bzoj 2561 最小割

来源:互联网 发布:给淘宝店铺起名字 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 10:55


...说实话,这数据范围有点吓人,瞬间不知所措...._(:3 」∠)_.










据说,dinic对于容量为1的网络时间复杂度为O(min(N^(2/3),M^(1/2))*M),还是可以的..._(:3 」∠)_

type        rec=record            a,b,len:longint;end;{$ inline on}var        n,m,ll,x,y,z    :longint;        ss,st,tt,ans    :longint;        l               :array[0..200010] of rec;        last,que,dis    :array[0..20010] of longint;        len,other,pre   :array[0..400010] of longint;        i               :longint;function min(a,b:longint):longint;inline;begin   if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b);end;procedure connect(x,y,z:longint);inline;begin   inc(ll);   pre[ll]:=last[x];   last[x]:=ll;   other[ll]:=y;   len[ll]:=z;end;procedure sort(ll,rr:longint);var        i,j,x:longint;        y:rec;begin   i:=ll; j:=rr; x:=l[(ll+rr)>>1].len;   while (i<=j) do   begin      while l[i].len<x do inc(i);      while l[j].len>x do dec(j);      if (i<=j) then      begin         y:=l[i]; l[i]:=l[j]; l[j]:=y;         inc(i); dec(j);      end;   end;   if i<rr then sort(i,rr);   if j>ll then sort(ll,j);end;function bfs:boolean; inline;var        p,q,cur,h,tl:longint;begin   fillchar(dis,sizeof(dis),0);   h:=0; tl:=1; que[1]:=ss; dis[ss]:=1;   while (h<>tl) do   begin      h:=h mod 20005+1;      cur:=que[h];      q:=last[cur];      while (q<>0) do      begin         p:=other[q];         if (dis[p]=0) and (len[q]>0) then         begin            dis[p]:=dis[cur]+1;            tl:=tl mod 20005+1;            que[tl]:=p;            if p=st then exit(true);         end;         q:=pre[q];      end;   end;   exit(false);end;function dinic(x,flow:longint):longint;var        rest,tt,p,q:longint;begin   if x=st then exit(flow);   rest:=flow;   q:=last[x];   while (q<>0) do   begin      p:=other[q];      if (dis[p]=dis[x]+1) and (len[q]>0) and (rest>0) then      begin         tt:=dinic(p,min(rest,len[q]));         dec(len[q],tt);         inc(len[q xor 1],tt);         dec(rest,tt);         if rest=0 then exit(flow);      end;      q:=pre[q];   end;   if rest=flow then dis[x]:=0;   exit(flow-rest);end;begin   read(n,m);   for i:=1 to m do read(l[i].a,l[i].b,l[i].len);   read(ss,st,tt);   sort(1,m);   ll:=1; ans:=0;   for i:=1 to m do     if l[i].len<tt then     begin        connect(l[i].a,l[i].b,1);        connect(l[i].b,l[i].a,1);     end else break;   while bfs do inc(ans,dinic(ss,maxlongint div 10));   ll:=1;   fillchar(last,sizeof(last),0);    for i:=m downto 1 do     if l[i].len>tt then     begin        connect(l[i].a,l[i].b,1);        connect(l[i].b,l[i].a,1);     end else break;   while bfs do inc(ans,dinic(ss,maxlongint div 10));   writeln(ans);end.
——by Eirlys

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