
来源:互联网 发布:linux常用命令mkdir 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 22:26


package com.androiduitool;import;import;import android.os.RemoteException;import android.util.Log;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import java.text.DecimalFormat;public class UiTool{  public static final String TAG = "AndroidUiTool";  private UiAutomationShellWrapper automationWrapper = new UiAutomationShellWrapper();  private UiDevice device = UiDevice.getInstance();  private UiObject obj;  private boolean rlt = false;  private String watcherAll = "WatchAll";    public UiTool()  {    this.automationWrapper.connect();    ShellUiAutomatorBridge localShellUiAutomatorBridge = new ShellUiAutomatorBridge(this.automationWrapper.getUiAutomation());    this.device.initialize(localShellUiAutomatorBridge);    this.device.registerWatcher(this.watcherAll, new MyWatcher(null));  }    @Description("Swipe 4/5 height to unlock screen")  @MethodInfo("SwipeUnlock")  public void SwipeUnlock()  {    int i = this.device.getDisplayWidth();    int j = this.device.getDisplayHeight();    System.out.println("width is: " + i + " height is: " + j);    this.device.swipe(i / 2, j - j / 5, i / 2, 0, 10);  }    @Description("Perform a click at arbitrary coordinates specified by the user")  @MethodInfo("click")  public boolean click(@ParamInfo(Descript="x coordinate", Name="x") int paramInt1, @ParamInfo(Descript="y coordinate", Name="y") int paramInt2)  {    return, paramInt2);  }    @Description("Click Object identified by class name and instance id")  @MethodInfo("clickByClazzInstance")  public boolean clickByClazzInstance(@ParamInfo(Descript="The class name of the ui objcet to be clicked", Name="clazz") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The object instance id", Name="ins") String paramString2)  {    int i = Integer.parseInt(paramString2);    this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().className(paramString1).instance(i));    if (this.obj.exists()) {      try      {        boolean bool =;        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException localUiObjectNotFoundException)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Clazz: " + paramString1 + ", Instance: " + paramString2 + " not found in clickByClazzInstance");        return false;      }    }    Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Clazz: " + paramString1 + ", Instance: " + paramString2 + " not found in clickByClazzInstance");    return false;  }    @Description("Click the object by description")  @MethodInfo("clickByDesc")  public boolean clickByDesc(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The description to be found", Name="desc") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().description(paramString2)); this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().descriptionContains(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool =;        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Description: " + paramString2 + ", not found in clickByDesc");        return false;      }    }    Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Description: " + paramString2 + ", not found in clickByDesc");    return false;  }    @Description("Click the object by desc instance")  @MethodInfo("clickByDescInstance")  public boolean clickByDescInstance(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="desc") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="The object instance id", Name="ins") String paramString3)  {    int i = Integer.parseInt(paramString3);    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().description(paramString2).instance(i)); this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().descriptionContains(paramString2).instance(i))) {      try      {        boolean bool =;        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", Instance: " + paramString3 + ", not found in clickByDescInstance");        return false;      }    }    Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", Instance: " + paramString3 + ", not found in clickByDescInstance");    return false;  }    @Description("Click the object by resourceId")  @MethodInfo("clickById")  public boolean clickById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString2)); this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool =;        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id" + paramString2 + ", not found in clickById");        return false;      }    }    Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id" + paramString2 + ", not found in clickById");    return false;  }    @Description("Click the object by resourceId instance")  @MethodInfo("clickByIdInstance")  public boolean clickByIdInstance(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="The object instance id", Name="ins") String paramString3)  {    int i = Integer.parseInt(paramString3);    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString2).instance(i)); this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(paramString2).instance(i))) {      try      {        boolean bool =;        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", Instance: " + paramString3 + ", not found in clickByIdInstance");        return false;      }    }    Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", Instance: " + paramString3 + ", not found in clickByIdInstance");    return false;  }    @Description("Click the partial match text in scroll UI")  @MethodInfo("clickByPartialTextScroll")  public boolean clickByPartialTextScroll(@ParamInfo(Descript="The scroll direction: v - Vertical h - Horizontal", Name="direction") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2)  {    UiScrollable localUiScrollable = new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true));    if (paramString1.equals("v")) {      localUiScrollable.setAsVerticalList();    }    try    {      for (;;)      {        this.obj = localUiScrollable.getChildByPartialText(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2), paramString2, true);        if (!this.obj.exists()) {          break;        }        boolean bool =;        return bool;        localUiScrollable.setAsHorizontalList();      }      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in clickByPartialTextScroll");      return false;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in clickByPartialTextScroll");    }    return false;  }    @Description("Click the object by text")  @MethodInfo("clickByText")  public boolean clickByText(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2)); this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool =;        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in clickByText");        return false;      }    }    Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in clickByText");    return false;  }    @Description("Click the object by text instance")  @MethodInfo("clickByTextInstance")  public boolean clickByTextInstance(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="The object instance id", Name="ins") String paramString3)  {    int i = Integer.parseInt(paramString3);    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2).instance(i)); this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2).instance(i))) {      try      {        boolean bool =;        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", Instance: " + paramString3 + ", not found in clickByTextInstance");        return false;      }    }    Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", Instance: " + paramString3 + ", not found in clickByTextInstance");    return false;  }    @Description("Click the text in scroll UI")  @MethodInfo("clickByTextScroll")  public boolean clickByTextScroll(@ParamInfo(Descript="The scroll direction: v - Vertical h - Horizontal", Name="direction") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2)  {    UiScrollable localUiScrollable = new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true));    if (paramString1.equals("v")) {      localUiScrollable.setAsVerticalList();    }    try    {      for (;;)      {        this.obj = localUiScrollable.getChildByText(new UiSelector().text(paramString2), paramString2, true);        if (!this.obj.exists()) {          break;        }        boolean bool =;        return bool;        localUiScrollable.setAsHorizontalList();      }      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in clickByTextScroll");      return false;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in clickByTextScroll");    }    return false;  }    @Description("Click the text in scroll UI for XUI")  @MethodInfo("clickScroll")  public boolean clickScroll(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="The max swipe steps", Name="step") String paramString3)  {    UiScrollable localUiScrollable = new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true));    if (!localUiScrollable.exists()) {}    for (;;)    {      return false;      localUiScrollable.setAsHorizontalList();      try      {        localUiScrollable.flingBackward();        localUiScrollable.flingBackward();        int i = 0;        while (i < Integer.parseInt(paramString3))        {          if (paramString1.equals("e")) {            this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));          }          this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2));          if (this.obj.exists()) {            return;          }          localUiScrollable.flingForward();          i += 1;        }        if (paramString1.equals("e")) {          this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));        }        this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2));        if (this.obj.exists())        {          boolean bool =;          return bool;        }      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        paramString1.printStackTrace();      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Clik the text in scroll along the vertical direction in XUI")  @MethodInfo("clickScrollAlongVertical")  public boolean clickScrollAlongVertical(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode,value:e - exact match,p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="The max swipe steps", Name="step") String paramString3)  {    UiScrollable localUiScrollable = new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true));    if (!localUiScrollable.exists()) {}    for (;;)    {      return false;      localUiScrollable.setAsVerticalList();      for (;;)      {        int i;        try        {          localUiScrollable.flingBackward();          localUiScrollable.flingBackward();          i = 0;          if (i >= Integer.parseInt(paramString3)) {            break;          }          if (paramString1.equals("e"))          {            this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));            if (this.obj.exists()) {              return;            }          }          else          {            this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2));            continue;          }          localUiScrollable.flingForward();        }        catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)        {          paramString1.printStackTrace();          return false;        }        i += 1;      }      if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}      for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2)); this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2))) {        return;      }    }  }    @Description("Compare two input picture, return true if similarity is up to 90%")  @MethodInfo("comparePic")  public double comparePic(@ParamInfo(Descript="Picture 1 to be compared", Name="pic_1") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="Picture 2 to be compared", Name="pic_2") String paramString2)  {    if (!new File(paramString1).isFile())    {      System.out.println("Picture 1 not exist!");      return 0.0D;    }    if (!new File(paramString2).isFile())    {      System.out.println("Picture 2 not exist!");      return 0.0D;    }    double d = PictureContrast.similarity(paramString1, paramString2);    System.out.println("The similarity is: " + d + "%");    return d;  }    public void disconnect()  {    this.device.removeWatcher(this.watcherAll);    if (this.automationWrapper != null) {      this.automationWrapper.disconnect();    }  }    @Description("Performs a drag from one coordinate to another using the number of steps.")  @MethodInfo("drag")  public boolean drag(@ParamInfo(Descript="start x coordinate", Name="startX") int paramInt1, @ParamInfo(Descript="start y coordinate", Name="startY") int paramInt2, @ParamInfo(Descript="end x coordinate", Name="endX") int paramInt3, @ParamInfo(Descript="end y coordinate", Name="endY") int paramInt4, @ParamInfo(Descript="steps swipe", Name="steps") int paramInt5)  {    return this.device.drag(paramInt1, paramInt2, paramInt3, paramInt4, paramInt5);  }    @Description("Drag an UiObject identified by resourceId to another coordinate using the number of steps.")  @MethodInfo("dragObjById")  public boolean dragObjById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="end x coordinate", Name="endX") int paramInt1, @ParamInfo(Descript="end y coordinate", Name="endY") int paramInt2, @ParamInfo(Descript="steps swipe", Name="steps") int paramInt3)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {      this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString2));    }    this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(paramString2));    try    {      if (this.obj.exists()) {        return this.obj.dragTo(paramInt1, paramInt2, paramInt3);      }      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", not found in dragObjById");      return false;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", not found in dragObjById");    }    return false;  }    @Description("Drag an UiObject identified by text to another coordinate using the number of steps.")  @MethodInfo("dragObjByText")  public boolean dragObjByText(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="end x coordinate", Name="endX") int paramInt1, @ParamInfo(Descript="end y coordinate", Name="endY") int paramInt2, @ParamInfo(Descript="steps swipe", Name="steps") int paramInt3)    throws UiObjectNotFoundException  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {      this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));    }    try    {      while (this.obj.exists())      {        boolean bool = this.obj.dragTo(paramInt1, paramInt2, paramInt3);        return bool;        this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2));      }      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in dragObjById");      return false;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in dragObjById");    }    return false;  }    @Description("Dump the ui xml")  @MethodInfo("dump")  public void dump()  {    this.device.dumpWindowHierarchy("ui.uix");  }    @Description("fling to the dirction: left - right - up -down")  @MethodInfo("fling")  public boolean fling(@ParamInfo(Descript="The direction flying to: left - right - up -down", Name="direction") String paramString)  {    UiScrollable localUiScrollable = new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true));    try    {      if (paramString.equals("left"))      {        localUiScrollable.setAsHorizontalList();        return localUiScrollable.flingForward();      }      if (paramString.equals("right"))      {        localUiScrollable.setAsHorizontalList();        return localUiScrollable.flingBackward();      }      if (paramString.equals("up"))      {        localUiScrollable.setAsVerticalList();        return localUiScrollable.flingForward();      }      localUiScrollable.setAsVerticalList();      boolean bool = localUiScrollable.flingBackward();      return bool;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "UiScrollable not found in fling");    }    return false;  }    @Description("Take screenshot for an item by resourceId")  @MethodInfo("getCameraScaleById")  public String getCameraScaleById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString)  {    Object localObject = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString));    try    {      localObject = ((UiObject)localObject).getBounds();      float f = ((Rect)localObject).width() / ((Rect)localObject).height();      if (new DecimalFormat("0.00").format(f).equals("0.75")) {        return "4:3";      }      return "16:9";    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException localUiObjectNotFoundException)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource id: " + paramString + ", not found in takeItemshotById");    }    return "ObjNotFound";  }    @Description("get target obj package name, identified by resource id")  @MethodInfo("getPkgByClazz")  public String getPkgByClazz(@ParamInfo(Descript="The UiObject class name", Name="clazz") String paramString)  {    this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().className(paramString));    try    {      String str = this.obj.getPackageName();      return str;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException localUiObjectNotFoundException)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Clazz: " + paramString + ", not found in getPkgByClazz");    }    return "ObjNotFound";  }    @Description("get target obj package name, identified by resource id")  @MethodInfo("getPkgById")  public String getPkgById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The UiObject resourceId", Name="id") String paramString)  {    this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString));    try    {      String str = this.obj.getPackageName();      return str;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException localUiObjectNotFoundException)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource id: " + paramString + ", not found in getPkgById");    }    return "ObjNotFound";  }    @Description("get the device current rotation state")  @MethodInfo("getRotation")  public int getRotation()    throws RemoteException  {    return this.device.getDisplayRotation();  }    @Description("get target obj text value, identified by resource id")  @MethodInfo("getTextById")  public String getTextById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The UiObject resourceId", Name="id") String paramString)  {    this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString));    try    {      String str = this.obj.getText();      return str;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException localUiObjectNotFoundException)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource id: " + paramString + ", not found in getTextById");    }    return "ObjNotFound";  }    @Description("get target obj text value, identified by resource id instance")  @MethodInfo("getTextByIdInstance")  public String getTextByIdInstance(@ParamInfo(Descript="The UiObject resourceId", Name="id") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The object instance id", Name="ins") String paramString2)  {    this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString1).instance(Integer.parseInt(paramString2)));    try    {      paramString2 = this.obj.getText();      return paramString2;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString2)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource id: " + paramString1 + ", not found in getTextByIdInstance");    }    return "ObjNotFound";  }    @Description("get the full text by partial text in scroll")  @MethodInfo("getTextByPartialTextScroll")  public String getTextByPartialTextScroll(@ParamInfo(Descript="The scroll direction: v - Vertical h - Horizontal", Name="direction") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2)    throws UiObjectNotFoundException  {    UiScrollable localUiScrollable = new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true));    if (paramString1.equals("v")) {      localUiScrollable.setAsVerticalList();    }    for (;;)    {      try      {        this.obj = localUiScrollable.getChildByPartialText(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2), paramString2, true);        paramString1 = this.obj.getText();        return paramString1;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in getTextByPartialTextScroll");        throw paramString1;      }      localUiScrollable.setAsHorizontalList();    }  }    @Description("get device screen width and height")  @MethodInfo("getWH")  public String getWH()    throws UiObjectNotFoundException  {    int i = this.device.getDisplayWidth();    int j = this.device.getDisplayHeight();    return "Device width is: " + String.valueOf(i) + " height is: " + String.valueOf(j);  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given description is checked or not")  @MethodInfo("isCheckedByDesc")  public boolean isCheckedByDesc(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The description to be found", Name="desc") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().description(paramString2));; this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().descriptionContains(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool = this.obj.isChecked();        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Description: " + paramString2 + ", not found in isCheckedByDesc");      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given resourceId is Checked or not")  @MethodInfo("isCheckedById")  public boolean isCheckedById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString2));; this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool = this.obj.isChecked();        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", not found in isCheckedById");      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given text is checked or not")  @MethodInfo("isCheckedByText")  public boolean isCheckedByText(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));; this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool = this.obj.isChecked();        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in isCheckedByText");      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given description exist or not")  @MethodInfo("isEnabledByDesc")  public boolean isEnabledByDesc(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The description to be found", Name="desc") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().description(paramString2));; this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().descriptionContains(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool = this.obj.isEnabled();        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Description: " + paramString2 + ", not found in isEnabledById");      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given resourceId exist or not")  @MethodInfo("isEnabledById")  public boolean isEnabledById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString2));; this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool = this.obj.isEnabled();        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", not found in isEnabledById");      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given text exist or not")  @MethodInfo("isEnabledByText")  public boolean isEnabledByText(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));; this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool = this.obj.isEnabled();        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in isEnabledByText");      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject by class name exist or not")  @MethodInfo("isExistByClazz")  public boolean isExistByClazz(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The class name to be found", Name="clazz") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().className(paramString2)); !this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().classNameMatches(paramString2)))    {      this.device.removeWatcher(this.watcherAll);      return false;    }    return true;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given description exist or not")  @MethodInfo("isExistByDesc")  public boolean isExistByDesc(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The description to be found", Name="desc") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().description(paramString2)); !this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().descriptionContains(paramString2)))    {      this.device.removeWatcher(this.watcherAll);      return false;    }    return true;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given resourceId exist or not")  @MethodInfo("isExistById")  public boolean isExistById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString2)); !this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(paramString2)))    {      this.device.removeWatcher(this.watcherAll);      return false;    }    return true;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given description exist or not")  @MethodInfo("isExistByPkg")  public boolean isExistByPkg(@ParamInfo(Descript="The package to be found", Name="pkg") String paramString)  {    this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().packageName(paramString));    if (!this.obj.exists())    {      this.device.removeWatcher(this.watcherAll);      return false;    }    return true;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given text exist or not")  @MethodInfo("isExistByText")  public boolean isExistByText(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2)); !this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2)))    {      this.device.removeWatcher(this.watcherAll);      return false;    }    return true;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given text exist or not in scroll")  @MethodInfo("isExistByTextScroll")  public boolean isExistByTextScroll(@ParamInfo(Descript="The scroll direction: v - Vertical h - Horizontal", Name="direction") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2)  {    UiScrollable localUiScrollable = new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true));    if (paramString1.equals("v")) {      localUiScrollable.setAsVerticalList();    }    for (;;)    {      try      {        this.obj = localUiScrollable.getChildByText(new UiSelector().text(paramString2), paramString2, true);        boolean bool = this.obj.exists();        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        paramString1.printStackTrace();        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in isExistByTextScroll");      }      localUiScrollable.setAsHorizontalList();    }    return false;  }    @Description("Check the text exist or not in scroll UI for XUI")  @MethodInfo("isExistScroll")  public boolean isExistScroll(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="The max swipe steps", Name="step") String paramString3)  {    UiScrollable localUiScrollable = new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().scrollable(true));    if (!localUiScrollable.exists()) {}    for (;;)    {      return false;      localUiScrollable.setAsHorizontalList();      try      {        localUiScrollable.flingBackward();        localUiScrollable.flingBackward();        int i = 0;        while (i < Integer.parseInt(paramString3))        {          if (paramString1.equals("e")) {            this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));          }          this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2));          if (this.obj.exists()) {            return true;          }          localUiScrollable.flingForward();          i += 1;        }        if (paramString1.equals("e")) {          this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));        }        this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2));        boolean bool = this.obj.exists();        if (bool) {          return true;        }      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        paramString1.printStackTrace();      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Check the url is reachable")  @MethodInfo("isReachable")  public boolean isReachable(@ParamInfo(Descript="Url to be checked,like:", Name="url") String paramString)  {    try    {      paramString = (HttpURLConnection)new URL(paramString).openConnection();      paramString.setConnectTimeout(5000);      paramString.setReadTimeout(30000);      paramString.getContent();      return true;    }    catch (UnknownHostException paramString)    {      System.out.println("UnknownHostException in isReachable");      return false;    }    catch (IOException paramString)    {      System.out.println("IOException in isReachable");    }    return false;  }    @Description("Return if isScreenOn")  @MethodInfo("isScreenOn")  public boolean isScreenOn()    throws RemoteException  {    return this.device.isScreenOn();  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given description is selected or not")  @MethodInfo("isSelectedByDesc")  public boolean isSelectedByDesc(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The description to be found", Name="desc") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().description(paramString2));; this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().descriptionContains(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool = this.obj.isSelected();        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Description: " + paramString2 + ", not found in isSelectedByDesc");      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given resourceId is selected or not")  @MethodInfo("isSelectedById")  public boolean isSelectedById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString2));; this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool = this.obj.isSelected();        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", not found in isSelectedById");      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Check Uiobject contains given text is selected or not")  @MethodInfo("isSelectedByText")  public boolean isSelectedByText(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));; this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool = this.obj.isSelected();        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in isSelectedByText");      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Perform a long click at arbitrary coordinates specified by the user")  @MethodInfo("longClick")  public boolean longClick(@ParamInfo(Descript="x coordinate", Name="x") int paramInt1, @ParamInfo(Descript="y coordinate", Name="y") int paramInt2, @ParamInfo(Descript="Long click time, in milliseconds", Name="time") long paramLong)  {    return this.device.longClick(paramInt1, paramInt2, paramLong);  }    @Description("Long lick the object by resourceId")  @MethodInfo("longClickById")  public boolean longClickById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="Long click time, in milliseconds", Name="time") long paramLong, @ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString2));; this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(paramString2))) {      try      {        boolean bool = this.obj.longClick(paramLong);        return bool;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", not found in longClickById");      }    }    return false;  }    @Description("Long click the object by text")  @MethodInfo("longClickByText")  public boolean longClickByText(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="Long click time, in milliseconds", Name="time") long paramLong, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {      this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));    }    this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2));    try    {      boolean bool = this.obj.longClick(paramLong);      return bool;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in longClickByText");    }    return false;  }    @Description("Perform a click at arbitrary coordinates specified by the user")  @MethodInfo("multiFastClick")  public void multiFastClick(@ParamInfo(Descript="perform how many click", Name="num") int paramInt1, @ParamInfo(Descript="x coordinate", Name="x") int paramInt2, @ParamInfo(Descript="y coordinate", Name="y") int paramInt3)  {    long l = Configurator.getInstance().getActionAcknowledgmentTimeout();    Configurator.getInstance().setActionAcknowledgmentTimeout(0L);    int i = 0;    while (i < paramInt1)    {, paramInt3);      i += 1;    }    Configurator.getInstance().setActionAcknowledgmentTimeout(l);  }    @Description("swipe object identified by resource id to the dirction: left - right - up -down")  @MethodInfo("objSwipeById")  public boolean objSwipeById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="The direction flying to: left - right - up -down", Name="direction") String paramString3)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString2)); !this.obj.exists(); this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(paramString2)))    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", not found in objSwipeById");      return false;    }    try    {      if (paramString3.equals("left")) {        return this.obj.swipeLeft(50);      }      if (paramString3.equals("right")) {        return this.obj.swipeRight(50);      }      if (paramString3.equals("up")) {        return this.obj.swipeUp(50);      }      boolean bool = this.obj.swipeDown(50);      return bool;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", not found in objSwipeById");    }    return false;  }    @Description("Opens the notification shade, return true if successful, else return false")  @MethodInfo("openNotification")  public boolean openNotification()  {    return this.device.openNotification();  }    @Description("Simulate press Back button")  @MethodInfo("pressBack")  public boolean pressBack()  {    return this.device.pressBack();  }    @Description("Simulate press Enter button")  @MethodInfo("pressEnter")  public boolean pressEnter()  {    return this.device.pressEnter();  }    @Description("Simulate press Home button")  @MethodInfo("pressHome")  public boolean pressHome()  {    return this.device.pressHome();  }    @Description("Simulate press Menu button")  @MethodInfo("pressMenu")  public boolean pressMenu()  {    return this.device.pressMenu();  }    @Description("Simulate press Menu button")  @MethodInfo("pressRecentApps")  public boolean pressRecentApps()    throws RemoteException  {    return this.device.pressRecentApps();  }    @Description("Simulates orienting the device to the left.")  @MethodInfo("setOrientationLeft")  public void setOrientationLeft()    throws RemoteException  {    this.device.setOrientationLeft();  }    @Description("Simulates orienting the device into its natural orientation.")  @MethodInfo("setOrientationNatural")  public void setOrientationNatural()    throws RemoteException  {    this.device.setOrientationNatural();  }    @Description("Simulates orienting the device to the right.")  @MethodInfo("setOrientationRight")  public void setOrientationRight()    throws RemoteException  {    this.device.setOrientationRight();  }    @Description("Set value to the UiObject identified by resourceId")  @MethodInfo("setValueById")  public boolean setValueById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The UiObject resourceId", Name="id") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="The value to be set", Name="value") String paramString3)  {    Configurator localConfigurator = Configurator.getInstance();    localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(100L);    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {      this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString2));    }    try    {      for (;;)      {        this.obj.exists();        this.device.removeWatcher(this.watcherAll);        if (!this.obj.exists()) {          break;        }        this.rlt = this.obj.setText(paramString3);        localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(0L);        boolean bool = this.rlt;        return bool;        this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceIdMatches(paramString2));      }      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", not found in setValueById");      localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(0L);      return false;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource Id: " + paramString2 + ", not found in setValueById");      localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(0L);    }    return false;  }    @Description("Set value to the UiObject identified by text")  @MethodInfo("setValueByText")  public boolean setValueByText(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The UiObject resourceId", Name="text") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="The value to be set", Name="value") String paramString3)    throws UiObjectNotFoundException  {    Configurator localConfigurator = Configurator.getInstance();    localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(100L);    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {      this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));    }    try    {      for (;;)      {        this.obj.exists();        this.device.removeWatcher(this.watcherAll);        if (!this.obj.exists()) {          break;        }        this.rlt = this.obj.setText(paramString3);        localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(0L);        boolean bool = this.rlt;        return bool;        this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2));      }      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in setValueByText");      localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(0L);      return false;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in setValueByText");      localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(0L);    }    return false;  }    @Description("Set value to the UiObject identified by text")  @MethodInfo("setValueByTextInstance")  public boolean setValueByTextInstance(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The UiObject resourceId", Name="text") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="The object instance id", Name="ins") String paramString3, @ParamInfo(Descript="The value to be set", Name="value") String paramString4)    throws UiObjectNotFoundException  {    Configurator localConfigurator = Configurator.getInstance();    localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(100L);    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {      this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2).instance(Integer.parseInt(paramString3)));    }    try    {      for (;;)      {        this.obj.exists();        this.device.removeWatcher(this.watcherAll);        if (!this.obj.exists()) {          break;        }        this.rlt = this.obj.setText(paramString4);        localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(0L);        boolean bool = this.rlt;        return bool;        this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2).instance(Integer.parseInt(paramString3)));      }      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in setValueByText");      localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(0L);      return false;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in setValueByText");      localConfigurator.setKeyInjectionDelay(0L);    }    return false;  }    @Description("Simulate sleep devices")  @MethodInfo("sleep")  public void sleep()    throws RemoteException  {    this.device.sleep();  }    @Description("Performs a swipe from one coordinate to another using the number of steps.")  @MethodInfo("swipe")  public boolean swipe(@ParamInfo(Descript="start x coordinate", Name="startX") int paramInt1, @ParamInfo(Descript="start y coordinate", Name="startY") int paramInt2, @ParamInfo(Descript="end x coordinate", Name="endX") int paramInt3, @ParamInfo(Descript="end y coordinate", Name="endY") int paramInt4, @ParamInfo(Descript="steps swipe", Name="steps") int paramInt5)  {    return this.device.swipe(paramInt1, paramInt2, paramInt3, paramInt4, paramInt5);  }    @Description("Performs a swipe between points in the Point array.")  @MethodInfo("swipeX")  public boolean swipeX(@ParamInfo(Descript="swipe point array, x1-y1-x2-y2-x3-y3...", Name="points") String paramString, @ParamInfo(Descript="steps swipe", Name="steps") int paramInt)  {    paramString = paramString.split("-");    Point[] arrayOfPoint = new Point[paramString.length / 2];    int i = 0;    while (i < arrayOfPoint.length)    {      arrayOfPoint[i] = new Point();      arrayOfPoint[i].x = Integer.valueOf(paramString[(i * 2)]).intValue();      arrayOfPoint[i].y = Integer.valueOf(paramString[(i * 2 + 1)]).intValue();      i += 1;    }    return this.device.swipe(arrayOfPoint, paramInt);  }    @Description("Take screenshot for an item by description")  @MethodInfo("takeItemshotByDesc")  public void takeItemshotByDesc(@ParamInfo(Descript="The description to be found", Name="desc") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="Screenshot file full path", Name="path") String paramString2)  {    this.obj = new UiObject(new UiSelector().description(paramString1));    try    {      Rect localRect = this.obj.getBounds();      File localFile = new File("/data/local/tmp/bitmapTemp.png");      this.device.takeScreenshot(localFile);      PictureContrast.cutBitmap(localRect, paramString2);      return;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString2)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Description: " + paramString1 + ", not found in takeItemshotByDesc");    }  }    @Description("Take screenshot for an item by resourceId")  @MethodInfo("takeItemshotById")  public void takeItemshotById(@ParamInfo(Descript="The resourceId to be found", Name="id") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="Screenshot file full path", Name="path") String paramString2)  {    Object localObject = new UiObject(new UiSelector().resourceId(paramString1));    try    {      localObject = ((UiObject)localObject).getBounds();      File localFile = new File("/data/local/tmp/bitmapTemp.png");      this.device.takeScreenshot(localFile);      PictureContrast.cutBitmap((Rect)localObject, paramString2);      return;    }    catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString2)    {      Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Resource id: " + paramString1 + ", not found in takeItemshotById");    }  }    @Description("Take screenshot for an item by Text")  @MethodInfo("takeItemshotByText")  public void takeItemshotByText(@ParamInfo(Descript="The compare mode, value: e - exact Match, p - partial match", Name="mode") String paramString1, @ParamInfo(Descript="The text to be found", Name="text") String paramString2, @ParamInfo(Descript="Screenshot file full path", Name="path") String paramString3)  {    if (paramString1.equals("e")) {}    for (paramString1 = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text(paramString2));; paramString1 = new UiObject(new UiSelector().textContains(paramString2))) {      try      {        paramString1 = paramString1.getBounds();        File localFile = new File("/data/local/tmp/bitmapTemp.png");        this.device.takeScreenshot(localFile);        PictureContrast.cutBitmap(paramString1, paramString3);        return;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException paramString1)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Text: " + paramString2 + ", not found in takeItemshotByText");      }    }  }    @Description("Take a screenshot")  @MethodInfo("takeScreenshot")  public boolean takeScreenshot(@ParamInfo(Descript="Screenshot file full path", Name="path") String paramString)  {    paramString = new File(paramString);    return this.device.takeScreenshot(paramString);  }    @Description("Simulate press wakeUp button")  @MethodInfo("wakeUp")  public void wakeUp()    throws RemoteException  {    this.device.wakeUp();  }    private class MyWatcher    implements UiWatcher  {    private MyWatcher() {}        public boolean checkForCondition()    {      System.out.println("In watcher now");      UiObject localUiObject = new UiObject(new UiSelector().text("Cancel"));      if (new UiObject(new UiSelector().text("Turn on Super standby")).exists()) {}      try      {;        return true;      }      catch (UiObjectNotFoundException localUiObjectNotFoundException)      {        Log.e("AndroidUiTool", "Not found Cancel in watcher for lowBattery_qiku");      }      return false;    }  }}