my presentation2

来源:互联网 发布:linux 修改文件时间戳 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 14:50
/*Question3.1:The question is to let us write a program to print out the element in the list*/#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>typedef int ElementType;#ifndef _List_H#define _List_Hstruct Node;typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;typedef PtrToNode List;typedef PtrToNode Position;List MakeEmpty( List L );int IsEmpty( List L );int IsLast( Position P, List L );Position Find( ElementType X, List L );void Delete( ElementType X, List L );Position FindPrevious( ElementType X, List L );void Insert( ElementType X, List L, Position P );void DeleteList( List L );Position Header( List L );Position First( List L );ElementType Retrieve( Position P );#endif    /* _List_H */#define Error( Str )        FatalError( Str )#define FatalError( Str )   fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", Str ), exit( 1 )struct Node{    ElementType Element;    Position    Next;};List        MakeEmpty( List L )        {            if( L != NULL )                DeleteList( L );            L = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) );            if( L == NULL )                FatalError( "Out of memory!" );            L->Next = NULL;            return L;        }/* START: fig3_8.txt */        /* Return true if L is empty */        int        IsEmpty( List L )        {            return L->Next == NULL;        }/* END *//* START: fig3_9.txt */        /* Return true if P is the last position in list L */        /* Parameter L is unused in this implementation */        int IsLast( Position P, List L )        {            return P->Next == NULL;        }/* END *//* START: fig3_10.txt */        /* Return Position of X in L; NULL if not found */        Position        Find( ElementType X, List L )        {            Position P;/* 1*/      P = L->Next;/* 2*/      while( P != NULL && P->Element != X )/* 3*/          P = P->Next;/* 4*/      return P;        }/* END *//* START: fig3_11.txt */        /* Delete from a list */        /* Cell pointed to by P->Next is wiped out */        /* Assume that the position is legal */        /* Assume use of a header node */        void        Delete( ElementType X, List L )        {            Position P, TmpCell;            P = FindPrevious( X, L );            if( !IsLast( P, L ) )  /* Assumption of header use */            {                      /* X is found; delete it */                TmpCell = P->Next;                P->Next = TmpCell->Next;  /* Bypass deleted cell */                free( TmpCell );            }        }/* END *//* START: fig3_12.txt */        /* If X is not found, then Next field of returned value is NULL */        /* Assumes a header */        Position        FindPrevious( ElementType X, List L )        {            Position P;/* 1*/      P = L;/* 2*/      while( P->Next != NULL && P->Next->Element != X )/* 3*/          P = P->Next;/* 4*/      return P;        }/* END *//* START: fig3_13.txt */        /* Insert (after legal position P) */        /* Header implementation assumed */        /* Parameter L is unused in this implementation */        void        Insert( ElementType X, List L, Position P )        {            Position TmpCell;/* 1*/      TmpCell = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) );/* 2*/      if( TmpCell == NULL )/* 3*/          FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );/* 4*/      TmpCell->Element = X;/* 5*/      TmpCell->Next = P->Next;/* 6*/      P->Next = TmpCell;        }/* END */#if 0/* START: fig3_14.txt */        /* Incorrect DeleteList algorithm */        void        DeleteList( List L )        {            Position P;/* 1*/      P = L->Next;  /* Header assumed *//* 2*/      L->Next = NULL;/* 3*/      while( P != NULL )            {/* 4*/          free( P );/* 5*/          P = P->Next;            }        }/* END */#endif/* START: fig3_15.txt */        /* Correct DeleteList algorithm */        void        DeleteList( List L )        {            Position P, Tmp;/* 1*/      P = L->Next;  /* Header assumed *//* 2*/      L->Next = NULL;/* 3*/      while( P != NULL )            {/* 4*/          Tmp = P->Next;/* 5*/          free( P );/* 6*/          P = Tmp;            }        }/* END */        Position        Header( List L )        {            return L;        }        Position        First( List L )        {            return L->Next;        }        Position        Advance( Position P )        {            return P->Next;        }        ElementType        Retrieve( Position P )        {            return P->Element;        }
/*the definition of list.h*/voidPrintList( const List L ){    Position P = Header( L );    if( IsEmpty( L ) )        printf( "Empty list\n" );    else    {        do        {            P = Advance( P );            printf( "%d ", Retrieve( P ) );        } while( !IsLast( P, L ) );        printf( "\n" );    }}int main(){List L;Position P;    int a,b,c;L=MakeEmpty(NULL);    P=Header(L);    printf("please input the length of the list: ");scanf("%d",&b);for(a=0;a<b;a++){printf("please input the %dth number: ",a+1);scanf("%d",&c);Insert(c,L,P);P=Advance(P);}printf("\n");PrintList(L);DeleteList(L);return 0;}

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