Android A/B System OTA分析(三)主系统和bootloader的通信

来源:互联网 发布:运营商网络监控软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 04:17


Android从7.0开始引入新的OTA升级方式,A/B System Updates,这里将其叫做A/B系统,涉及的内容较多,分多篇对A/B系统的各个方面进行分析。本文为第三篇,主系统和bootloader的通信。

本文基于AOSP 7.1.1_r23 (NMF27D)代码进行分析。

1. 传统系统的沟通机制


struct bootloader_message {    char command[32];    char status[32];    char recovery[768];    /* The 'recovery' field used to be 1024 bytes.  It has only ever     * been used to store the recovery command line, so 768 bytes     * should be plenty.  We carve off the last 256 bytes to store the     * stage string (for multistage packages) and possible future     * expansion.*/    char stage[32];    char reserved[224];};
  1. android系统或recovery系统根据操作更新bootloader_messagecommand成员,并写入misc分区;
  2. bootloader启动后读取misc分区并解析得到bootloader_message,根据command内容选择相应的操作,command可能的内容包括:

    • "update-radio/hboot" 
      • 指示bootloader更新firmware
    • "boot-recovery" 
      • 指示bootloader加载recovery系统,进入recovery mode

2. A/B系统的沟通机制

2.1 boot_control的接口定义



/** * Every hardware module must have a data structure named HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM * and the fields of this data structure must begin with hw_module_t * followed by module specific information. */typedef struct boot_control_module {    struct hw_module_t common;    /*     * (*init)() perform any initialization tasks needed for the HAL.     * This is called only once.     */    /* init 用于HAL初始化调用,仅启动时调用一次 */    void (*init)(struct boot_control_module *module);    /*     * (*getNumberSlots)() returns the number of available slots.     * For instance, a system with a single set of partitions would return     * 1, a system with A/B would return 2, A/B/C -> 3...     */    /* 返回系统slot分区套数,1套slot包含boot, system和vendor分区 */    unsigned (*getNumberSlots)(struct boot_control_module *module);    /*     * (*getCurrentSlot)() returns the value letting the system know     * whether the current slot is A or B. The meaning of A and B is     * left up to the implementer. It is assumed that if the current slot     * is A, then the block devices underlying B can be accessed directly     * without any risk of corruption.     * The returned value is always guaranteed to be strictly less than the     * value returned by getNumberSlots. Slots start at 0 and     * finish at getNumberSlots() - 1     */    /* 返回系统当前所在的slot位置 */    unsigned (*getCurrentSlot)(struct boot_control_module *module);    /*     * (*markBootSuccessful)() marks the current slot     * as having booted successfully     *     * Returns 0 on success, -errno on error.     */    /* 标记当前slot为已经成功启动 */    int (*markBootSuccessful)(struct boot_control_module *module);    /*     * (*setActiveBootSlot)() marks the slot passed in parameter as     * the active boot slot (see getCurrentSlot for an explanation     * of the "slot" parameter). This overrides any previous call to     * setSlotAsUnbootable.     * Returns 0 on success, -errno on error.     */    /* 标记指定slot为可启动 */    int (*setActiveBootSlot)(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot);    /*     * (*setSlotAsUnbootable)() marks the slot passed in parameter as     * an unbootable. This can be used while updating the contents of the slot's     * partitions, so that the system will not attempt to boot a known bad set up.     * Returns 0 on success, -errno on error.     */    /* 标记指定slot为不可启动 */    int (*setSlotAsUnbootable)(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot);    /*     * (*isSlotBootable)() returns if the slot passed in parameter is     * bootable. Note that slots can be made unbootable by both the     * bootloader and by the OS using setSlotAsUnbootable.     * Returns 1 if the slot is bootable, 0 if it's not, and -errno on     * error.     */    /* 返回指定slot是否可启动 */    int (*isSlotBootable)(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot);    /*     * (*getSuffix)() returns the string suffix used by partitions that     * correspond to the slot number passed in parameter. The returned string     * is expected to be statically allocated and not need to be freed.     * Returns NULL if slot does not match an existing slot.     */    /* 返回指定slot的系统分区后缀,例如“_a”/“_b”等 */    const char* (*getSuffix)(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot);    /*     * (*isSlotMarkedSucessful)() returns if the slot passed in parameter has     * been marked as successful using markBootSuccessful.     * Returns 1 if the slot has been marked as successful, 0 if it's     * not the case, and -errno on error.     */    /* 返回指定slot是否已经标记为成功启动 */    int (*isSlotMarkedSuccessful)(struct boot_control_module *module, unsigned slot);    void* reserved[31];} boot_control_module_t;

2.2 boot_control的存储和功能实现



  • Google平台的Brillo
  • Intel平台的edison
  • QualComm

2.2.1 Google平台Brillo的实现

AOSP代码中,system\extra\boot_control_copy 定义了bootctrl.default实现:

$ ls -lh system/extras/boot_control_copy/total 36K-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users  458 Mar 31 08:50 1 ygu users  11K Mar 31 08:50 NOTICE-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 7.7K Mar 31 08:50 boot_control_copy.c-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 5.1K Mar 31 08:50 bootinfo.c-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 2.0K Mar 31 08:50 bootinfo.h


  • bootinfo.h定义了结构体BrilloSlotInfoBrilloBootInfo


    typedef struct BrilloSlotInfo {  uint8_t bootable : 1;  uint8_t reserved[3];} BrilloSlotInfo;typedef struct BrilloBootInfo {  // Used by fs_mgr. Must be NUL terminated.  char bootctrl_suffix[4];  // Magic for identification - must be 'B', 'C', 'c' (short for  // "boot_control copy" implementation).  uint8_t magic[3];  // Version of BrilloBootInfo struct, must be 0 or larger.  uint8_t version;  // Currently active slot.  uint8_t active_slot;  // Information about each slot.  BrilloSlotInfo slot_info[2];  uint8_t reserved[15];} BrilloBootInfo;



  • bootinfo.c实现了对BrilloBootInfo进行存取操作的接口

    • 存取操作 
      • bool boot_info_load(BrilloBootInfo *out_info)
      • bool boot_info_save(BrilloBootInfo *info)
    • 校验和复位操作 
      • bool boot_info_validate(BrilloBootInfo* info)
      • void boot_info_reset(BrilloBootInfo* info)
    • 指定分区的打开操作 
      • int boot_info_open_partition(const char *name, uint64_t *out_size, int flags)
  • boot_control_copy.c实现了boot_control模块的功能

    /* This boot_control HAL implementation emulates A/B by copying the * contents of the boot partition of the requested slot to the boot * partition. It hence works with bootloaders that are not yet aware * of A/B. This code is only intended to be used for development. */boot_control_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {  .common = {    .tag                 = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,    .module_api_version  = BOOT_CONTROL_MODULE_API_VERSION_0_1,    .hal_api_version     = HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,    .id                  = BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,    .name                = "Copy Implementation of boot_control HAL",    .author              = "The Android Open Source Project",    .methods             = &module_methods,  },  .init                 = module_init,  .getNumberSlots       = module_getNumberSlots,  .getCurrentSlot       = module_getCurrentSlot,  .markBootSuccessful   = module_markBootSuccessful,  .setActiveBootSlot    = module_setActiveBootSlot,  .setSlotAsUnbootable  = module_setSlotAsUnbootable,  .isSlotBootable       = module_isSlotBootable,  .getSuffix            = module_getSuffix,};


2.2.2 Intel平台edison的实现


$ ls -lh hardware/bsp/intel/soc/common/bootctrl/total 20K-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users  860 Mar 31 08:47 1 ygu users 9.1K Mar 31 08:47 bootctrl.c-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 1.5K Mar 31 08:47 bootctrl.h


  • bootctrl.h定义了结构体slot_metadata_tboot_ctrl_t


    #define BOOT_CONTROL_VERSION    1typedef struct slot_metadata {    uint8_t priority : 4;    uint8_t tries_remaining : 3;    uint8_t successful_boot : 1;} slot_metadata_t;typedef struct boot_ctrl {    /* Magic for identification - '\0ABB' (Boot Contrl Magic) */    uint32_t magic;    /* Version of struct. */    uint8_t version;    /* Information about each slot. */    slot_metadata_t slot_info[2];    uint8_t recovery_tries_remaining;} boot_ctrl_t;



  • bootctrl.c实现了boot_ctrl_t存取操作和boot_control的模块功能

    • boot_ctrl_t存取操作 
      • int bootctrl_read_metadata(boot_ctrl_t *bctrl)
      • int bootctrl_write_metadata(boot_ctrl_t *bctrl)
    • boot_control模块功能

      /* Boot Control Module implementation */boot_control_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {    .common = {        .tag                 = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,        .module_api_version  = BOOT_CONTROL_MODULE_API_VERSION_0_1,        .hal_api_version     = HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,        .id                  = BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,        .name                = "boot_control HAL",        .author              = "Intel Corporation",        .methods             = &bootctrl_methods,    },    .init                 = bootctrl_init,    .getNumberSlots       = bootctrl_get_number_slots,    .getCurrentSlot       = bootctrl_get_current_slot,    .markBootSuccessful   = bootctrl_mark_boot_successful,    .setActiveBootSlot    = bootctrl_set_active_boot_slot,    .setSlotAsUnbootable  = bootctrl_set_slot_as_unbootable,    .isSlotBootable       = bootctrl_is_slot_bootable,    .getSuffix            = bootctrl_get_suffix,};



2.2.3 QualComm平台的实现


$ ls -lh hardware/qcom/bootctrl/total 28K-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users  944 Mar 31 08:47 1 ygu users 1.5K Mar 31 08:47 NOTICE-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users  19K Mar 31 08:47 boot_control.cpp

GPT内容的第3个逻辑块LBA 2开始,依次存放的是每个GPT分区的详细信息Partition Entry,单个Partition Entry占用128个字节,从其第48个字节开始存放的是分区属性(Attribute flags)。A/B系统将每个slot分区的信息,存放到分区属性的Bit 48开始的位置上。





  • 统计系统中boot开头的分区数作为slot总数(见get_number_slots函数)
  • 访问系统的属性ro.boot.slot_suffix来确定当前系统在哪一个slot上运行(见get_current_slot函数)

2.3.4 Broadcom机顶盒平台的实现


$ ls -lh vendor/broadcom/bcm_platform/hals/boot_control/total 20K-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 1.3K Mar 30 16:09 1 ygu users  11K May  6 16:26 boot_control.cpp-rw-r--r-- 1 ygu users 1.1K Mar 30 16:09 eio_boot.h
  • eio_boot.h定义了结构体eio_boot_sloteio_boot


    struct eio_boot_slot {   char suffix[8];   int  valid;   int  boot_try;   int  boot_ok;   int  boot_fail;};struct eio_boot {   int    magic;   int    current;   struct eio_boot_slot slot[2];};


  • boot_control.cpp实现了eio_boot存取操作和boot_control的模块功能

    struct boot_control_module HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {   .common = {      .tag                = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,      .module_api_version = BOOT_CONTROL_MODULE_API_VERSION_0_1,      .hal_api_version    = HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,      .id                 = BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,      .name               = "boot control hal for bcm platform",      .author             = "Broadcom",      .methods            = &boot_control_module_methods,      .dso                = 0,      .reserved           = {0}    },    .init                    = init,    .getNumberSlots          = getNumberSlots,    .getCurrentSlot          = getCurrentSlot,    .markBootSuccessful      = markBootSuccessful,    .setActiveBootSlot       = setActiveBootSlot,    .setSlotAsUnbootable     = setSlotAsUnbootable,    .isSlotBootable          = isSlotBootable,    .getSuffix               = getSuffix,    .isSlotMarkedSuccessful  = isSlotMarkedSuccessful,};


2.3 boot_control的测试工具



PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \  update_engine \  update_verifier \  bootctl


bcm7252ssffdr4:/ $ subcm7252ssffdr4:/ # which bootctl/system/bin/bootctlbcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl --helpbootctl - command-line wrapper for the boot_control HAL.Usage:  bootctl COMMANDCommands:  bootctl hal-info                       - Show info about boot_control HAL used.  bootctl get-number-slots               - Prints number of slots.  bootctl get-current-slot               - Prints currently running SLOT.  bootctl mark-boot-successful           - Mark current slot as GOOD.  bootctl set-active-boot-slot SLOT      - On next boot, load and execute SLOT.  bootctl set-slot-as-unbootable SLOT    - Mark SLOT as invalid.  bootctl is-slot-bootable SLOT          - Returns 0 only if SLOT is bootable.  bootctl is-slot-marked-successful SLOT - Returns 0 only if SLOT is marked GOOD.  bootctl get-suffix SLOT                - Prints suffix for SLOT.SLOT parameter is the zero-based slot-number.64|bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # 64|bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl hal-infoHAL name:            boot control hal for bcm platformHAL author:          BroadcomHAL module version:  0.1bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl get-number-slots2bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl get-current-slot0bcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl get-suffix 0_ibcm7252ssffdr4:/ # bootctl get-suffix 1_e

最后的bootctl get-suffix调用可以看到,在我的测试平台上,slot Aslot B的分区命名后缀分别为_i_e


  • system/extras/tests/bootloader
  • external/autotest/server/site_tests/brillo_BootLoader


2.4 boot_control的调用

2.4.1 bootloader读取boot_control私有实现的数据


2.4.1 boot_control_android调用boot_control


// The Android implementation of the BootControlInterface. This implementation// uses the libhardware's boot_control HAL to access the bootloader.class BootControlAndroid : public BootControlInterface { ... private:  // NOTE: There is no way to release/unload HAL implementations so  // this is essentially leaked on object destruction.  boot_control_module_t* module_;  ...};


bool BootControlAndroid::Init() {  const hw_module_t* hw_module;  int ret;#ifdef _UE_SIDELOAD  // For update_engine_sideload, we simulate the hw_get_module() by accessing it  // from the current process directly.  # 对于update_engine_sideload应用,直接将HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM转换为hw_module  hw_module = &HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM;  ret = 0;  if (!hw_module ||      strcmp(BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, hw_module->id) != 0) {    ret = -EINVAL;  }#else  // !_UE_SIDELOAD  # 对于update_engine应用,通过BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID获取hw_module  ret = hw_get_module(BOOT_CONTROL_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID, &hw_module);#endif  // _UE_SIDELOAD  if (ret != 0) {    LOG(ERROR) << "Error loading boot_control HAL implementation.";    return false;  }  # 通过hw_module得到boot_control_module_t,从而后面可以愉快地调用其各种功能实现函数  module_ = reinterpret_cast<boot_control_module_t*>(const_cast<hw_module_t*>(hw_module));  # 调用boot_control的init函数  module_->init(module_);  LOG(INFO) << "Loaded boot_control HAL "            << "'" << hw_module->name << "' "            << "version " << (hw_module->module_api_version>>8) << "."            << (hw_module->module_api_version&0xff) << " "            << "authored by '" << hw_module->author << "'.";  return true;}


2.4.2 update_verifier调用boot_control


int main(int argc, char** argv) {  ...  # 直接根据名称"bootctrl"获取模块  const hw_module_t* hw_module;  if (hw_get_module("bootctrl", &hw_module) != 0) {    SLOGE("Error getting bootctrl module.\n");    return -1;  }  # 将"bootctrl"模块转化为"boot_control_module_t"结构体  boot_control_module_t* module = reinterpret_cast<boot_control_module_t*>(      const_cast<hw_module_t*>(hw_module));  # 调用init  module->init(module);  # 获取当前slot  unsigned current_slot = module->getCurrentSlot(module);  # 检查当前slot是否标记为successful  int is_successful= module->isSlotMarkedSuccessful(module, current_slot);  SLOGI("Booting slot %u: isSlotMarkedSuccessful=%d\n", current_slot, is_successful);  # 如果当前slot没有标记为successful,说明当前启动可能存在问题  if (is_successful == 0) {    // The current slot has not booted successfully.    # 检查"ro.boot.verifymode",是否其它原因导致失败    # 不是其它原因导致失败的情况下,重新调用verify_image验证    ...    # verify_image验证成功,尝试标记当前slot为successful    int ret = module->markBootSuccessful(module);    if (ret != 0) {      SLOGE("Error marking booted successfully: %s\n", strerror(-ret));      return -1;    }    SLOGI("Marked slot %u as booted successfully.\n", current_slot);  }  # 完成操作,退出update_verifier  SLOGI("Leaving update_verifier.\n");  return 0;}


0 0
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 牙蛀严重且牙根松动怎么办 蛀牙伤到神经了怎么办 给客户发错邮件怎么办外贸 cf没有枪声和脚步声怎么办 穿越火线fps太低怎么办 win10玩cf没有声音怎么办 儿子死了欠的钱怎么办 儿子欠银行的钱怎么办 惹了社会上的混混怎么办 我是五年级惹上混混怎么办 孩子挨欺负家长怎么办幼儿园 孩子被同学欺负不敢上学怎么办 孩子被欺负不敢还手怎么办 2个月的婴儿内热怎么办 孩子把别人打了怎么办 学生在学校被打怎么办 妈和老丈人搞外遇怎么办? 丈人住在双方出资房中怎么办 金木水火土缺水怎么办? 练太极注意不集中怎么办 白色裙子被染色了怎么办 两边的头发向外翘怎么办 感冒的前兆来了怎么办 压腿把筋拉伤了怎么办 压腿压不下去了怎么办 床的气压杆坏了怎么办 床打开压不下去怎么办 裤子大了怎么办小窍门 小孩不准守课堂纪律怎么办 学生在学校体育课受伤怎么办 手指被篮球砸肿了怎么办 眼睛被篮球砸了怎么办 宝宝被篮球砸了怎么办 手被篮球砸肿了怎么办 上体育课时脚不慎扭伤怎么办 孩子受伤没有参加考试怎么办 如果我想离婚对方不愿意怎么办 金龙自切尾怎么办 微信无法正常打开怎么办 大三下体育挂了怎么办 大二体育挂科了怎么办