hatuoj 1300 HEX----组合数+逆元+思维 山东省第八届省赛D题

来源:互联网 发布:黑帽seo基础 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:51

问题 1300. – HEX

1300: HEX

时间限制: 4 秒  内存限制: 128 MB
提交: 26  解决: 9
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On a plain
of hexagonal grid, we define a step as one move from the current grid to the
lower/lower-left/lower-right grid. For example, we can move from (1,1) to
(2,1), (2,2) or (3,2).

In thefollowing graph we give a demonstrate of how this coordinate system works.

Your taskis to calculate how many possible ways can you get to grid(A,B) from gird(1,1),where A and B represent the grid is on the B-th position of the A-th line.


For each test case, two integers A
(1<=A<=100000) and B (1<=B<=A) are given in a line, process till
the end of file, the number of test cases is around 1200.


each case output one integer in a line, the number of ways to get to the
destination MOD 1000000007.


1 1 
3 2
100000 100000





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题意 就是从 1,1开始每次向 ↙ ↓ ↘这几个方向移动,给一个坐标,问到那个点有多少种走法

这肯定是排列组合题目,先把到一个点向左向右走的步数算出来,向左就是 n-m 向右是 m-1 (大佬推出来的规律) ,设 C是竖着走的步数,则走到一个点需要 l+r+c步 ,先把向左向右走看成一个 C(l+r+c,c)(向左向右走的所有情况的个数)这就是 C(l+r+c,c) C(l+r,r)就是所有情况,然后枚举c就可以了
看的大佬的博客都是(l+r+c) ! / ( l! * r! c!) 就是 C(l+r+c,c) C(l+r,r)化简的结果,会减一半时间

注意 除法取余 逆元(需打表,要不会超时)

#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;#define mod 1000000007#define ll long longll re[100009];ll vi[100009];ll poww(ll a,ll b){    ll ans=1;    while(b)    {        if(b&1) ans=(ans*a)%mod;        b>>=1;        a=(a*a)%mod;    }    return ans;}void intt(){    re[0]=1;    vi[0]=1;    for(int i=1;i<=100003;i++)    {        re[i]=(i*re[i-1])%mod;        vi[i]=poww(re[i],mod-2)%mod;        //cout<<vi[i]<<endl;    }}ll  C(int a,int b){    return  (re[a]*(vi[a-b]%mod*vi[b]%mod)%mod)%mod;}int main(){   // ios::sync_with_stdio(false);    ll n,m;    intt();    while(cin>>n>>m)    {   ll ans=0;        //int i=m;       int l=n-m,r=m-1;       int c=0;     //  int k=l+r-1;       while(l>=0&&0<=r)       {           ans+=C(l+r+c,c)*C(l+r,r)%mod;          // ans+=re[l+r+c]*(vi[l]%mod*vi[r]%mod*vi[c]%mod)%mod;           ans%=mod;           c++;           l--;           r--;       }        cout<<ans<<endl;    }    return 0;}