[hihocoder1490]Tree Restoration恢复树

来源:互联网 发布:网络系统集成课后答案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 10:26


题目2 : Tree Restoration
There is a tree of N nodes which are numbered from 1 to N. Unfortunately, its edges are missing so we don’t know how the nodes are connected. Instead we know:

  1. Which nodes are leaves

  2. The distance (number of edges) between any pair of leaves

  3. The depth of every node (the root’s depth is 1)

  4. For the nodes on the same level, their order from left to right

Can you restore the tree’s edges with these information? Note if node u is on the left of node v, u’s parent should not be on the right of v’s parent.


The first line contains three integers N, M and K. N is the number of nodes. M is the depth of the tree. K is the number of leaves.

The second line contains M integers A1, A2, … AM. Ai represents the number of nodes of depth i.

Then M lines follow. The ith of the M lines contains Ai numbers which are the nodes of depth i from left to right.

The (M+3)-th line contains K numbers L1, L2, … LK, indicating the leaves.

Then a K × K matrix D follows. Dij represents the distance between Li and Lj.

1 ≤ N ≤ 100

For every node from 1 to N output its parent. Output 0 for the root’s parent.

8 3 5
1 3 4
2 3 4
5 6 7 8
3 5 6 7 8
0 3 3 3 3
3 0 2 4 4
3 2 0 4 4
3 4 4 0 2
3 4 4 2 0
0 1 1 1 2 2 4 4


1. 当前层未处理的最左侧节点的父亲节点一定是上一层未处理的且非叶子节点的最左侧节点。
2. 如果两个节点位于同一层且距离为2,那么它们的父亲节点相同。


1. 节点


struct Node {public:    bool leaf_flag;    int name;    int par_name;    Node(bool lf=false,int n=-1,int pn = 0):leaf_flag(lf),name(n),par_name(pn) {}    Node(const Node& n):leaf_flag(n.leaf_flag),name(n.name),par_name(n.par_name) {}    ~Node() {}};

2. 节点集


Node nodes[102];


3. 距离矩阵


struct Dist {public:    int dist[101][101];    Dist() {}    Dist(const Dist& d) {        for (int i = 0;i < 101;++i) {            for (int j = 0;j < 101;++j)                dist[i][j] = d.dist[i][j];        }    }    ~Dist() {}    int& get(int i,int j) {return dist[min(i,j)][max(i,j)];}};


1. 变量声明

    Node nodes[102];    int name2node[102]={0};    int leaves_index[102] = {0};    int N,M,K;    Dist dist;    int m_num[102] = {0},m_sum[102]={0};

2. 数据输入

    cin >> N >> M >> K;    for (int i = 0;i < M;++i) {        cin >> m_num[i];        m_sum[i+1] = m_sum[i]+m_num[i];    }    for (int i = 0;i < M;++i) {        for (int j = 0;j < m_num[i];++j) {            cin >> nodes[m_sum[i]+j].name;            name2node[nodes[m_sum[i]+j].name] = m_sum[i]+j;        }    }    int tmp_leaf_name=0,tmp_leaf_index=-1;    for (int i = 0;i < K;++i) {        cin >> tmp_leaf_name;        tmp_leaf_index = name2node[tmp_leaf_name];        nodes[tmp_leaf_index].leaf_flag = true;        leaves_index[i] = tmp_leaf_index;    }    for (int i = 0;i < K;++i) {        tmp_leaf_index = leaves_index[i];        for (int j = 0;j < K;++j) {            cin >> dist.get(tmp_leaf_index,leaves_index[j]);        }    }

3. 树结构重构


    int cur_index=-1,par_index=-1;    //从底向上处理每层    for (int m = M-1;m > 0;--m) {        //首先处理最左侧的节点        cur_index = m_sum[m];        par_index = m_sum[m-1];        while (cur_index < m_sum[m+1]) {            //寻找未处理的非叶子节点的最左侧的上层节点            while (nodes[par_index].leaf_flag)                ++par_index;            //应用算法规则1            nodes[cur_index].par_name = nodes[par_index].name;            //上层的节点就变为新的叶子节点,所以更新其与其他叶子节点的距离(之后只会使用还未处理的叶子节点之间的距离,所以不用在意会出现距离小于0的部分,因为之后不会用到)            for (int i = 0;i < N;++i)                dist.get(par_index,i) = dist.get(cur_index,i)-1;            //从左到右处理            ++cur_index;            ++par_index;            //应用算法规则2            while (cur_index < m_sum[m+1] && dist.get(cur_index-1,cur_index) == 2) {                nodes[cur_index].par_name = nodes[cur_index-1].par_name;                ++cur_index;            }        }    }

4. 信息输出

    for (int i = 1;i <= N;++i)        cout << nodes[name2node[i]].par_name << ' ';    cout << endl;

5. 全部代码

#include <iostream>#include <fstream>using namespace std;struct Node {public:    bool leaf_flag;    int name;    int par_name;    Node(bool lf=false,int n=-1,int pn = 0):leaf_flag(lf),name(n),par_name(pn) {}    Node(const Node& n):leaf_flag(n.leaf_flag),name(n.name),par_name(n.par_name) {}    ~Node() {}};struct Dist {public:    int dist[101][101];    Dist() {}    Dist(const Dist& d) {        for (int i = 0;i < 101;++i) {            for (int j = 0;j < 101;++j)                dist[i][j] = d.dist[i][j];        }    }    ~Dist() {}    int& get(int i,int j) {return dist[min(i,j)][max(i,j)];}};int main(){//    freopen("input.txt","r",stdin);    Node nodes[102];    int name2node[102]={0};    int leaves_index[102] = {0};    int N,M,K;    Dist dist;    int m_num[102] = {0},m_sum[102]={0};    cin >> N >> M >> K;    for (int i = 0;i < M;++i) {        cin >> m_num[i];        m_sum[i+1] = m_sum[i]+m_num[i];    }    for (int i = 0;i < M;++i) {        for (int j = 0;j < m_num[i];++j) {            cin >> nodes[m_sum[i]+j].name;            name2node[nodes[m_sum[i]+j].name] = m_sum[i]+j;        }    }    int tmp_leaf_name=0,tmp_leaf_index=-1;    for (int i = 0;i < K;++i) {        cin >> tmp_leaf_name;        tmp_leaf_index = name2node[tmp_leaf_name];        nodes[tmp_leaf_index].leaf_flag = true;        leaves_index[i] = tmp_leaf_index;    }    for (int i = 0;i < K;++i) {        tmp_leaf_index = leaves_index[i];        for (int j = 0;j < K;++j) {            cin >> dist.get(tmp_leaf_index,leaves_index[j]);        }    }    int cur_index=-1,par_index=-1;    for (int m = M-1;m > 0;--m) {        cur_index = m_sum[m];        par_index = m_sum[m-1];        while (cur_index < m_sum[m+1]) {            while (nodes[par_index].leaf_flag)                ++par_index;            nodes[cur_index].par_name = nodes[par_index].name;            for (int i = 0;i < N;++i)                dist.get(par_index,i) = dist.get(cur_index,i)-1;            ++cur_index;            ++par_index;            while (cur_index < m_sum[m+1] && dist.get(cur_index-1,cur_index) == 2) {                nodes[cur_index].par_name = nodes[cur_index-1].par_name;                ++cur_index;            }        }    }    for (int i = 1;i <= N;++i)        cout << nodes[name2node[i]].par_name << ' ';    cout << endl;    return 0;}
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