Radeon Bios Editor 1.18(RBE) FAQ翻译

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Radeon Bios Editor 1.18(RBE)  FAQ翻译

-by lw
-scu wangjiang campus

修改ATI显卡BIOS需要Radeon Bios Editor,我翻译了里面的FAQ(常见问题)放于下面。水平有限,很多都是“意译”,并且是自己理解的意译,肯定有很多不对之处,请对照英文原文看。

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Q: Why do I get three dashes instead of a number in some of the 'voltage' boxes?
A: Those voltages are 'fused', as ATI calls it. I suppose this means that it's the driver that sets these voltages. However, you can just leave this as it is or you can overwrite the dashes with any numeric value you like.
: ATI说,这些电压是上了保险的。我猜这是让驱动程序设置这些电压,可以不管或用你喜欢的数字替代它。(不过建议还是不要改,除非显卡废了随时有钱买过)。

Q: Why can't I use commas in the value boxes? For example, I'd like to set 1,2 volt in state 3.
A: This is often asked by german users. Remind that in english speaking countries the dot is used instead of a comma, so using a dot will work fine here. For example, just enter '1.2' instead of '1,2' (without the inverted commas respectively).

Q: What's that 'BIOS had been pre-modified using RBE' checkbox for?
A: Just FYI. With RBE v1.08, you can finally load BIOS files modified using RBE before. However, it is strongly recommended to modify original BIOS files only. Sometimes, this checkbox raises false alarm. In those cases, the BIOS file doesn't fulfill some conventions. You don't need to worry about that.
问:'BIOS had been pre-modified using RBE'’BIOS 已被RBE修改过了的)检查框是干啥用的?

Q: What states/modes do I have to change to get a nice and creamy overclocking experience?
A: Depends on what card you have. As a rule of thumb, it should be a good idea to increase the values that are 'high' already. For example, consider you have a 3870 and load your BIOS into RBE. You may find yourself facing some slots viewing 300 MHz, 777 MHz and maybe also some viewing 700 MHz (for GPU clock respectively). Even though the 777 MHz will be the clocks interesting for 3D applications, it can be a good idea to set the 700 MHz slots to the increased value of you choice also. Especially if you experience problems with overclocking like not applying OC-values during 3D fullscreen applications. Furthermore, sometimes it is necessary to reinstall you video card driver after flashing your BIOS.

Q: What's that fan settings stuff?
A: For most 3xx0-cards, you can modify the settings controlling the built-in automatic transfer function controlling the fan. Alternatively, you can modify the look up table values. The graph always showes how changed values affect the fan curve. For any further information, just use the hints in the fan settings tab. If you are using look up table mode, note that you can enter any thresholds you like (from 0 to 120 °C, values far beyond 100 °C shouldn't be too useful) and for the fan speed any value from 0 to 100%.

Q: In RBE's info tab, there are some boxes for displaying RAM amount, type, interface and video card interface. My card's RAM amount and interface are not displayed properly. In fact, there is nothing displayed for RAM amount and interface at all. Why? Is that a problem, maybe an indicator that my BIOS is not fully supported?
A: This should be no problem. Some BIOSes simply do not contain the RAM amount and interface used for information. On boot up, the BIOS program does some trial and error to find out about these values, but this is impossible by just loading (i.e. not RUNNING) the BIOS. Don't worry: This is only an optical issue and will not affect any of RBE's functions at all.

Q: Can RBE remove the 862 MHz lock of my 3850/3870?
A: This 'lock' is not even a lock in terms of a limited overclocking regulation at all. It's more of a programming error in early versions of the BIOS code itself. Thus, this 'lock' can't be unlocked by a simple patch. The BIOS needs to be completely rewritten, so the only way to remove that lock is to download a more recent version of a BIOS suitable for your video card. See the Techpowerup.com VGA database for this. However: Overclocking to more than 862 MHz using RBE (not by software tools using overdrive) seems to be possible. But I need more testing on that. If you wish to try, feel free to do so and drop me a line if it worked.

Q: I can't gain any more overclocking headroom by increasing the voltage. Why? What's the maximum safe voltage setting?
A: You can enter 1000 volts to these slots if you want. Well, you shouldn't. It depends on the card, what it makes of it. There are cards that seem to not have a changeable voltage transformer at all, but most cards transformers will limit at about 1.4 volts. RBE correctly programmes the BIOS to set the voltage entered, but due to hardware limitation, this might not be enough. You need to convince yourself using a multimeter to be sure about your voltages. Use google to find out how. If you reached the hardware limit, a hardware mod like the famous 'pencil mod' (many tuturials can be found in the internet) is inevitable.

Q: Are you certain I can modify my 3870 X2 BIOS using RBE? I heard rumors about problems with it.
A: Yes, you can alter a 3870 X2 BIOS. Due to this card actually has 2 boards with 2 BIOSes, you have to flash the exact same BIOS file to both of the boards. I don't know if this can be done using WinFlash, but I'm certain ATIFlash can do the job!
问:你肯定我可以用RBE修改3870 X2 BIOS?我听到一些问题谣言。
答:是的,可以修改3870 X2 BIOS。由于这显卡实际有两块板子和两个BIOS,你要刷相同的BIOS到两块板子上。我不清楚WinFlash能否刷成功,但肯定ATIFlash能刷。

Q: The displayed Tslope in the fan tab sometimes doesn't match the value I am sure to be programmed into the BIOS after loading it. I checked it twice using RivaTuner. Why?
A: RivaTuner properly displayes the programmend value. However, this programmed value sometimes doesn't make sense. RBE calculates the Tslope accurately matching the Tmin/Tmax-settings programmed. So, this value sometimes differs.

Q: What's with the sub vendor and video card ID?
A: With RBE, you can change the vendor of your video card (the actual board; the chip comes from ATI, of course). So if you like your card reporting to be produced by 3DFX, you can set it. Also, if you like your 2900 pro reporting to be a 3870 X2, you can do it. Please note that after changing a vendor, your display driver needs to be reinstalled.
Changing the video card type is highly dangerous and not recommended! Reinstalling video card driver is necessary as well, but the driver will detect the card wrongly of course and install a not matching driver. So, please play around with this powerful setting if you really know what you're doing only!
答:用RBE可以修改显卡厂商(只是板卡,芯片还是ATI的,此点无疑)。如果你喜欢3DFX,可修改之。同样,喜欢2900 pro被认为3870 X2,可修改之。要说的是,修改厂商后要重装驱动。

Q: The BIOS checksum displayed in RBE sometimes differs from the one displayed in WinFlash. Why?
A: This is a well known error in WinFlash. As you can convince yourself with almost any hex editor, the checksum displayed by RBE is the correct one. WinFlash simply doesn't use the whole file as a basis for its calculation but only the portion of the file that's reported as the file's size inside the file. Because 4870 BIOSes are 128 kB in size and the size is often reported wrongly here, WinFlash will display rubbish. RBE will capture this issue for you, however. There should be no need to worry about this.
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