UniversalImageLoader源码解析之 DiskCache

来源:互联网 发布:网页搜索优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:49


    • FileNameGenerator
    • DiskCache
    • tryLoadBitmap
      • UnlimitedDiskCache
      • BaseDiskCache
      • LimitedAgeDiskCache
      • LruDiskCache
        • get
        • save
        • remove
        • clear

上上一篇介绍了 UIL的总体流程源码分析

上一篇blog主要分析了 UIL的任务执行流程!包括 ProcessAndDisplayImageTask & LoadAndDisplayImageTask & DisplayBitmapTask




其二是 FileNameGenerator 及其相关子类!






public class Md5FileNameGenerator implements FileNameGenerator {    private static final String HASH_ALGORITHM = "MD5";    private static final int RADIX = 10 + 26; // 10 digits + 26 letters    @Override    public String generate(String imageUri) {        byte[] md5 = getMD5(imageUri.getBytes());        BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(md5).abs();        return bi.toString(RADIX);    }    private byte[] getMD5(byte[] data) {        byte[] hash = null;        try {            MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(HASH_ALGORITHM);            digest.update(data);            hash = digest.digest();        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {            L.e(e);        }        return hash;    }}
public class HashCodeFileNameGenerator implements FileNameGenerator {    @Override    public String generate(String imageUri) {        return String.valueOf(imageUri.hashCode());    }}




从上面的图可以看出,磁盘缓存最主要的函数就是 save() 、get() 、remove() 、clear()



上一篇介绍 LoadAndDisplayImageTask 的时候说到,当从尝试从内存缓存中获取bitmap失败时,会调用tryLoadBitmap() 函数!

private Bitmap tryLoadBitmap() throws TaskCancelledException {        Bitmap bitmap = null;        try {            // 1. 首先尝试从磁盘缓存中获取对应的缓存文件            File imageFile = configuration.diskCache.get(uri);            if (imageFile != null && imageFile.exists() && imageFile.length() > 0) {                loadedFrom = LoadedFrom.DISC_CACHE;                // 2. 获取成功则解码                bitmap = decodeImage(Scheme.FILE.wrap(imageFile.getAbsolutePath())); // FILE模式包装路径            }            // 3. 从磁盘缓存读取失败            if (bitmap == null || bitmap.getWidth() <= 0 || bitmap.getHeight() <= 0) {                loadedFrom = LoadedFrom.NETWORK;                String imageUriForDecoding = uri;                // 4. 访问网络下载图片文件并保存到磁盘上                if (options.isCacheOnDisk() && tryCacheImageOnDisk()) {                    imageFile = configuration.diskCache.get(uri);                    if (imageFile != null) {                        imageUriForDecoding = Scheme.FILE.wrap(imageFile.getAbsolutePath()); // FILE模式包装路径                    }                }                // 5. 解码文件                bitmap = decodeImage(imageUriForDecoding);                if (bitmap == null || bitmap.getWidth() <= 0 || bitmap.getHeight() <= 0) {                    fireFailEvent(FailType.DECODING_ERROR, null);                }            }        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {            // 省略代码        }        return bitmap;    }



  • diskCache.get(uri)

  • decodeImage()

  • Scheme.FILE.wrap(imageFile.getAbsolutePath())

  • tryCacheImageOnDisk()

diskCache.get(uri) 表示从磁盘缓存中根据uri地址来获取对应的文件!不同的缓存策略有不同的get()实现,这个后面再分析!

Scheme.FILE.wrap(imageFile.getAbsolutePath()) 将图片的路径再包装一下。

Scheme 是一个枚举类

HTTP("http"), HTTPS("https"), FILE("file"), CONTENT("content"), ASSETS("assets"), DRAWABLE("drawable"), UNKNOWN("");        private String scheme;        private String uriPrefix;        Scheme(String scheme) {            this.scheme = scheme;            uriPrefix = scheme + "://";        }
public String wrap(String path) {            return uriPrefix + path;        }






接着来看默认的解码器 – BaseImageDecoder

@Override    public Bitmap decode(ImageDecodingInfo decodingInfo) throws IOException {        Bitmap decodedBitmap;        ImageFileInfo imageInfo;        // 1. 获取图片流        InputStream imageStream = getImageStream(decodingInfo);        if (imageStream == null) {            L.e(ERROR_NO_IMAGE_STREAM, decodingInfo.getImageKey());            return null;        }        // 2. 如果有需要图片大小和旋转,则这里处理一下!        try {            imageInfo = defineImageSizeAndRotation(imageStream, decodingInfo);            imageStream = resetStream(imageStream, decodingInfo);            // 3. 生成解码条件            Options decodingOptions = prepareDecodingOptions(imageInfo.imageSize, decodingInfo);            // 4. 流 转成 Bitmap            decodedBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(imageStream, null, decodingOptions);        } finally {            IoUtils.closeSilently(imageStream);        }        return decodedBitmap;    }


protected InputStream getImageStream(ImageDecodingInfo decodingInfo) throws IOException {        return decodingInfo.getDownloader().getStream(decodingInfo.getImageUri(), decodingInfo.getExtraForDownloader());    }


上上篇文章中提到,UIL类库有个默认的下载器实现类 – BaseImageDownloader


@Override    public InputStream getStream(String imageUri, Object extra) throws IOException {        switch (Scheme.ofUri(imageUri)) {            case HTTP:            case HTTPS:                return getStreamFromNetwork(imageUri, extra);            case FILE:                return getStreamFromFile(imageUri, extra);            case CONTENT:                return getStreamFromContent(imageUri, extra);            case ASSETS:                return getStreamFromAssets(imageUri, extra);            case DRAWABLE:                return getStreamFromDrawable(imageUri, extra);            case UNKNOWN:            default:                return getStreamFromOtherSource(imageUri, extra);        }    }



public static Scheme ofUri(String uri) {            if (uri != null) {                for (Scheme s : values()) {                    if (s.belongsTo(uri)) {                        return s;                    }                }            }            return UNKNOWN;        }        private boolean belongsTo(String uri) {            return uri.toLowerCase(Locale.US).startsWith(uriPrefix);        }

然后通过swich语句判断 进而 调用了 getStreamFromFile()

protected InputStream getStreamFromFile(String imageUri, Object extra) throws IOException {        String filePath = Scheme.FILE.crop(imageUri); // 将包装的地址解析出来        if (isVideoFileUri(imageUri)) { // 判断是否是video文件            return getVideoThumbnailStream(filePath); // 如果是则返回video的缩略图文件        } else {            BufferedInputStream imageStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(filePath), BUFFER_SIZE);            return new ContentLengthInputStream(imageStream, (int) new File(filePath).length());        }    }
OK。分析到这里,通过地址得到了文件流,然后 ImageDecoder 的实现类中解码称为Bitmap对象!


private boolean tryCacheImageOnDisk() throws TaskCancelledException {        boolean loaded;        try {            loaded = downloadImage(); // !!!            // 省略代码        } catch (IOException e) {            L.e(e);            loaded = false;        }        return loaded;    }

重点关注 downloadImage() 从网络(不一定是)下载图片

private boolean downloadImage() throws IOException {        InputStream is = getDownloader().getStream(uri, options.getExtraForDownloader()); // !!!        if (is == null) {            L.e(ERROR_NO_IMAGE_STREAM, memoryCacheKey);            return false;        } else {            try {                return configuration.diskCache.save(uri, is, this);            } finally {                IoUtils.closeSilently(is);            }        }    }

还是调用的下载器的 getStream() 函数!

此时传入的uri 是没有包装过的。

比如:http://site.com/image.png", "file:///mnt/sdcard/image.png


则会调用 getStreamFromNetwork()


则会调用 getStreamFromFile()

protected InputStream getStreamFromNetwork(String imageUri, Object extra) throws IOException {        HttpURLConnection conn = createConnection(imageUri, extra);        int redirectCount = 0;        while (conn.getResponseCode() / 100 == 3 && redirectCount < MAX_REDIRECT_COUNT) {            conn = createConnection(conn.getHeaderField("Location"), extra);            redirectCount++;        }        InputStream imageStream;        try {            imageStream = conn.getInputStream();        } catch (IOException e) {            // Read all data to allow reuse connection (http://bit.ly/1ad35PY)            IoUtils.readAndCloseStream(conn.getErrorStream());            throw e;        }        if (!shouldBeProcessed(conn)) {            IoUtils.closeSilently(imageStream);            throw new IOException("Image request failed with response code " + conn.getResponseCode());        }        return new ContentLengthInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(imageStream, BUFFER_SIZE), conn.getContentLength());    }

从网络获取输入流 通过 HttpURLConnection 方式!



public static DiskCache createDiskCache(Context context, FileNameGenerator diskCacheFileNameGenerator,            long diskCacheSize, int diskCacheFileCount) {        // 1.         File reserveCacheDir = createReserveDiskCacheDir(context);        // 2. 如果设置了磁盘缓存的大小或者磁盘缓存最大文件数,则创建LruDiskCache缓存策略        if (diskCacheSize > 0 || diskCacheFileCount > 0) {            File individualCacheDir = StorageUtils.getIndividualCacheDirectory(context);            try {                return new LruDiskCache(individualCacheDir, reserveCacheDir, diskCacheFileNameGenerator, diskCacheSize,                        diskCacheFileCount);            } catch (IOException e) {                L.e(e);                // continue and create unlimited cache            }        }        // 3. 否则创建UnlimitedDiskCache 缓存策略        File cacheDir = StorageUtils.getCacheDirectory(context);        return new UnlimitedDiskCache(cacheDir, reserveCacheDir, diskCacheFileNameGenerator);    }    private static File createReserveDiskCacheDir(Context context) {        File cacheDir = StorageUtils.getCacheDirectory(context, false);        File individualDir = new File(cacheDir, "uil-images");        if (individualDir.exists() || individualDir.mkdir()) {            cacheDir = individualDir;        }        return cacheDir;    }

两种都涉及到 StorageUtils.getCacheDirectory() 函数!

public static File getCacheDirectory(Context context, boolean preferExternal) {        File appCacheDir = null;        String externalStorageState;        try {            externalStorageState = Environment.getExternalStorageState();        } catch (NullPointerException e) { // (sh)it happens (Issue #660)            externalStorageState = "";        } catch (IncompatibleClassChangeError e) { // (sh)it happens too (Issue #989)            externalStorageState = "";        }        if (preferExternal && MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(externalStorageState) && hasExternalStoragePermission(context)) {            appCacheDir = getExternalCacheDir(context);        }        if (appCacheDir == null) {            appCacheDir = context.getCacheDir();        }        if (appCacheDir == null) {            String cacheDirPath = "/data/data/" + context.getPackageName() + "/cache/";            L.w("Can't define system cache directory! '%s' will be used.", cacheDirPath);            appCacheDir = new File(cacheDirPath);        }        return appCacheDir;    }



public class UnlimitedDiskCache extends BaseDiskCache {    public UnlimitedDiskCache(File cacheDir) {        super(cacheDir);    }    public UnlimitedDiskCache(File cacheDir, File reserveCacheDir) {        super(cacheDir, reserveCacheDir);    }    public UnlimitedDiskCache(File cacheDir, File reserveCacheDir, FileNameGenerator fileNameGenerator) {        super(cacheDir, reserveCacheDir, fileNameGenerator);    }}



public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 32 * 1024; // 默认buffer大小32 Kbpublic static final Bitmap.CompressFormat DEFAULT_COMPRESS_FORMAT = Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG; // 默认存储图片类型public static final int DEFAULT_COMPRESS_QUALITY = 100; // 默认图片质量private static final String TEMP_IMAGE_POSTFIX = ".tmp";


@Override    public boolean save(String imageUri, InputStream imageStream, IoUtils.CopyListener listener) throws IOException {        File imageFile = getFile(imageUri); // 根据uri地址生成目标文件        File tmpFile = new File(imageFile.getAbsolutePath() + TEMP_IMAGE_POSTFIX); // 临时文件        boolean loaded = false;        try {            OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile), bufferSize);            try {                loaded = IoUtils.copyStream(imageStream, os, listener, bufferSize);            } finally {                IoUtils.closeSilently(os);            }        } finally {            if (loaded && !tmpFile.renameTo(imageFile)) {                loaded = false;            }            if (!loaded) {                tmpFile.delete();            }        }        return loaded;    }

先根据imageUri得到目标文件,将imageStream先写入与目标文件同一文件夹的 .tmp 结尾的临时文件内,若写入成功则将临时文件重命名为目标文件并返回 true,否则删除临时文件并返回 false!

@Override    public boolean save(String imageUri, Bitmap bitmap) throws IOException {        File imageFile = getFile(imageUri);        File tmpFile = new File(imageFile.getAbsolutePath() + TEMP_IMAGE_POSTFIX);        OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile), bufferSize);        boolean savedSuccessfully = false;        try {            savedSuccessfully = bitmap.compress(compressFormat, compressQuality, os);        } finally {            IoUtils.closeSilently(os);            if (savedSuccessfully && !tmpFile.renameTo(imageFile)) {                savedSuccessfully = false;            }            if (!savedSuccessfully) {                tmpFile.delete();            }        }        bitmap.recycle();        return savedSuccessfully;    }


@Override    public boolean remove(String imageUri) {        return getFile(imageUri).delete();    }
@Override    public void clear() {        File[] files = cacheDir.listFiles();        if (files != null) {            for (File f : files) {                f.delete();            }        }    }



限制缓存存活周期策略! 它的父类也是 BaseDiskCache

private final long maxFileAge; // 文件最大存活时长private final Map<File, Long> loadingDates = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<File, Long>());
@Override    public boolean save(String imageUri, InputStream imageStream, IoUtils.CopyListener listener) throws IOException {        boolean saved = super.save(imageUri, imageStream, listener);        rememberUsage(imageUri);        return saved;    }    @Override    public boolean save(String imageUri, Bitmap bitmap) throws IOException {        boolean saved = super.save(imageUri, bitmap);        rememberUsage(imageUri);        return saved;    }

调用的都是父类的save() 方法!

private void rememberUsage(String imageUri) {        File file = getFile(imageUri);        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();        file.setLastModified(currentTime);        loadingDates.put(file, currentTime);    }

rememberUsage() 函数的作用是 将当前时间作为文件的最后修改时间,并将【文件–当前时间】作为键值对放到loadingDates中!


@Override    public boolean remove(String imageUri) {        loadingDates.remove(getFile(imageUri));        return super.remove(imageUri);    }
@Override    public File get(String imageUri) {        File file = super.get(imageUri);        if (file != null && file.exists()) {            boolean cached;            Long loadingDate = loadingDates.get(file);            if (loadingDate == null) {                cached = false;                loadingDate = file.lastModified();            } else {                cached = true;            }            if (System.currentTimeMillis() - loadingDate > maxFileAge) {                file.delete();                loadingDates.remove(file);            } else if (!cached) {                loadingDates.put(file, loadingDate);            }        }        return file;    }



LRU – Least Recently Used – 最近最少使用!!

UIL框架中Lru磁盘缓存的主要实现是在 DiskLruCache 类中!



public LruDiskCache(File cacheDir, File reserveCacheDir, FileNameGenerator fileNameGenerator, long cacheMaxSize,            int cacheMaxFileCount) throws IOException {        // 省略代码        this.reserveCacheDir = reserveCacheDir;        this.fileNameGenerator = fileNameGenerator;        initCache(cacheDir, reserveCacheDir, cacheMaxSize, cacheMaxFileCount);    }
private void initCache(File cacheDir, File reserveCacheDir, long cacheMaxSize, int cacheMaxFileCount)            throws IOException {        try {            cache = DiskLruCache.open(cacheDir, 1, 1, cacheMaxSize, cacheMaxFileCount);        } catch (IOException e) {            L.e(e);            if (reserveCacheDir != null) {                initCache(reserveCacheDir, null, cacheMaxSize, cacheMaxFileCount);            }            if (cache == null) {                throw e; //new RuntimeException("Can't initialize disk cache", e);            }        }    }


LruDiskCache 涉及到一个文件 journal


libcore.io.DiskLruCache111DIRTY rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttrCLEAN rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttr 0READ rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttrREAD rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttrDIRTY rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttrCLEAN rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttr 0READ rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttrREAD rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttrDIRTY rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttrCLEAN rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttr 0READ rmceh4pqdt0ks6jse5jmuttr
  • 第一行 – libcore.io.DiskLruCache ,是一个固定的字符串!

  • 第二行 – 1 , 表示DiskLruCache的版本号! 固定值

    static final String VERSION_1 = “1”;

  • 第三行 – 1 ,appVersion, 表示当前app的版本号!

  • 第四行 – 1,表示每个entry对应的value个数,一般都是1

  • 第五行 – 一个空行!

其实 LruDiskCache 的主要实现方法都在 DiskLruCache.java 里面!

public static DiskLruCache open(File directory, int appVersion, int valueCount, long maxSize, int maxFileCount)            throws IOException {        // 省略代码        // 1.         File backupFile = new File(directory, JOURNAL_FILE_BACKUP);        if (backupFile.exists()) {            File journalFile = new File(directory, JOURNAL_FILE);            if (journalFile.exists()) {                backupFile.delete();            } else {                renameTo(backupFile, journalFile, false);            }        }        // 2. 创建DiskLruCache对象        DiskLruCache cache = new DiskLruCache(directory, appVersion, valueCount, maxSize, maxFileCount);        // 3. 如果journal文件存在        if (cache.journalFile.exists()) {            try {                cache.readJournal();                cache.processJournal();                cache.journalWriter = new BufferedWriter(                        new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(cache.journalFile, true), Util.US_ASCII));                return cache;            } catch (IOException journalIsCorrupt) {                System.out                        .println("DiskLruCache "                                + directory                                + " is corrupt: "                                + journalIsCorrupt.getMessage()                                + ", removing");                cache.delete();            }        }        // 3. journal文件不存在        directory.mkdirs();        cache = new DiskLruCache(directory, appVersion, valueCount, maxSize, maxFileCount);        cache.rebuildJournal();        return cache;    }
static final String JOURNAL_FILE = "journal";static final String JOURNAL_FILE_TEMP = "journal.tmp";static final String JOURNAL_FILE_BACKUP = "journal.bkp";

在open() 函数内部:

首先,如果 JOURNAL_FILE_BACKUP (备份文件)存在,当 JOURNAL_FILE 也存在,则将备份文件删除,否则将备份文件重命名为原始文件!

journal.bkp –> journal

接着,构造了DiskLruCache 对象!

然后当 JOURNAL_FILE 存在时,读取文件处理,这里先不细说!

不存在或者读取操作文件异常时,将文件删除!重新创建!并 重建journal 文件!

private final LinkedHashMap<String, Entry> lruEntries = new LinkedHashMap<String, Entry>(0, 0.75f, true);
private synchronized void rebuildJournal() throws IOException {        if (journalWriter != null) {            journalWriter.close();        }        Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(                new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(journalFileTmp), Util.US_ASCII));        try {            writer.write(MAGIC); // libcore.io.DiskLruCache            writer.write("\n");            writer.write(VERSION_1); // 1            writer.write("\n");            writer.write(Integer.toString(appVersion)); // 1            writer.write("\n");            writer.write(Integer.toString(valueCount)); // 1            writer.write("\n");            writer.write("\n"); // 空行            // 遍历map对象,写入文件! DIRTY  或者 CLEAN             for (Entry entry : lruEntries.values()) {                if (entry.currentEditor != null) {                    writer.write(DIRTY + ' ' + entry.key + '\n');                } else {                    writer.write(CLEAN + ' ' + entry.key + entry.getLengths() + '\n');                }            }        } finally {            writer.close();        }        // 当原始文件存在时,原始文件更名为备份文件,作为备份文件!        if (journalFile.exists()) {            renameTo(journalFile, journalFileBackup, true);        }        // 将生成的文件作为原始文件        renameTo(journalFileTmp, journalFile, false);        journalFileBackup.delete();        journalWriter = new BufferedWriter(                new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(journalFile, true), Util.US_ASCII));    }





  1. readJournal()
private void readJournal() throws IOException {        StrictLineReader reader = new StrictLineReader(new FileInputStream(journalFile), Util.US_ASCII);        // 首先去校验journal的前五行!如果失败则抛出IO异常        try {            String magic = reader.readLine();            String version = reader.readLine();            String appVersionString = reader.readLine();            String valueCountString = reader.readLine();            String blank = reader.readLine();            if (!MAGIC.equals(magic)                    || !VERSION_1.equals(version)                    || !Integer.toString(appVersion).equals(appVersionString)                    || !Integer.toString(valueCount).equals(valueCountString)                    || !"".equals(blank)) {                throw new IOException("unexpected journal header: [" + magic + ", " + version + ", "                        + valueCountString + ", " + blank + "]");            }            // 校验成功之后,则while循环按行读取journal文件!lineCount计数!            int lineCount = 0;            while (true) {                try {                    readJournalLine(reader.readLine());                    lineCount++;                } catch (EOFException endOfJournal) {                    break;                }            }            redundantOpCount = lineCount - lruEntries.size(); // redundantOpCount表示剩余操作个数        } finally {            Util.closeQuietly(reader);        }    }
  1. readJournalLine()
private void readJournalLine(String line) throws IOException {        int firstSpace = line.indexOf(' ');        if (firstSpace == -1) {            throw new IOException("unexpected journal line: " + line);        }        int keyBegin = firstSpace + 1;        int secondSpace = line.indexOf(' ', keyBegin);        final String key;        if (secondSpace == -1) {            key = line.substring(keyBegin);            // REMOVE 开头的行需要被移除!            if (firstSpace == REMOVE.length() && line.startsWith(REMOVE)) {                lruEntries.remove(key);                return;            }        } else {            key = line.substring(keyBegin, secondSpace);        }        // 添加到map中!        Entry entry = lruEntries.get(key);        if (entry == null) {            entry = new Entry(key);            lruEntries.put(key, entry);        }        if (secondSpace != -1 && firstSpace == CLEAN.length() && line.startsWith(CLEAN)) {            String[] parts = line.substring(secondSpace + 1).split(" ");            entry.readable = true;            entry.currentEditor = null; // CLEAN 标志的数据editor为空            entry.setLengths(parts); // 如果有长度就设置到entry中        } else if (secondSpace == -1 && firstSpace == DIRTY.length() && line.startsWith(DIRTY)) { // DIRTY 标志的数据 editor不为空,表示当前有编辑对象!            entry.currentEditor = new Editor(entry);        } else if (secondSpace == -1 && firstSpace == READ.length() && line.startsWith(READ)) {            // This work was already done by calling lruEntries.get().        } else {            throw new IOException("unexpected journal line: " + line);        }    }
  1. processJournal()
private void processJournal() throws IOException {        deleteIfExists(journalFileTmp); // 删除临时文件        for (Iterator<Entry> i = lruEntries.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {            Entry entry = i.next();            if (entry.currentEditor == null) {                for (int t = 0; t < valueCount; t++) {                    size += entry.lengths[t];                    fileCount++;                }            } else { // 遇到DIRTY 数据 将editor置为空                entry.currentEditor = null;                for (int t = 0; t < valueCount; t++) {                    deleteIfExists(entry.getCleanFile(t));                    deleteIfExists(entry.getDirtyFile(t));                }                i.remove();            }        }    }

DiskLruCache 涉及到两个静态内部类! Entry & Editor


private final class Entry {        private final String key;        /** entry对应文件的长度 */        private final long[] lengths;        private boolean readable;        /** 对应的编辑对象 */        private Editor currentEditor;        /** 序列号 */        private long sequenceNumber;        private Entry(String key) {            this.key = key;            this.lengths = new long[valueCount]; // valueCount通常为1        }        // 省略代码...    }
public final class Editor {        private final Entry entry;        private final boolean[] written;        private boolean hasErrors;        private boolean committed;        private Editor(Entry entry) {            this.entry = entry;            this.written = (entry.readable) ? null : new boolean[valueCount];        }        /**         * 读取CLEAN文件流         */        public InputStream newInputStream(int index) throws IOException {            synchronized (DiskLruCache.this) {                if (entry.currentEditor != this) {                    throw new IllegalStateException();                }                if (!entry.readable) {                    return null;                }                try {                    return new FileInputStream(entry.getCleanFile(index));                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {                    return null;                }            }        }        /**         * InputStream -> String         */        public String getString(int index) throws IOException {            InputStream in = newInputStream(index);            return in != null ? inputStreamToString(in) : null;        }        /**             * 返回一个输出流         */        public OutputStream newOutputStream(int index) throws IOException {            synchronized (DiskLruCache.this) {                if (entry.currentEditor != this) {                    throw new IllegalStateException();                }                if (!entry.readable) {                    written[index] = true;                }                File dirtyFile = entry.getDirtyFile(index);                FileOutputStream outputStream;                try {                    outputStream = new FileOutputStream(dirtyFile);                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {                    // Attempt to recreate the cache directory.                    directory.mkdirs();                    try {                        outputStream = new FileOutputStream(dirtyFile);                    } catch (FileNotFoundException e2) {                        // We are unable to recover. Silently eat the writes.                        return NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM;                    }                }                return new FaultHidingOutputStream(outputStream); // FaultHidingOutputStream封装了OutputStream的基本操作!!!            }        }        /**  */        public void set(int index, String value) throws IOException {            Writer writer = null;            try {                writer = new OutputStreamWriter(newOutputStream(index), Util.UTF_8);                writer.write(value);            } finally {                Util.closeQuietly(writer);            }        }        /**         * 提交一次修改!         */        public void commit() throws IOException {            if (hasErrors) {                completeEdit(this, false);                remove(entry.key); // The previous entry is stale.            } else {                completeEdit(this, true);            }            committed = true;        }        /**         * 中断修改         */        public void abort() throws IOException {            completeEdit(this, false);        }        public void abortUnlessCommitted() {            if (!committed) {                try {                    abort();                } catch (IOException ignored) {                }            }        }    }

不管提交修改还是中断修改都是调用的 completeEdit() 函数!

private synchronized void completeEdit(Editor editor, boolean success) throws IOException {        Entry entry = editor.entry;        if (entry.currentEditor != editor) { // entry的编辑对象不对应时抛出异常!            throw new IllegalStateException();        }        // ...        for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {            File dirty = entry.getDirtyFile(i);            if (success) { // 如果编辑成功!                if (dirty.exists()) { // 将DIRTY文件转成CLEAN                    File clean = entry.getCleanFile(i);                    dirty.renameTo(clean);                    long oldLength = entry.lengths[i];                    long newLength = clean.length();                    entry.lengths[i] = newLength;                    size = size - oldLength + newLength;                    fileCount++;                }            } else {                deleteIfExists(dirty);            }        }        redundantOpCount++;        entry.currentEditor = null; // 编辑完毕将editor置空        if (entry.readable | success) {            entry.readable = true;            // journal中写入一条CLEAN记录            journalWriter.write(CLEAN + ' ' + entry.key + entry.getLengths() + '\n');            if (success) {                entry.sequenceNumber = nextSequenceNumber++;            }        } else { // 移除一条记录并写入REMOVE             lruEntries.remove(entry.key);            journalWriter.write(REMOVE + ' ' + entry.key + '\n');        }        journalWriter.flush();        // !!! journalRebuildRequired        if (size > maxSize || fileCount > maxFileCount || journalRebuildRequired()) {            executorService.submit(cleanupCallable);        }    }

在方法最后调用了 journalRebuildRequired() ,用来判断是否需要重建journal文件!

private boolean journalRebuildRequired() {        final int redundantOpCompactThreshold = 2000; // 阈值为2000        return redundantOpCount >= redundantOpCompactThreshold //                && redundantOpCount >= lruEntries.size();    }

其实在DiskLruCache中 remove、get、editor操作都会使 redundantOpCount + 1。


private final Callable<Void> cleanupCallable = new Callable<Void>() {        public Void call() throws Exception {            synchronized (DiskLruCache.this) {                if (journalWriter == null) {                    return null; // Closed.                }                trimToSize();                trimToFileCount();                if (journalRebuildRequired()) {                    rebuildJournal();                    redundantOpCount = 0;                }            }            return null;        }    };

任务中执行了 rebuildJournal() 重新生成journal文件!




public synchronized Snapshot get(String key) throws IOException {        checkNotClosed(); // 1. 首先检查writer对象是否已经被关闭。        validateKey(key); // 2. 验证key 是否符合规则        Entry entry = lruEntries.get(key);        // ... 省略代码        File[] files = new File[valueCount];        InputStream[] ins = new InputStream[valueCount];        try {            File file;            for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {                file = entry.getCleanFile(i);                files[i] = file;                ins[i] = new FileInputStream(file);            }        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {            // ... 省略代码        }        redundantOpCount++;  // +1        journalWriter.append(READ + ' ' + key + '\n'); // 写入READ操作        if (journalRebuildRequired()) { // 是否需要重建journal文件!如果是则执行cleanup!            executorService.submit(cleanupCallable);        }        // 返回一个Snapshot对象!        return new Snapshot(key, entry.sequenceNumber, files, ins, entry.lengths);    }
// 正则验证是否合乎规则!private void validateKey(String key) {        Matcher matcher = LEGAL_KEY_PATTERN.matcher(key);        if (!matcher.matches()) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("keys must match regex [a-z0-9_-]{1,64}: \"" + key + "\"");        }    }

重点看SnapShot对象! – 快照!– 用来保存entry的快照信息!

内部封装了getInputStream() getLength() getFile() 等操作

public final class Snapshot implements Closeable {        private final String key;        private final long sequenceNumber;        private File[] files;        private final InputStream[] ins;        private final long[] lengths;        private Snapshot(String key, long sequenceNumber, File[] files, InputStream[] ins, long[] lengths) {            this.key = key;            this.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber;            this.files = files;            this.ins = ins;            this.lengths = lengths;        }        public Editor edit() throws IOException {            return DiskLruCache.this.edit(key, sequenceNumber);        }        public File getFile(int index) {            return files[index];        }        public InputStream getInputStream(int index) {            return ins[index];        }        public String getString(int index) throws IOException {            return inputStreamToString(getInputStream(index));        }        // ...    }



@Override    public File get(String imageUri) {        DiskLruCache.Snapshot snapshot = null;        try {            snapshot = cache.get(getKey(imageUri));            return snapshot == null ? null : snapshot.getFile(0);        } catch (IOException e) { }    }




@Override    public boolean save(String imageUri, InputStream imageStream, IoUtils.CopyListener listener) throws IOException {        DiskLruCache.Editor editor = cache.edit(getKey(imageUri));        OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(editor.newOutputStream(0), bufferSize);        copied = IoUtils.copyStream(imageStream, os, listener, bufferSize);        if (copied) {                editor.commit();            } else {                editor.abort();            }        return copied;    }



@Override    public boolean remove(String imageUri) {        try {            return cache.remove(getKey(imageUri));        } catch (IOException e) {            L.e(e);            return false;        }    }

调用DiskLruCache中的remove() 函数!

public synchronized boolean remove(String key) throws IOException {        checkNotClosed(); // 验证writer        validateKey(key); // 验证key        Entry entry = lruEntries.get(key);        for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) {            File file = entry.getCleanFile(i);            if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) { // 删除CLEAN文件                throw new IOException("failed to delete " + file);            }            size -= entry.lengths[i];            fileCount--;            entry.lengths[i] = 0;        }        redundantOpCount++; // +1        journalWriter.append(REMOVE + ' ' + key + '\n'); // 写入REMOVE操作记录        lruEntries.remove(key);        if (journalRebuildRequired()) { // 是否需要重建journal            executorService.submit(cleanupCallable);        }        return true;    }



@Override    public void clear() {        try {            cache.delete();        } catch (IOException e) {            L.e(e);        }        try {            initCache(cache.getDirectory(), reserveCacheDir, cache.getMaxSize(), cache.getMaxFileCount());        } catch (IOException e) {            L.e(e);        }    }

显示调用DiskLruCache的delete() 函数,接着又执行了一遍初始化缓存到 操作!

public void delete() throws IOException {        close();        Util.deleteContents(directory);    }

delete() 函数很简单,直接将缓存目录删除!包括缓存的图片文件和journal文件!

然后调用 initCache 函数重加缓存目录和journal文件!!




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