CS231n Assignment1--Q2

来源:互联网 发布:洗洁精 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 06:39

Q2: Training a Support Vector Machine

作业代码已上传至我github: https://github.com/jingshuangliu22/cs231n,欢迎参考、讨论、指正。


CIFAR-10 Data Loading and Preprocessing

Training data shape: (50000, 32, 32, 3)
Training labels shape: (50000,)
Test data shape: (10000, 32, 32, 3)
Test labels shape: (10000,)

Train data shape: (49000, 32, 32, 3)
Train labels shape: (49000,)
Validation data shape: (1000, 32, 32, 3)
Validation labels shape: (1000,)
Test data shape: (1000, 32, 32, 3)
Test labels shape: (1000,)

Training data shape: (49000, 3072)
Validation data shape: (1000, 3072)
Test data shape: (1000, 3072)
dev data shape: (500, 3072)

[ 130.64189796 135.98173469 132.47391837 130.05569388 135.34804082
131.75402041 130.96055102 136.14328571 132.47636735 131.48467347]


(49000, 3073) (1000, 3073) (1000, 3073) (500, 3073)

SVM Classifier

loss: 9.321169
numerical: -28.975654 analytic: -28.995244, relative error: 3.379303e-04
numerical: 48.866697 analytic: 48.866697, relative error: 6.274050e-12
numerical: 16.762563 analytic: 16.762563, relative error: 1.353703e-11
numerical: 51.719000 analytic: 51.719000, relative error: 5.419848e-13
numerical: 34.657653 analytic: 34.657653, relative error: 2.774503e-12
numerical: -12.155716 analytic: -12.155716, relative error: 4.110508e-11
numerical: 1.544919 analytic: 1.510942, relative error: 1.111887e-02
numerical: 12.871566 analytic: 12.854885, relative error: 6.484290e-04
numerical: -47.174364 analytic: -47.174364, relative error: 7.444645e-12
numerical: -0.466306 analytic: -0.443806, relative error: 2.472205e-02
numerical: -4.083085 analytic: -4.083085, relative error: 1.109454e-10
numerical: 13.340045 analytic: 13.340045, relative error: 3.587123e-12
numerical: 0.861528 analytic: 0.861528, relative error: 4.376815e-10
numerical: 8.238503 analytic: 8.238503, relative error: 2.420306e-11
numerical: 5.651986 analytic: 5.712372, relative error: 5.313629e-03
numerical: -13.594373 analytic: -13.594373, relative error: 1.605655e-12
numerical: -11.023395 analytic: -11.023395, relative error: 3.846707e-11
numerical: -25.628873 analytic: -25.628873, relative error: 1.589220e-11
numerical: -10.922934 analytic: -10.922934, relative error: 1.864324e-11
numerical: -6.793161 analytic: -6.793161, relative error: 2.469798e-11

Naive loss: 9.321169e+00 computed in 0.138057s
Vectorized loss: 9.321169e+00 computed in 0.006166s
difference: -0.000000

Naive loss and gradient: computed in 0.144088s
(500, 10)
Vectorized loss and gradient: computed in 0.005354s
difference: 0.000000

Stochastic Gradient Descent

iteration 0 / 1500: loss 789.956929
iteration 100 / 1500: loss 286.957111
iteration 200 / 1500: loss 108.054238
iteration 300 / 1500: loss 42.851563
iteration 400 / 1500: loss 18.755515
iteration 500 / 1500: loss 10.476052
iteration 600 / 1500: loss 7.454007
iteration 700 / 1500: loss 5.941640
iteration 800 / 1500: loss 5.516817
iteration 900 / 1500: loss 5.062649
iteration 1000 / 1500: loss 5.504820
iteration 1100 / 1500: loss 4.991620
iteration 1200 / 1500: loss 5.268961
iteration 1300 / 1500: loss 5.576416
iteration 1400 / 1500: loss 5.379530
That took 7.905974s
training accuracy: 0.369796
validation accuracy: 0.378000

# Use the validation set to tune hyperparameters (regularization strength and# learning rate). You should experiment with different ranges for the learning# rates and regularization strengths; if you are careful you should be able to# get a classification accuracy of about 0.4 on the validation set.learning_rates = [1e-7, 5e-5]regularization_strengths = [5e4, 1e5]# results is dictionary mapping tuples of the form# (learning_rate, regularization_strength) to tuples of the form# (training_accuracy, validation_accuracy). The accuracy is simply the fraction# of data points that are correctly classified.results = {}best_val = -1   # The highest validation accuracy that we have seen so far.best_svm = None # The LinearSVM object that achieved the highest validation rate.################################################################################# TODO:                                                                        ## Write code that chooses the best hyperparameters by tuning on the validation ## set. For each combination of hyperparameters, train a linear SVM on the      ## training set, compute its accuracy on the training and validation sets, and  ## store these numbers in the results dictionary. In addition, store the best   ## validation accuracy in best_val and the LinearSVM object that achieves this  ## accuracy in best_svm.                                                        ##                                                                              ## Hint: You should use a small value for num_iters as you develop your         ## validation code so that the SVMs don't take much time to train; once you are ## confident that your validation code works, you should rerun the validation   ## code with a larger value for num_iters.                                      #################################################################################passfor i in range(len(learning_rates)):    for j in range(len(regularization_strengths)):        svm = LinearSVM()        svm.train(X_train, y_train, learning_rate=learning_rates[i], reg=regularization_strengths[j],num_iters=1500, verbose=True)        y_train_pred = svm.predict(X_train)        train_acc = (np.mean(y_train == y_train_pred))        y_val_pred = svm.predict(X_val)        valid_acc = (np.mean(y_val == y_val_pred))        results[(learning_rates[i],regularization_strengths[j])] = train_acc,valid_acc        if valid_acc > best_val:            best_val = valid_acc            best_svm = svm#################################################################################                              END OF YOUR CODE                                ################################################################################## Print out results.for lr, reg in sorted(results):    train_accuracy, val_accuracy = results[(lr, reg)]    print 'lr %e reg %e train accuracy: %f val accuracy: %f' % (                lr, reg, train_accuracy, val_accuracy)print 'best validation accuracy achieved during cross-validation: %f' % best_val

iteration 0 / 1500: loss 799.779545
iteration 100 / 1500: loss 292.351218
iteration 200 / 1500: loss 110.462690
iteration 300 / 1500: loss 43.564036
iteration 400 / 1500: loss 18.821538
iteration 500 / 1500: loss 10.338367
iteration 600 / 1500: loss 6.433465
iteration 700 / 1500: loss 6.566043
iteration 800 / 1500: loss 5.455641
iteration 900 / 1500: loss 5.246358
iteration 1000 / 1500: loss 5.279144
iteration 1100 / 1500: loss 5.268271
iteration 1200 / 1500: loss 5.012111
iteration 1300 / 1500: loss 5.404834
iteration 1400 / 1500: loss 5.478970
iteration 0 / 1500: loss 1574.778009
iteration 100 / 1500: loss 213.106899
iteration 200 / 1500: loss 32.626224
iteration 300 / 1500: loss 9.114379
iteration 400 / 1500: loss 6.495307
iteration 500 / 1500: loss 5.586557
iteration 600 / 1500: loss 5.680854
iteration 700 / 1500: loss 5.040575
iteration 800 / 1500: loss 5.680529
iteration 900 / 1500: loss 5.605016
iteration 1000 / 1500: loss 5.837396
iteration 1100 / 1500: loss 6.054111
iteration 1200 / 1500: loss 5.478108
iteration 1300 / 1500: loss 5.388771
iteration 1400 / 1500: loss 5.892955
iteration 0 / 1500: loss 786.731296
iteration 100 / 1500: loss 372589076869931435404747201187846029312.000000
iteration 200 / 1500: loss 61585990370051785004894134177410779318588604347968448883358878335248629760.000000
iteration 300 / 1500: loss 10179670970827104896078110321806246284423900004611290427100234052002452305363258503118939368480524451094462464.000000
iteration 400 / 1500: loss 1682618083295312148842471678978817759687110901366742347187448625071896880179190059955444785031475508580320163065249167013728902881310179493675008.000000
iteration 500 / 1500: loss 278123293213115722097370059754842829514103165147861980829003262265728581496311930776975905372498693007340822399276312865583191924009540020841611894514427147986789234274277083054080.000000
iteration 600 / 1500: loss 45971552900595313116772029731775298161615086412875563312473746890148851650899554535727913980317513350595229797846942222378439358912489297030041266226299675735950339247033183711929521823440364030454612383616670367744.000000
iteration 700 / 1500: loss 7598729511924862306843869847719811454111134463928988065576103889726492053689774080742626421156473555706227478414125142862484512009972445834660067689802748525182554256062059845298727089565150119555369117525512481723395132169001343612422471248716496896.000000
iteration 800 / 1500: loss 1256009130695476514042065188895708694386167197150478807130575071941587750791985204332778572941545839167934144338508622733642684600438543354626241487711673204846488733859201229622235768049134329587590947446520585586993428750974636359652013290906599124339943647917297088091449884107866112.000000
iteration 900 / 1500: loss inf
iteration 1000 / 1500: loss inf
iteration 1100 / 1500: loss inf
iteration 1200 / 1500: loss inf
iteration 1300 / 1500: loss inf
iteration 1400 / 1500: loss inf
iteration 0 / 1500: loss 1544.611375
iteration 100 / 1500: loss 4238678903987820189366779422151797188648360345528845059954184416150988909166920159824040826765763779805042522194269368745984.000000
iteration 200 / 1500: loss 10945328083072100003028181743038293275798547088038776390451287457648334703187769946699615759302360535359122463204117538266218886366287342739804724717868689791260101164228515999586856183176780444739060870167407716397367014815094874657772466601984.000000
iteration 300 / 1500: loss inf
iteration 400 / 1500: loss inf
iteration 500 / 1500: loss inf
iteration 600 / 1500: loss nan
iteration 700 / 1500: loss nan
iteration 800 / 1500: loss nan
iteration 900 / 1500: loss nan
iteration 1000 / 1500: loss nan
iteration 1100 / 1500: loss nan
iteration 1200 / 1500: loss nan
iteration 1300 / 1500: loss nan
iteration 1400 / 1500: loss nan
lr 1.000000e-07 reg 5.000000e+04 train accuracy: 0.364878 val accuracy: 0.368000
lr 1.000000e-07 reg 1.000000e+05 train accuracy: 0.353265 val accuracy: 0.364000
lr 5.000000e-05 reg 5.000000e+04 train accuracy: 0.051306 val accuracy: 0.046000
lr 5.000000e-05 reg 1.000000e+05 train accuracy: 0.100265 val accuracy: 0.087000
best validation accuracy achieved during cross-validation: 0.368000


linear SVM on raw pixels final test set accuracy: 0.368000

0 0