深度学习第一课 第四周 深层神经网络用python的实现

来源:互联网 发布:家用健身器材 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 08:59



import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport h5py#%matplotlib inlinedef load_data():    x_train_set = h5py.File('datasets/train_catvnoncat.h5','r')    x_train = np.array(x_train_set['train_set_x'][:])    y_train = np.array(x_train_set['train_set_y'][:])    x_test_set  = h5py.File('datasets/test_catvnoncat.h5','r')    x_test  = np.array(x_test_set['test_set_x'][:])    y_test  = np.array(x_test_set['test_set_y'][:])    num_px  = x_train.shape[1]    x_train = x_train.reshape(-1,num_px*num_px*3).T    x_test  = x_train.reshape(-1,num_px*num_px*3).T    y_train = y_train.reshape(1,-1)    y_test  = y_test.reshape(1,-1)    label_names = np.array(x_test_set['list_classes'][:])    x_train = x_train / 255.0    x_test  = x_test / 255.0    return  x_train,x_test,y_train,y_test,label_namesx_train, x_test,y_train,y_test,label_names = load_data()units_list = [x_train.shape[0],100,20,7,1]activation_list = ['None','relu','relu','relu','sigmoid']learning_rate = 0.0055def sigmoid_forward(Z):    '''    sigmoid function do calc of z =1.0/(1+exp(-x))    return  z    '''    A = 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-Z))    assert(Z.shape == A.shape)    return Adef sigmoid_backward(dA,Z):    '''    Inputs:    dA: the backprop derivations of A    Z:  in forwardprop A = g(Z)    return:    dZ: the gradient of Z    '''    temp_A = sigmoid_forward(Z)    # dZ = dA*A(1-A)    dZ = np.multiply(dA,np.multiply(temp_A,(1.0-temp_A)))    assert(dA.shape == dZ.shape)    return dZdef relu_forward(Z):    '''    relu calc    '''    A = np.maximum(0,Z)    assert(A.shape == Z.shape)    return Adef relu_backward(dA,Z):    '''    relu backprop calc    '''    dZ = np.copy(dA)    dZ[Z<0] = 0.0    assert(dA.shape == dZ.shape)    return dZ   def init(X,units_list):    '''    function used to init variables about to use    Inputs:    X: inputs values used to train model    units_list: list structure ,length is layer number, values represents units names(inputs as the 0 layers as first layers)    Outputs:    parameters : W,b  in every layers    caches: Z,A  in every layers    gradients : dZ,dA,dW,db in every layers    '''    np.random.seed(1)    n_layers = len(units_list)    m_samples = X.shape[1]    parameters = []    caches = []    gradients = []    for i in range(n_layers):        param_temp = {}        cache_temp = {}        grad_temp  = {}        if (i==0):            param_temp['W'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],units_list[i])*0.01  # will not used             param_temp['b'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],1)*0.01              # will not used             cache_temp['Z'] = X                                                  # will not be used            cache_temp['A'] = X                                                  #!!!!!!  trainning values important             grad_temp['dW'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],units_list[i])*0.01  # will not used             grad_temp['db'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i])*0.01  # will not used             grad_temp['dA'] = np.random.randn(X.shape[0],X.shape[1])*0.01    # will not used             grad_temp['dZ'] = np.random.randn(X.shape[0],X.shape[1])*0.01    # will not used             parameters.append(param_temp)            caches.append(cache_temp)            gradients.append(grad_temp)        else:            param_temp['W'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],units_list[i-1])*0.01            param_temp['b'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],1)*0.01            cache_temp['Z'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],m_samples)*0.01                          cache_temp['A'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],m_samples)*0.01            grad_temp['dW'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],units_list[i-1])*0.01            grad_temp['db'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],1)*0.01            grad_temp['dA'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],m_samples)*0.01            grad_temp['dZ'] = np.random.randn(units_list[i],m_samples)*0.01            parameters.append(param_temp)            caches.append(cache_temp)            gradients.append(grad_temp)    return parameters, caches, gradients# para,cach,grad = init(x_train,units_list)# for i in range(len(units_list)):    # print('out in:',i,'layers, w,b,, z,a, dw,db,dz,dz shapes')    # print(para[i]['W'].shape,para[i]['b'].shape)      # print(cach[i]['Z'].shape,cach[i]['A'].shape)    # print(grad[i]['dW'].shape,grad[i]['db'].shape,grad[i]['dA'].shape,grad[i]['dZ'].shape)def linear_forward(X,W,b):    '''    calc the preocess w*x + b    '''    Z = np.dot(W,X) + b    assert(Z.shape[0] == W.shape[0])    assert(Z.shape[1] == X.shape[1])    return Zdef linear_activation_forward(A_prev,W,b,activation='None'):    '''    function is a single layer calc    return cache parameters    outputs cache values of Z,A    '''    Z = linear_forward(A_prev,W,b)    if(activation == 'relu'):        A = relu_forward(Z)    elif(activation == 'sigmoid'):        A = sigmoid_forward(Z)    else:        A = Z        print('wrong in activation function!!!')    assert(Z.shape == A.shape)    return Z,Adef n_layers_forward(parameters,caches,activation_list):    '''    this function calc the caches use w,b and Aprev    '''    n_layers = len(activation_list)    for i in range(1,n_layers):        A_prev = caches[i-1]['A']        W = parameters[i]['W']        b = parameters[i]['b']        activation = activation_list[i]        caches[i]['Z'], caches[i]['A'] = linear_activation_forward(A_prev,W,b,activation)    return cachesdef linear_backward(dZ,Aprev):    '''    single layers in linear calc backprop calc     Inputs:    dZ: gradients of loss to ith layers' Z    Aprev: cache values in (i-1) layers' matrix A    Outputs:    dW: gradients of loss to ith layers' W    db: gradients of loss to ith layers' b    '''    m_samples = dZ.shape[1]    dW = np.dot(dZ, Aprev.T)/np.float(m_samples)    db = np.sum(dZ,axis=1,keepdims=True)/np.float(m_samples)    return dW, dbdef linear_activation_backward(Z,Aprev,Wplus,dZplus,activation):    '''    used to calc single layer's dZ,dA,dW,db    Inputs:    Z    : matrix of i th layers    Aprev: matrix of previous layers    Wplus: parameters of W of i+1 th layers    dZplus: dz gradients of (i+1)th layers    activation: activation function    Outputs:    dA: dA gradients of i th layers    dZ: dZ gradients of i th layers    dW: dW gradients of i th layers    db: db gradients of i th layers    '''    dA = np.dot(Wplus.T,dZplus)    if (activation == 'sigmoid'):        dZ = sigmoid_backward(dA,Z)    elif(activation == 'relu'):        dZ = relu_backward(dA,Z)    else:        dZ = dA        print('Wrong in calc dz,da,dw,db')    dW,db = linear_backward(dZ,Aprev)    return dZ,dA,dW,dbdef n_layers_backward(Y,parameters,caches,gradients, activation_list):    '''    used to calc the n_layers gradients    Inputs:    parameters: w,b every layer model to learn    caches:     Z,A every layers    gradients:  used as inputs    activation_list: every layers activation_function    Outputs:    gradients: cost function  gradients to every in dA,dZ,dW,db     '''    n_layers = len(activation_list)    for i in range(n_layers-1,0,-1):        activation = activation_list[i]        Z = caches[i]['Z']        A = caches[i]['A']        Aprev = caches[i-1]['A']        if (i == n_layers -1):            gradients[i]['dA'] = -np.divide(Y,A) + np.divide((1.0-Y),(1.0-A))            dA = gradients[i]['dA']            gradients[i]['dZ'] = sigmoid_backward(dA,Z)            dZ = gradients[i]['dZ']            gradients[i]['dW'],gradients[i]['db'] = linear_backward(dZ,Aprev)        else:            Wplus = parameters[i+1]['W']            dZplus = gradients[i+1]['dZ']            gradients[i]['dZ'],gradients[i]['dA'],gradients[i]['dW'],gradients[i]['db'] = \            linear_activation_backward(Z,Aprev,Wplus,dZplus,activation)    return gradientsdef update_parameters(parameters,gradients,learning_rate):    '''    function used to update parameters w,b    Inputs:    parameters,gradients,learning_rate    Outputs:     parameters: updated parameters    '''    n_layers = len(parameters)    #print('shape of learning_rate',learning_rate)    for i in range(1,n_layers):        assert(parameters[i]['W'].shape == gradients[i]['dW'].shape)        assert(parameters[i]['b'].shape == gradients[i]['db'].shape)        parameters[i]['W']  += -learning_rate*gradients[i]['dW']        parameters[i]['b']  += -learning_rate*gradients[i]['db']    return parametersdef cost_function(AL,Y):    '''    function to calc cost values    Inputs: AL last layers' cache matrix A    Y: labeled samples targets    Outputs:    loss: total cost function values    '''    m_samples = Y.shape[1]    AL.reshape(-1,1)    Y.reshape(-1,1)    loss = np.dot(Y.T,np.log(AL)) + np.dot((1.0-Y).T,np.log(1.0-AL))    loss = -loss / np.float(m_samples)    loss = loss.reshape(-1,1)    loss = loss[0]    return lossdef predict(AL,Y):    '''    function use learned parameters to predict     Inputs:    AL: last layer cache matrix    Y: labeled datas    Outputs:    accuracy: the predict accuracy real number    '''    AL = AL.reshape(-1,1)    Y  = Y.reshape(-1,1)    m_samples = Y.shape[0]    counts = 0.0    for i in range(m_samples):        if AL[i] >=0.5:            AL[i] = 1.0        else:            AL[i] = 0.0    accuracy = np.sum(AL == Y)/np.float(m_samples)    return accuracydef learning_process(X,Y,units_list,activation_list,learning_rate = 0.0075):    '''    function used to learn model     Inputs:    X: inputs data including features    Y: labeled data    learning_rate: learning_rate    units_list :  layers length and layers units number    activation_list: activations in each layer    Outputs:    parameters: learned W b in all layers    loss: total cost function in convergence        '''    n_layers = len(units_list)    num_epoch = 200000    loss_list = []    accuracy_list = []    steps = []    plt.ion()    plt.figure(1)    plt.figure(2)    loss_temp = 0.0    parameters, caches, gradients = init(X,units_list)    for i in range(num_epoch):        caches = n_layers_forward(parameters,caches,activation_list)        loss = cost_function(caches[n_layers-1]['A'],Y)        dloss = np.abs(loss-loss_temp)/(np.abs(loss)+1.0e-15)        loss_temp = loss        gradients = n_layers_backward(Y,parameters,caches,gradients,activation_list)        parameters = update_parameters(parameters,gradients,learning_rate)        if(i%200 == 0):            steps.append(i)            loss_list.append(loss)            accuracy_list.append(predict(caches[n_layers-1]['A'],Y))            print('The trainning steps is {0} total loss is: {1} residual is:{2}'.format(i,loss,dloss))            print('The trainning accuracy is {0}'.format(accuracy_list[-1]))            plt.figure(1)            line1,=plt.plot(steps,loss_list,'r',linewidth=1.5)            plt.xlabel('Trainning steps')            plt.ylabel('Total loss values')            plt.legend([line1],['total loss'],loc = 'best')            plt.figure(2)            line2, = plt.plot(steps,accuracy_list,'g',linewidth=1.5)            plt.xlabel('Trainning steps')            plt.ylabel('Trainning Accuracy')            plt.legend([line2],['Trainning Accuracy'],loc='best')            plt.pause(0.01)    return parameters, lossparameters,loss = learning_process(x_train,y_train,units_list,activation_list,learning_rate)print('final loss is:',loss)



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