the default if this is None).    per_example_loss: Boolean. If set, the returned loss will be a batch-sized      tensor of losses for each sequence in the batch. If unset, it will be      a scalar with the averaged loss from all examples.    name: Optional name for this operation, defaults to "model_with_buckets".  Returns:    A tuple of the form (outputs, losses), where:      outputs: The outputs for each bucket. Its j'th element consists of a list        of 2D Tensors. The shape of output tensors can be either        [batch_size x output_size] or [batch_size x num_decoder_symbols]        depending on the seq2seq model used.      losses: List of scalar Tensors, representing losses for each bucket, or,        if per_example_loss is set, a list of 1D batch-sized float Tensors.  Raises:    ValueError: If length of encoder_inputsut, targets, or weights is smaller      than the largest (last) bucket.  """  if len(encoder_inputs) < buckets[-1][0]:    raise ValueError("Length of encoder_inputs (%d) must be at least that of la"                     "st bucket (%d)." % (len(encoder_inputs), buckets[-1][0]))  if len(targets) < buckets[-1][1]:    raise ValueError("Length of targets (%d) must be at least that of last"                     "bucket (%d)." % (len(targets), buckets[-1][1]))  if len(weights) < buckets[-1][1]:    raise ValueError("Length of weights (%d) must be at least that of last"                     "bucket (%d)." % (len(weights), buckets[-1][1]))  all_inputs = encoder_inputs + decoder_inputs + targets + weights  losses = []  outputs = []  with ops.name_scope(name, "model_with_buckets", all_inputs):    for j, bucket in enumerate(buckets):      with variable_scope.variable_scope(          variable_scope.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True if j > 0 else None):        bucket_outputs, _ = seq2seq(encoder_inputs[:bucket[0]],                                    decoder_inputs[:bucket[1]])        outputs.append(bucket_outputs)        if per_example_loss:          losses.append(              sequence_loss_by_example(                  outputs[-1],                  targets[:bucket[1]],                  weights[:bucket[1]],                  softmax_loss_function=softmax_loss_function))        else:          losses.append(              sequence_loss(                  outputs[-1],                  targets[:bucket[1]],                  weights[:bucket[1]],                  softmax_loss_function=softmax_loss_function))  return outputs, losses


if len(encoder_inputs) < buckets[-1][0]:  raise ValueError("Length of encoder_inputs (%d) must be at least that of la"                   "st bucket (%d)." % (len(encoder_inputs), buckets[-1][0]))if len(targets) < buckets[-1][1]:  raise ValueError("Length of targets (%d) must be at least that of last"                   "bucket (%d)." % (len(targets), buckets[-1][1]))if len(weights) < buckets[-1][1]:  raise ValueError("Length of weights (%d) must be at least that of last"                   "bucket (%d)." % (len(weights), buckets[-1][1]))#可以看出,输入数据必须填充为最大长度
for j, bucket in enumerate(buckets):#对每个bucket创建一个模型  with variable_scope.variable_scope(      variable_scope.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True if j > 0 else None):    bucket_outputs, _ = seq2seq(encoder_inputs[:bucket[0]],                                decoder_inputs[:bucket[1]])    outputs.append(bucket_outputs)    if per_example_loss:      losses.append(          sequence_loss_by_example(              outputs[-1],              targets[:bucket[1]],              weights[:bucket[1]],              softmax_loss_function=softmax_loss_function))    else:#所有模型的loss都被保存起来      losses.append(          sequence_loss(              outputs[-1],              targets[:bucket[1]],              weights[:bucket[1]],              softmax_loss_function=softmax_loss_function))

使用tensorflow编码的时候,分为构建计算图执行计算图部分,上面的代码是用于构建计算图,我们对不同的bucket构建了不同的计算图。在执行计算图阶段,tensorflow只会运算子图。假设我们有一个minibatch数据,与这批数据最相近的bucket的id是3,那么在训练的时候,我们只需要 最小化losses[3]就可以了。

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