HDOJ The more, The Better 树形DP

来源:互联网 发布:ios安卓数据互通的游戏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 19:10


#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdio>#define MAXN 222using namespace std;struct node{    int point;    node* next;}edge[MAXN],*ptr[MAXN];int N,M;int f[MAXN][MAXN];int value[MAXN];int edgeNum;int max( int a,int b ){ return a>b?a:b; }void addEdge( int father,int son ){  node *p=&edge[edgeNum++];  p->point=son;  p->next=ptr[father];  ptr[father]=p;}void dfs( int cur,int deep ){ node *p=ptr[cur]; while( p!=NULL ) {    for( int i=deep+1;i<=M;i++ )    f[p->point][i]=f[cur][i-1]+value[p->point];    dfs( p->point,deep+1 );    for( int i=deep+1;i<=M;i++ )    f[cur][i]=max( f[cur][i],f[p->point][i] );    p=p->next;  }}int main(){ while( scanf( "%d %d",&N,&M ),N||M ) {    M++;    memset( f,0,sizeof(f) );    memset( value,0,sizeof(value) );    memset( ptr,0,sizeof(ptr) );    edgeNum=0;   int father,val;    for( int i=1;i<=N;i++ )    {   scanf( "%d %d",&father,&val );   value[i]=val;   addEdge( father,i );   }   dfs( 0,1 );   printf( "%d\n",f[0][M] );  } return 0;}
