csu:1922: Irony Ring

来源:互联网 发布:java错误调试 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 09:39


There are n irony ring in a factory. The i-th ring has inner radius ai, outer radius bi and height hi. The goal is to select some subset of irony ring to create as high town as possible . The subset of irony ring following condition are satisifed:
  • outer radiuses form a non-increasing sequence , i.e, one can put the j-th ring on the i-th ring only if bj bi;
  • the above ring’s outer radius should longer than the below ring’s inner radius. That means one can place ring j on the ring i only if bj>ai.
  • The total height of ring used should be maximum possible.


The first line contain a integer n ( 1<=n<=100000 )--the number of irony ring in the factory. The i-th line of the next n lines contains three integers ai, bi, hi ( 1<=ai, bi, hi<=10^ 9, ai<bi )--inner radius, outer radius and the height of the i-th ring respectively.


Print one integer -- the maximum height of the tower that can be obtained.

Sample Input

31 5 12 6 23 7 341 2 11 3 34 6 25 7 1

Sample Output



其实这道题因为跟紫书的一道题比较像,所以一直往dp上想,就是先排个序,然后按照LIS写,其实这个思路是没错的,但是数据量太大,如果用n^2的求法,必超时,但是如果用nlogn的求法的话,虽然时间复杂度上能过去,但是由于nlogn的求法时d[len]  = a[i] 的思想,就是利用二分找到长度len的最好的值,如果把len当为高度的话,二分的时候就不满足了,每一次还要排个序(等等突然好像可以,等下试下),容易想到首先按照贪心的思想按照外半径从到到小排序,当外半径相同时我们就按照内半径从大到小排列, 那么



#include<cstdio>#include<algorithm>#include<cstring>#include<iostream>#include<sstream>#include<stack>#include<queue>#define LL long longusing namespace std;const int maxn = 1e5+10;int n;struct node{    long long in,out,h;}t[maxn];int cmp(node a,node b){    if(a.out==b.out)        return a.in>b.in;    return a.out>b.out;}int main(){    while(~scanf("%d",&n))    {        for(int i = 0 ;i < n;i++)        {            scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&t[i].in,&t[i].out,&t[i].h);        }        sort(t,t+n,cmp);        stack<node> Q;        LL sum = t[0].h;        Q.push(t[0]);        LL ans = sum;        for(int i = 1 ;i < n;i++)        {            while(!Q.empty()&&t[i].out<=Q.top().in)            {                sum -= Q.top().h;                 ans  = max(ans,sum);                Q.pop();            }            sum += t[i].h;            ans  = max(ans,sum);            Q.push(t[i]);        }        cout<<ans<<endl;    }    return 0;}

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