ORB-SLAM2应用练习:三维重建系统搭建 (2)

来源:互联网 发布:金手指手机炒股软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 19:58





    class Camera    {    public:        virtual bool open(int index) = 0;               virtual void close() = 0;        virtual bool image(Mat & im) = 0;        virtual ~Camera() {}       };



    class Parameter    {    public:        /**         * @Title: load / save         * @Description: Set/save camera parameter by .yaml file.         * @param: dir, path of the file.         * @param: cam, name of the Parameter object in the setting file.        */        virtual void load(const string & dir, const string & cam);        virtual void save(const string & dir, const string & cam);        void setIntrinsicMatrix(double fx, double fy, double cx, double cy);        void setDistortionVector(double k1, double k2, double p1, double p2, double k3 = 0.0);        void setResolution(int width, int height);        Mat getIntrinsicMatrix() const { return intrinsic; }        Mat getDistortion() const { return distortion; }        Size getResolution() const { return resolution; }    protected:        // These write and read functions must be defined for the serialization in FileStorage to work        friend void write(FileStorage & fs, const string & dir, const Parameter & x);        friend void read(const FileNode & node, Parameter & x, const Parameter & default_value);        Mat intrinsic, distortion;        Size resolution;    }


void Camera::Parameter::load(const string & dir, const string & cam){    FileStorage fs(dir, FileStorage::READ);    fs[cam] >> (*this);}void read(const FileNode & node, Camera::Parameter & x, const Camera::Parameter & default_value){    if (node.empty())        x = default_value;    else    {        double fx, fy, cx, cy, k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, width, height;        node["fx"] >> fx;        node["fy"] >> fy;        node["cx"] >> cx;        node["cy"] >> cy;        node["k1"] >> k1;        node["k2"] >> k2;        node["p1"] >> p1;        node["p2"] >> p2;        node["k3"] >> k3;        node["width"] >> width;        node["height"] >> height;        x.setIntrinsicMatrix(fx, fy, cx, cy);        x.setDistortionVector(k1, k2, p1, p2, k3);        x.setResolution(width, height);    }}



void Camera::Parameter::setIntrinsicMatrix(double fx, double fy, double cx, double cy){    intrinsic = Mat_<double>(3, 3) << fx, 0, cx, 0, fy, cy, 0, 0, 1;}void Camera::Parameter::setDistortionVector(double k1, double k2, double p1, double p2, double k3){    distortion = Mat_<double>(5, 1) << k1, k2, p1, p2, k3;}void Camera::Parameter::setResolution(int width, int height){    resolution.width = width;    resolution.height = height;}


void Camera::Parameter::save(const string & dir, const string & cam){    FileStorage fs(dir, FileStorage::WRITE);    fs << cam << (*this);}void write(FileStorage & fs, const string & dir, const Camera::Parameter & x){    fs << "{"        << "fx" << x.intrinsic.at<double>(0, 0)        << "fy" << x.intrinsic.at<double>(1, 1)        << "cx" << x.intrinsic.at<double>(0, 2)        << "cy" << x.intrinsic.at<double>(1, 2)        << "k1" << x.distortion.at<double>(0, 0)        << "k2" << x.distortion.at<double>(1, 0)        << "p1" << x.distortion.at<double>(2, 0)        << "p2" << x.distortion.at<double>(3, 0)        << "k3" << x.distortion.at<double>(4, 0)        << "width" << x.resolution.width        << "height" << x.resolution.height        << "}";}


#pragma once#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>#include <string>using std::string;using cv::Mat;using cv::Size;using cv::FileStorage;using cv::FileNode;namespace scs{    class Camera    {    public:        class Parameter        {        public:            /**             * @Title: load / save             * @Description: Set/save camera parameter by .yaml file.             * @param: dir, path of the file.             * @param: cam, name of the Parameter object in the setting file.            */            virtual void load(const string & dir, const string & cam);            virtual void save(const string & dir, const string & cam);            void setIntrinsicMatrix(double fx, double fy, double cx, double cy);            void setDistortionVector(double k1, double k2, double p1, double p2, double k3 = 0.0);            void setResolution(int width, int height);            Mat getIntrinsicMatrix() const { return intrinsic; }            Mat getDistortion() const { return distortion; }            Size getResolution() const { return resolution; }        protected:            // These write and read functions must be defined for the serialization in FileStorage to work            friend void write(FileStorage & fs, const string & dir, const Parameter & x);            friend void read(const FileNode & node, Parameter & x, const Parameter & default_value);            Mat intrinsic, distortion;            Size resolution;        } param;    public:        virtual bool open(int index) = 0;        virtual void close() = 0;        virtual bool image(Mat & im) = 0;        virtual ~Camera() {}       };} /// Namespace scs



namespace scs{    class ImageReader : public Camera    {       public:        bool open(int index) override;        void close() override {}        bool image(Mat & im) override;        void reset() { iterator = start; }    private:        string dir, suffix;        int width, start, end, iterator;    };}


  • dir:指定数据集的路径
  • suffix:指定图像格式,jpg或png等等
  • width:数字场宽
  • start:图像开始编号
  • end:最后一张的编号
  • iterator:标识现在到了第几张图像



// ImageReader.cpp#include "ImageReader.h"#include <iostream>using namespace cv;using namespace std;bool scs::ImageReader::open(int index){    cout        << "Open Camera " << index << ": " << endl        << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " << endl        << "Input |   dir   |   suffix   |   width   |   start   |   end   |" << endl        << ">>>: ";    cin >> dir >> suffix >> width >> start >> end;    reset();    return true;}bool scs::ImageReader::image(Mat & frame){    char name[256];    if (iterator > end)    {        reset();        frame = Mat();    }    sprintf_s(name, "%s/%0*d.%s", dir.c_str(), width, iterator++, suffix.c_str());    frame = imread(name);    return frame.data != nullptr;}



// CameraFactory.h#pragma once#include "Camera.h"namespace scs{    class CameraFactory    {    public:        enum Type        {            ImageReader        };    public:        static Camera * make(CameraFactory::Type type);    };}

现在,用户要使用相机时,仅需要知道相机在CameraFactory中的型号就好了,各种各样烦人的头文件(如ImageReader.h,JAI.h, Pylon.h,Balser.h等等)全都封装了起来,这一步如同封装ORB-SLAM2一般。该工厂类的实现是:

// CameraFactory.cpp#include "CameraFactory.h"#include "ImageReader.h"namespace scs{    Camera * CameraFactory::make(CameraFactory::Type type)    {        switch (type)        {        case scs::CameraFactory::ImageReader:            return new scs::ImageReader;        default:            return nullptr;        }    }}



#include "CameraFactory.h"#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>using namespace cv;using namespace scs;int main(){    Camera * cam = CameraFactory::make(CameraFactory::Type::ImageReader);    cam->open(0);    Mat frame;    int c = 0;    while (c != 27 && cam->image(frame))    {        imshow("Frame", frame);        c = waitKey(10);    }    return 0;}

