
来源:互联网 发布:性格测试软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 07:51

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# This file is part of the Horus Project__author__ = 'Jes煤s Arroyo Torrens <>'__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Mundo Reader S.L.'__license__ = 'GNU General Public License v2'import numpy as npfrom scipy import optimizefrom horus import Singletonfrom horus.engine.calibration.calibration import CalibrationCancelfrom horus.engine.calibration.moving_calibration import MovingCalibrationimport logginglogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)class PlatformExtrinsicsError(Exception):    def __init__(self):        Exception.__init__(self, "PlatformExtrinsicsError")estimated_t = [-5, 90, 320]@Singletonclass PlatformExtrinsics(MovingCalibration):    """Platform extrinsics algorithm:            - Rotation matrix            - Translation vector    """    def __init__(self):        self.image = None        self.has_image = False        MovingCalibration.__init__(self)    def _initialize(self):        self.image = None        self.has_image = True = False        self.x = []        self.y = []        self.z = []    def _capture(self, angle):        image = self.image_capture.capture_pattern()        pose = self.image_detection.detect_pose(image)        if pose is not None:            plane = self.image_detection.detect_pattern_plane(pose)            if plane is not None:                distance, normal, corners = plane                self.image = self.image_detection.draw_pattern(image, corners)                if corners is not None:                    origin = corners[self.pattern.columns * (self.pattern.rows - 1)][0]                    origin = np.array([[origin[0]], [origin[1]]])                    t = self.point_cloud_generation.compute_camera_point_cloud(                        origin, distance, normal)                    if t is not None:                        self.x += [t[0][0]]                        self.y += [t[1][0]]                        self.z += [t[2][0]]        else:            self.image = image    def _calibrate(self):        self.has_image = False = True        self.t = None        self.x = np.array(self.x)        self.y = np.array(self.y)        self.z = np.array(self.z)        points = zip(self.x, self.y, self.z)        if len(points) > 4:            # Fitting a plane            point, normal = fit_plane(points)            if normal[1] > 0:                normal = -normal            # Fitting a circle inside the plane            center, self.R, circle = fit_circle(point, normal, points)            # Get real origin            self.t = center - self.pattern.origin_distance * np.array(normal)  "Platform calibration ")  " Translation: " + str(self.t))  " Rotation: " + str(self.R).replace('\n', ''))  " Normal: " + str(normal))        if self._is_calibrating and self.t is not None and \           np.linalg.norm(self.t - estimated_t) < 100:            response = (True, (self.R, self.t, center, point, normal,                        [self.x, self.y, self.z], circle))        else:            if self._is_calibrating:                response = (False, PlatformExtrinsicsError())            else:                response = (False, CalibrationCancel())        self._is_calibrating = False        self.image = None        return response    def accept(self):        self.calibration_data.platform_rotation = self.R        self.calibration_data.platform_translation = self.t    def set_estimated_size(self, estimated_size):        global estimated_t        estimated_t = estimated_sizedef distance2plane(p0, n0, p):    return, np.array(p) - np.array(p0))def residuals_plane(parameters, data_point):    px, py, pz, theta, phi = parameters    nx, ny, nz = np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi), np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), np.cos(theta)    distances = [distance2plane(        [px, py, pz], [nx, ny, nz], [x, y, z]) for x, y, z in data_point]    return distancesdef fit_plane(data):    estimate = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  # px,py,pz and zeta, phi    # you may automize this by using the center of mass data    # note that the normal vector is given in polar coordinates    best_fit_values, ier = optimize.leastsq(residuals_plane, estimate, args=(data))    xF, yF, zF, tF, pF = best_fit_values    # point  = [xF,yF,zF]    point = data[0]    normal = -np.array([np.sin(tF) * np.cos(pF), np.sin(tF) * np.sin(pF), np.cos(tF)])    return point, normaldef residuals_circle(parameters, points, s, r, point):    r_, s_, Ri = parameters    plane_point = s_ * s + r_ * r + np.array(point)    distance = [np.linalg.norm(plane_point - np.array([x, y, z])) for x, y, z in points]    res = [(Ri - dist) for dist in distance]    return resdef fit_circle(point, normal, points):    # creating two inplane vectors    # assuming that normal not parallel x!    s = np.cross(np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array(normal))    s = s / np.linalg.norm(s)    r = np.cross(np.array(normal), s)    r = r / np.linalg.norm(r)  # should be normalized already, but anyhow    # Define rotation    R = np.array([s, r, normal]).T    estimate_circle = [0, 0, 0]  # px,py,pz and zeta, phi    best_circle_fit_values, ier = optimize.leastsq(        residuals_circle, estimate_circle, args=(points, s, r, point))    rF, sF, RiF = best_circle_fit_values    # Synthetic Data    center_point = sF * s + rF * r + np.array(point)    synthetic = [list(center_point + RiF * np.cos(phi) * r + RiF * np.sin(phi) * s)                 for phi in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 50)]    [cxTupel, cyTupel, czTupel] = [x for x in zip(*synthetic)]    return center_point, R, [cxTupel, cyTupel, czTupel]

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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 华为指纹和密码解锁解不开怎么办 华为荣耀5x死机怎么办 华为荣耀开不了机怎么办 荣耀10开不了机怎么办 乐视pro3变砖了怎么办 手机升级后开不了机怎么办 华为g750开不了机怎么办 手机变砖怎么办插电没反应 变砖手机不通电怎么办 小米手机充电口坏了怎么办 小米2s尾插坏了怎么办 小米手机充电插口坏了怎么办 一条网线上两个亚马逊账号怎么办 加拿大28输20万怎么办 买家账户被亚马逊关闭余额怎么办 京东自营物流慢怎么办 京东退货不给退怎么办 刚付款不想要了怎么办 淘宝卖家拒绝退货退款怎么办 投诉不成立卖家怎么办 淘宝卖家被买家投诉卖假货怎么办 天猫三天未发货怎么办 天猫申请换货卖家不处理怎么办 天猫新疆不发货怎么办 天猫商城少发货怎么办 下单了卖家不发货怎么办 天猫超市漏发货怎么办 天猫购物几天不发货怎么办 天猫总是不发货怎么办 申请退款后卖家又发货了怎么办 天猫拍后申请退款卖家发货怎么办 淘宝上没下单却收到了货怎么办 被买家投诉三无产品怎么办 阿里巴巴卖家虚假发货怎么办 淘宝捡到便宜但是卖家不发货怎么办 被工商局查到三无产品怎么办 淘宝买到三无产品电器怎么办 天猫商城被投诉怎么办 床板有虫子咬人怎么办 微信充电话费充错怎么办 联通话费充多了怎么办