来源:互联网 发布:js获取单选框是否选中 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 06:01

硬件:一般有控制器,控制引脚是输入 输出 中断功能。
   DATA控制寄存器,是输出 0 还是 1.
user manual:
GPFDAT  bits[0-7]
When the port is configured as an input port, the corresponding bit is the
pin state. When the port is configured as an output port, the pin state is
the same as the corresponding bit.
When the port is configured as functional pin, the undefined value will be

If GPF0–GPF7 will be used for wake-up signals at power down mode, the ports will be set in interrupt mode.

#define GPFC (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x56000050)
#define GPFDAT  (*(volatile unsigned long *)0x56000054)

#define GPF4  (1<<8) //configure the bits 8 bit9 8 01 output  bit 8 equal 1
#define GPF5 (1<<(5*2))  配置GPIOF 4 5 6 引脚 配置bit8 10 12 位
#define GPF6 (1<<(6*2)) 

  //GPFDAT = (~(1<<4));   // 根据i的值,点亮LED1,2,4
  GPFDAT = (~(1<<5));    把每个bit位 配置 都是把1<<5,就是配置bit5,~为0 
  /*wait(9000);           (0<<5) 这样是行不通的
  GPFDAT = (~(1<<6));   

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