AOJ 2308 White Bird (极限情况)

来源:互联网 发布:战地4如何数据重置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 12:05

White Bird

Time Limit : 5 sec, Memory Limit : 65536 KB

White Bird

Angry Birds is a mobile game of a big craze all over the world. You were convinced that it was a waste of time to play the game, so you decided to create an automatic solver.

You are describing a routine that optimizes the white bird's strategy to defeat a pig (enemy) by hitting an egg bomb. The white bird follows a parabolic trajectory from the initial position, and it can vertically drop egg bombs on the way.

In order to make it easy to solve, the following conditions hold for the stages.

  • N obstacles are put on the stage.
  • Each obstacle is a rectangle whose sides are parallel to the coordinate axes.
  • The pig is put on the point (X,Y).
  • You can launch the white bird in any direction at an initial velocity V from the origin.
  • If the white bird collides with an obstacle, it becomes unable to drop egg bombs.
  • If the egg bomb collides with an obstacle, the egg bomb is vanished.

The acceleration of gravity is 9.8ms2. Gravity exerts a force on the objects in the decreasing direction ofy-coordinate.


A dataset follows the format shown below:

L1 B1 R1 T1


All inputs are integer.

  • N: the number of obstacles
  • V: the initial speed of the white bird
  • XY: the position of the pig


for 1iN,

  • Li: the x-coordinate of the left side of the i-th obstacle
  • Bi: the y-coordinate of the bottom side of the i-th obstacle
  • Ri: the x-coordinate of the right side of the i-th obstacle
  • Ti: the y-coordinate of the top side of the i-th obstacle


It is guaranteed that the answer remains unaffected by a change of LiBiRi and Ti in 10−6.



You should answer whether the white bird can drop an egg bomb toward the pig.

Sample Input 1

0 7 3 1

Output for the Sample Input 1


Sample Input 2

1 7 3 11 1 2 2

Output for the Sample Input 2


Sample Input 3

1 7 2 20 1 1 2

Output for the Sample Input 3


Source: ACM-ICPC Japan Alumni Group Summer Camp 2011 , Day 3, Tokyo, Japan, 2011-09-19






1)       恰好经过(X,Y)

2)       恰好经过某个障碍物的左上角或右上角


#include <cstdio>#include <cmath>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;const int maxn = 55;const double g = 9.8;   //重力加速度const double EPS = 1e-10;int N;double V, X, Y;double L[maxn], B[maxn], R[maxn], T[maxn];//计算以vy的速度竖直向上射出t秒后的位置double calc(double vy, double t){    return vy * t - g * t * t / 2;}//a相对lb和ub的位置int cmp(double lb, double ub, double a){    return a < lb + EPS ? -1 : a > ub - EPS ? 1 : 0;}//判断当射出路径经过点(qx, qy)时,卵是否能击中猪bool check(double qx, double qy){    //设初速度在x方向和y方向的分量分别为vx和vy,设通过(qx, qy)的时间为t    //设解联立方程式vx^2 + vy ^2 = V^2, vx * t = 1x, vy * t - 1/2 g t^2 = qy    double a = g * g / 4, b = g * qy - V * V, c = qx * qx + qy * qy;    double D = b * b - 4 * a * c;    if (D < 0 && D > -EPS)        D = 0;    if (D < 0)        return false;    for (int d = -1; d <= 1; d += 2){       //验证联立方程式上的两个解的循环        double t2 = (-b + d * sqrt(D)) / (2 * a);        if (t2 <= 0)            continue;        double t = sqrt(t2);        double vx = qx / t, vy = (qy + g * t * t / 2) / t;        //判断是否通过猪的正上方        double yt = calc(vy, X / vx);        if (yt < Y - EPS)            continue;        bool ok = true;        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){            if (L[i] >= X)                continue;            //判断在猪正上方的鸟和猪之间是否有障碍物            if (R[i] == X && Y <= T[i] && B[i] <= yt)                ok = false;            //判断在飞到猪的正上方之前是否会撞到障碍物            int yL = cmp(B[i], T[i], calc(vy, L[i] / vx));   //左侧的相对位置            int yR = cmp(B[i], T[i], calc(vy, R[i] / vx));   //右侧的相对位置            int xH = cmp(L[i], R[i], vx * (vy / g));      //最高点的相对位置            int yH = cmp(B[i], T[i], calc(vy, vy / g));            if (xH == 0 && yH >= 0 && yL < 0)                ok = false;            if (yL * yR <= 0)                ok = false;        }        if (ok)            return true;    }    return false;}void solve(){    //截掉猪以右的障碍物    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){        R[i] = min(R[i], X);    }    bool ok = check(X, Y);      //直接撞上猪的情况    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){        ok |= check(L[i], T[i]);     //经过左上角的情况        ok |= check(R[i], T[i]);     //经过右上角的情况    }    puts(ok ? "Yes" : "No");}int main(){    while (scanf("%d%lf%lf%lf", &N, &V, &X, &Y) != EOF){        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){            scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &L[i], &B[i], &R[i], &T[i]);        }        solve();    }    return 0;}

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