
来源:互联网 发布:python 访问zookeeper 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 08:47


Professor Olay is consulting for an oil company, which is planning a large pipeline running east to west through an oil field of n wells. The company wants to connect a spur pipeline from each well directly to the main pipeline along a shortest route (either north or south), as shown in Figure 9.2. Given the x- and y-coordinates of the wells, how should the professor pick the optimal location of the main pipeline, which would be the one that minimizes the total length of the spurs? Show how to determine the optimal location in linear time.



#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<math.h>#define N 20int main(){           void path(int [],int);           int array[N];           int i,n;           printf("请输入油井的个数:");           scanf("%d",&n);            for(i=0;i<n;i++)           {             printf("请输入第%d个管道的纵坐标:",i+1);              scanf("%d",&array[i]);            }           path(array,n);           getch();}void path(int a[],int n){            int i,j,temp,minimum=0,minimum2=0;            for(i=1;i<=n-1;i++)              for(j=0;j<=n-2;j++)                if(a[j]>a[j+1])                {                    temp=a[j];                    a[j]=a[j+1];                    a[j+1]=temp;                }               printf("\n管道位置纵坐标为y=%d",a[n/2]);               for(i=0;i<n;i++)                 minimum+=(int)fabs(a[i]-a[n/2]);               printf("\n最优管道长度为:%d",minimum); }



#include <fstream.h>#include <math.h>int part(int* a,int start,int end){    int i,j,x,temp;    i=start;    j=end+1;    x=a[start];    while(1)    {        while(i<end&&a[++i]<x);        while(j>start&&a[--j]>=x);        if(i>=j)            break;        temp=a[i];        a[i]=a[j];        a[j]=temp;    }    a[start]=a[j];    a[j]=x;    return j;}int selectK(int* a,int start,int end,int k){    int partPos,position;    if(start==end)        return a[start];    partPos=part(a,start,end);    position=partPos-start+1;    if(k<=position)        return  selectK(a,start,partPos,k);    else        return selectK(a,partPos+1,end,k-position);}void main(){     int i,n,sum,middle;    int* a;    fstream file;    file.open("input.txt",ios::in);    file>>n;    a=new int[n];    for(i=0;i<n;i++)        file>>a[i]>>a[i];    file.close();    middle=selectK(a,0,n-1,(n+1)/2);    for(i=0,sum=0;i<n;i++)        sum+=abs(a[i]-middle);        file.open("output.txt",ios::out);    file<<sum;    file.close();    delete []a;    a=0;}





 #include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>#include<math.h>#define N 10struct location{      int x;      int y;};int main(){      void path(struct location [],int);      struct location array[N];      int i,n;      printf("请输入居民点的个数:");       scanf("%d",&n);       for(i=0;i<n;i++)      {          printf("请输入第%d个居民位置:",i+1);           scanf("%d,%d",&array[i].x,&array[i].y);      }      path(array,n);      getch();}    void path(struct location a[],int n){       int i,j,b1,b2,c1,c2,temp1,temp2,minimum=0;       for(i=1;i<=n-1;i++)      /*给位置排序,以便搜索中位值*/         for(j=0;j<=n-2;j++)         {           b1=(int)fabs(a[j].x)+(int)fabs(a[j].y);           b2=(int)fabs(a[j+1].x)+(int)fabs(a[j+1].y);           if(b1>b2)            /*第一个点的x+y比第二个点的小*/           {               temp1=a[j].x;               a[j].x=a[j+1].x;               a[j+1].x=temp1;               temp2=a[j].y;               a[j].y=a[j+1].y;               a[j+1].y=temp2;           }           if(b1==b2)          /*当x+y相等的情况下,计算点的x*x+y*y是否相等*/           {               c1=a[j].x* a[j].x+a[j].y*a[j].y;               c2=a[j+1].x* a[j+1].x+a[j+1].y*a[j+1].y;               if(c1<c2)               {                  temp1=a[j].x;                  a[j].x=a[j+1].x;                  a[j+1].x=temp1;                  temp2=a[j].y;                  a[j].y=a[j+1].y;                  a[j+1].y=temp2;               }           }                      }       printf("\n邮局的最优位置为x=%d,y=%d",a[n/2].x,a[n/2].y);        for(i=0;i<n;i++)           minimum+=(int)fabs(a[i].x-a[n/2].x)+(int)fabs(a[i].y-a[n/2].y);       printf("\n居民点到邮局最短距离之和为:%d",minimum); }
