bzoj 1834 网络流(最大流+费用流)

来源:互联网 发布:js选择时间段 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 21:02

题意:n个点,m条无向边,每条边有一个容量和扩容费用(容量扩大1的费用),2个询问:(1)不扩容下的1~N最大流 (2)将最大流增加K的最小费用

强行凑出的网络流经典题么 23333




but,too young too simple,always naive



然后在跑完第一问后,再重新建边 x -> y 容量为正无穷(表示这条边可以一直扩容) 费用为给定费用


注意:第一问的最大流为ans,要求增加K,但我们重现连新边后所得的最大流 比 (ans+k)大,这肯定不是最优的(因为你扩了不用扩的)。为了保证第二问增加的流量为K,我们可以在1号或n号点加一条边,容量为k 费用为0,用来限流,使增加的不超过k


var        n,m,k,ans,l       :longint;        z,ss,st           :longint;        i                 :longint;        vis               :array[0..1010] of boolean;        x,y,cc            :array[0..5010] of longint;        last,que,dis      :array[0..1010] of longint;        father            :array[0..1010] of longint;        pre,other,len,c   :array[0..21010] of longint;function min(a,b:Longint):longint;begin   if a<b then exit(a) else exit(b);end;procedure connect(x,y,z,cost:longint);begin   inc(l);   pre[l]:=last[x];   last[x]:=l;   other[l]:=y;   len[l]:=z;   c[l]:=cost;end;function spfa:boolean;var        i,h,tl,cur,p,q:longint;begin   for i:=1 to st do dis[i]:=maxlongint div 10;   h:=0; tl:=1; que[1]:=ss; dis[ss]:=0;   while (h<>tl) do   begin      h:=h mod 1005+1;      cur:=que[h];      vis[cur]:=false;      q:=last[cur];      while (q<>0) do      begin         p:=other[q];         if (dis[p]>dis[cur]+c[q]) and (len[q]>0) then         begin            dis[p]:=dis[cur]+c[q];            father[p]:=q;            if not vis[p] then            begin               tl:=tl mod 1005+1;               que[tl]:=p;               vis[p]:=true;            end;         end;         q:=pre[q];      end;   end;   if dis[st]=maxlongint div 10 then exit(false) else exit(true);end;procedure update;var        cur,low:longint;begin   low:=maxlongint; cur:=st;   while (cur<>ss) do   begin      low:=min(low,len[father[cur]]);      cur:=other[father[cur] xor 1];   end;   cur:=st;   while (cur<>ss) do   begin      dec(len[father[cur]],low);      inc(len[father[cur] xor 1],low);      inc(ans,low*c[father[cur]]);      cur:=other[father[cur] xor 1];   end;end;function bfs:boolean;var        p,q,cur,h,tl:longint;begin   fillchar(dis,sizeof(dis),0);   h:=0; tl:=1; que[1]:=ss; dis[ss]:=1;   while (h<>tl) do   begin      h:=h mod 1005+1;      cur:=que[h];      q:=last[cur];      while (q<>0) do      begin         p:=other[q];         if (dis[p]=0) and (len[q]>0) then         begin            dis[p]:=dis[cur]+1;            tl:=tl mod 1005+1;            que[tl]:=p;            if p=st then exit(true);         end;         q:=pre[q];      end;   end;   exit(false);end;function dinic(x,flow:longint):longint;var        p,q,tt,rest:longint;begin   if x=st then exit(flow);   rest:=flow;   q:=last[x];   while (q<>0) do   begin      p:=other[q];      if (dis[p]=dis[x]+1) and (len[q]>0) and (rest>0) then      begin         tt:=dinic(p,min(len[q],rest));         dec(len[q],tt);         dec(rest,tt);         inc(len[q xor 1],tt);         if rest=0 then exit(flow);      end;      q:=pre[q];   end;   if rest=flow then dis[x]:=0;   exit(flow-rest);end;begin   read(n,m,k);   ss:=1; st:=n; l:=1;   for i:=1 to m do   begin      read(x[i],y[i],z,cc[i]);      connect(x[i],y[i],z,0);      connect(y[i],x[i],0,0);      //writeln(l);   end;   ans:=0;   while bfs do inc(ans,dinic(ss,maxlongint div 10));   //   write(ans,' ');   for i:=1 to m do   begin      connect(x[i],y[i],maxlongint div 10,cc[i]);      connect(y[i],x[i],0,-cc[i]);   end;   ss:=1; st:=n+1;   connect(n,st,k,0);   connect(st,n,0,0);   //   ans:=0;   while spfa do update;   writeln(ans);end.
——by Eirlys

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