VR系列——Oculus Publishing文档:五、应用签名

来源:互联网 发布:张海迪开车 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 11:42


  • Oculus 签名文件(开发应用时需要,提交时不需要)
  • Android 应用签名(提交应用时需要)

Oculus 签名文件 (osig)




Android 应用签名





Android 应用签名 和 Unity

Unity会用默认的临时调试证书,自动为安卓应用签名。在编译最终发布版本时,创建一个新的安卓keystore,并由Use Existing Keystore选项来指定,路径为Edit->Project Settings->Player->Publishing Options。更多信息详见Unity文档的“安卓”部分:http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-PlayerSettings.html。


①manifest:manifest文件的主要功能是向Android声明应用程序的组件。当Android启动一个应用程序组件之前,它必须知道哪些个组件是存在的,所以开发人员在开发过程中,必须将应用程序中 出现的组件一一在 AndroidManifest.xml文件中申明,最终这个AndroidManifest.xml文件也会被一起打包到.apk文件中去。manifest文件以XML作为结构格式,而且对于所有应用程序,都叫做AndroidManifest.xml。为声明一个应用程序组件,它还会做很多额外工作,比如指明应用程序所需链接到的库的名称(除了默认的Android库之外)以及声明应用程序期望获得的各种权限。

②Intent Filter是用来注册 Activity、Service 和Broadcast Receiver具有能在某种数据上执行一个动作的能力。使用Intent Filter,应用程序组件告诉Android,它们能为其它程序的组件的动作请求提供服务,包括同一个程序的组件、本地的或第三方的应用程序。


Oculus mobile apps require two distinct signatures at different stages of development.

  • Oculus Signature File (required during development, not required for submission)
  • Android Application Signature (required for submission)

Oculus Signature File (osig)

During development, your application must be signed with an Oculus-issued Oculus Signature File, or osig. This signature comes in the form of a file that you include in your application in order to access protected lowlevel VR functionality on your mobile device. Each signature file is tied to a specific device, so you will need to generate osig files for each device that you use for development.

You may remove your osig file for submission, though doing so is not required. When your application is approved, we will modify the APK so that it can be used on all devices.

Please see our osig self-service portal for more information and instructions on how to request an osig for development: https://developer.oculus.com/tools/osig/

Android Application Signing

Android uses a digital certificate (also called a keystore) to cryptographically validate the identity of application authors. All Android applications must be digitally signed with such a certificate in order to be installed and run on an Android device.

All developers must create their own unique digital signature and sign their applications before submitting them to Oculus for approval. For more information and instructions, please see Android’s “Signing your Applications” documentation: http://developer.android.com/tools/publishing/app-signing.html

Make sure to save the certificate file you use to sign your application. Every subsequent update to your application must be signed with the same certificate file, or it will fail.

Note: Your application must be signed by an Android certificate before you submit it.

Android Application Signing and Unity

Unity automatically signs Android applications with a temporary debug certificate by default. Before building your final release build, create a new Android keystore and assign it with the Use Existing Keystore option, found in Edit > Project Settings > Player > Publishing Options. For more information, see the “Android” section of Unity’s documentation here: http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-PlayerSettings.html.

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