[UVA]11478 二分答案+差分约束

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝免费刷流量软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 17:01
You are given a directed graph G(V; E) with a set of vertices and edges. Each edge (i; j) that connects
some vertex i to vertex j has an integer cost associated with that edge.
De ne the operation Halum(v; d) to operate on a vertex v using an integer d as follows: subtract
d from the cost of all edges that enter v and add d to the cost of every edge that leaves v.
As an example of that operation, consider graph G that has three vertices named (1, 2, 3) and two
edges. Edge (1, 2) has cost -1, and edge (2,3) has cost 1. The operation Halum(2; 3) operates on
edges entering and leaving vertex 2. Thus, edge (1, 2) gets cost -1-(-3)=2 and the edge (2, 3) gets cost
1 + (-3) = -2.
Your goal is to apply the Halum function to a graph, potentially repeatedly, until every edge in the
graph has at least a certain cost that is greater than zero. You have to maximize this cost.
Two space-separated integers per case: V (V  500) and E (E  2700). E lines follow. Each line
represents a directed edge using three space-separated integers (u; v; d). Absolute value of cost can be
at most 10000.
If the problem is solvable, then print the maximum possible value. If there is no such solution print
`No Solution'. If the value can be arbitrary large print `Infinite'
Sample Input
2 1

1 2 10

2 1
1 2 -10
3 3
1 2 4
2 3 2
3 1 5
4 5
2 3 4
4 2 5
3 4 2
3 1 0
1 2 -1
Sample Output






         我们二分最小边权x.我们设sum[u]为操作在u上的d之和(或加或减,这里的sum则是最终结果)。对于两个点(u,v),若使(u,v)这条边边权>=x(因为x为最小边权),那么我们由sum的定义可以知道操作完最终边权应为   w(a,b)+sum[u]-sum[v] .那么他应该>=x.所以式子变换得    w(a,b)-x+sum[u]>=sum[v].(w(a,b)为a,b之间本身的边权).这个式子变换就等价于spfa里的松弛关系,即三角不等式,便可以连边跑spfa了,代码里我建了超级原点的.

          The End.

#include<stdio.h>#include<cstring>#include<queue>#define maxn 550#define clear(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))#define full(a)  memset(dis,120,sizeof(a))using namespace std;int h[maxn],dis[maxn],cnt[maxn],num,n,m,lf,rg,x,y,z,ans;bool vis[maxn];inline const int read(){    register int f=1,x=0;    register char ch=getchar();    while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-')f=-1;ch=getchar();}    while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){x=(x<<3)+(x<<1)+ch-'0';ch=getchar();}    return f*x;}struct edge{    int nxt,v,w;}e[maxn*50];void add(int u,int v,int w){    e[++num].v=v,e[num].nxt=h[u],e[num].w=w,h[u]=num;}bool spfa(){    deque<int> q;    clear(vis),clear(cnt),full(dis);    dis[0]=0,vis[0]=true,cnt[0]++;    q.push_front(0);    while(!q.empty()){      int u=q.front();q.pop_front();vis[u]=false;      for(int i=h[u];i;i=e[i].nxt){          int v=e[i].v;          if(dis[v]>dis[u]+e[i].w){             dis[v]=dis[u]+e[i].w;             if(!vis[v]){             if(++cnt[v]>n) return false;                if(q.empty()||dis[v]<dis[q.front()]) q.push_front(v);                else q.push_back(v);                vis[v]=true; }  }  }}return true;}bool check(int x){    for(int u=1;u<=n;u++)     for(int i=h[u];i;i=e[i].nxt)      e[i].w-=x;    bool The_Final_Problem=spfa();    for(int u=1;u<=n;u++)     for(int i=h[u];i;i=e[i].nxt)      e[i].w+=x;    return The_Final_Problem;}int main(){    while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF){          clear(h),num=0,lf=1,rg=0;  for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) add(0,i,0);          for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){              x=read(),y=read(),z=read();              add(x,y,z);              if(z>rg) rg=z;  }  if(check(rg)) {puts("Infinite");continue;}  else if(!check(lf)) {puts("No Solution");continue;}  while(lf<=rg){     int mid=(lf+rg)>>1;     if(check(mid)) ans=mid,lf=mid+1;     else rg=mid-1;  }  while(check(ans+1)) ans++;  printf("%d\n",ans);}}
