CNTK API文档翻译(22)——取样Softmax函数

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝快递合作价格 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 11:50




# Use a function definition from future version (say 3.x from 2.7 interpreter)from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import divisionimport osimport cntk as Cimport cntk.tests.test_utils# (only needed for our build system)cntk.tests.test_utils.set_device_from_pytest_env() # fix a random seed for CNTK componentsC.cntk_py.set_fixed_random_seed(1) 












要是用普通的softmax函数,CNTK的Python API提供了cross_entropy_with_softmax函数。他以z为输入值,上面我们有提到,z是使用z=Wh+b计算得来的,这在我们的取样softmax实现时也应该是一部分。


与Python API提供的函数最基本的不同是在Python API的函数中,输入矢量z必须和目标矢量大小相同,但是在我们函数中,输入的是隐藏矢量h,他可能是任意大小。实际上他的大小通常会比目标矢量的大小小。

我们还有一些参数num_samples,sampling_weights,allow_duplicates用来控制随机取样。另一个与API中提供的函数不同点是我们返回了一个元组(z, cross_entropy_on_samples, error_on_samples)。


# Creates a subgraph computing cross-entropy with sampled softmax.def cross_entropy_with_sampled_softmax_and_embedding(    hidden_vector,     target_vector,    num_classes,    hidden_dim,    num_samples,    sampling_weights,    allow_duplicates = True    ):    # define the parameters learnable parameters    b = C.Parameter(shape = (num_classes, 1), init = 0)    W = C.Parameter(shape = (num_classes, hidden_dim), init = C.glorot_uniform())    # Define the node that generates a set of random samples per minibatch    # Sparse matrix (num_samples * num_classes)    sample_selector = C.random_sample(sampling_weights, num_samples, allow_duplicates)    # For each of the samples we also need the probablity that it in the sampled set.     # dense row [1 * vocab_size]    inclusion_probs = C.random_sample_inclusion_frequency(sampling_weights,    num_samples, allow_duplicates)    # dense row [1 * num_classes]    log_prior = C.log(inclusion_probs)    # Create a submatrix wS of 'weights    # [num_samples * hidden_dim]    W_sampled = C.times(sample_selector, W)     z_sampled = C.times_transpose(W_sampled, hidden_vector) + C.times(sample_selector, b) - C.times_transpose (sample_selector, log_prior)# [num_samples]    # Getting the weight vector for the true label. Dimension hidden_dim    # [1 * hidden_dim]    W_target = C.times(target_vector, W)     z_target = C.times_transpose(W_target, hidden_vector) + C.times(target_vector, b) - C.times_transpose(target_vector, log_prior) # [1]    z_reduced = C.reduce_log_sum_exp(z_sampled)    # Compute the cross entropy that is used for training.    # We don't check whether any of the classes in the random samples conincides with the true label, so it might    # happen that the true class is counted    # twice in the normalising demnominator of sampled softmax.    cross_entropy_on_samples = C.log_add_exp(z_target, z_reduced) - z_target    # For applying the model we also output a node providing the input for the full softmax    z = C.times_transpose(W, hidden_vector) + b    z = C.reshape(z, shape = (num_classes))    zSMax = C.reduce_max(z_sampled)    error_on_samples = C.less(z_target, zSMax)    return (z, cross_entropy_on_samples, error_on_samples)


# Creates subgraph computing cross-entropy with (full) softmax.def cross_entropy_with_softmax_and_embedding(    hidden_vector,  # Node providing hidden input    target_vector,  # Node providing the expected labels (as sparse vectors)    num_classes,    # Number of classes    hidden_dim      # Dimension of the hidden vector    ):    # Setup bias and weights    b = C.Parameter(shape = (num_classes, 1), init = 0)    W = C.Parameter(shape = (num_classes, hidden_dim), init = C.glorot_uniform())    z = C.reshape( C.times_transpose(W, hidden_vector) + b, (1, num_classes))    # Use cross_entropy_with_softmax    cross_entropy = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, target_vector)    zMax = C.reduce_max(z)    zT = C.times_transpose(z, target_vector)    error_on_samples = C.less(zT, zMax)    return (z, cross_entropy, error_on_samples)


  • 我们的函数中包含了z=Wh+b
  • 我们返回了一个元组(z, cross_entropy, error_on_samples) 而不是只返回交叉熵。



import numpy as npfrom math import log, exp, sqrtfrom cntk.logging import ProgressPrinterimport timeit# A class with all parametersclass Param:    # Learning parameters    learning_rate = 0.03    minibatch_size = 100    num_minbatches = 100    test_set_size = 1000    momentum_time_constant = 5 * minibatch_size    reporting_interval = 10    allow_duplicates = False    # Parameters for sampled softmax    use_sampled_softmax = True    use_sparse = True    softmax_sample_size = 10    # Details of data and model    num_classes = 50    hidden_dim = 10data_sampling_distribution = lambda: np.repeat(1.0 / Param.num_classes, Param.num_classes)softmax_sampling_weights = lambda: np.repeat(1.0 / Param.num_classes, Param.num_classes)# Creates random one-hot vectors of dimension 'num_classes'.# Returns a tuple with a list of one-hot vectors, and list with the indices they encode.def get_random_one_hot_data(num_vectors):    indices = np.random.choice(        range(Param.num_classes),        size=num_vectors,         p = data_sampling_distribution()).reshape((num_vectors, 1))    list_of_vectors = C.Value.one_hot(indices, Param.num_classes)    return (list_of_vectors, indices.flatten())# Create a network that:# * Transforms the input one hot-vectors with a constant random embedding# * Applies a linear decoding with parameters we want to learndef create_model(labels):    # random projection matrix    random_data = np.random.normal(scale = sqrt(1.0/Param.hidden_dim), size=(Param.num_classes, Param.hidden_dim)).astype(np.float32)    random_matrix = C.constant(shape = (Param.num_classes, Param.hidden_dim), value = random_data)    h = C.times(labels, random_matrix)    # Connect the latent output to (sampled/full) softmax.    if Param.use_sampled_softmax:        sampling_weights = np.asarray(softmax_sampling_weights(), dtype=np.float32)        sampling_weights.reshape((1, Param.num_classes))        softmax_input, ce, errs = cross_entropy_with_sampled_softmax_and_embedding(            h,             labels,            Param.num_classes,             Param.hidden_dim,             Param.softmax_sample_size,             softmax_sampling_weights(),            Param.allow_duplicates)    else:        softmax_input, ce, errs = cross_entropy_with_softmax_and_embedding(            h,             labels,             Param.num_classes,             Param.hidden_dim)    return softmax_input, ce, errsdef train(do_print_progress):    labels = C.input_variable(shape = Param.num_classes, is_sparse = Param.use_sparse)    z, cross_entropy, errs = create_model(labels)    # Setup the trainer    learning_rate_schedule = C.learning_rate_schedule(Param.learning_rate, C.UnitType.sample)    momentum_schedule = C.momentum_as_time_constant_schedule(Param.momentum_time_constant)    learner = C.momentum_sgd(z.parameters, learning_rate_schedule, momentum_schedule, True)    progress_writers = None    if do_print_progress:        progress_writers = [ProgressPrinter(freq=Param.reporting_interval, tag='Training')]    trainer = C.Trainer(z, (cross_entropy, errs), learner, progress_writers)    minbatch = 0    average_cross_entropy = compute_average_cross_entropy(z)    # store minibatch values    minbatch_data = [0]     # store cross_entropy values    cross_entropy_data = [average_cross_entropy]     # Run training    t_total= 0    # Run training    for minbatch in range(1,Param.num_minbatches):        # Specify the mapping of input variables in the model to actual minibatch data to be trained with        label_data, indices = get_random_one_hot_data(Param.minibatch_size)        arguments = ({labels : label_data})        # If do_print_progress is True, this will automatically print the progress using ProgressPrinter        # The printed loss numbers are computed using the sampled softmax criterion        t_start = timeit.default_timer()        trainer.train_minibatch(arguments)        t_end = timeit.default_timer()        t_delta = t_end - t_start        samples_per_second = Param.minibatch_size / t_delta        # We ignore the time measurements of the first two minibatches        if minbatch > 2:            t_total += t_delta        # For comparison also print result using the full criterion        if minbatch % Param.reporting_interval == int(Param.reporting_interval/2):            # memorize the progress data for plotting            average_cross_entropy = compute_average_cross_entropy(z)            minbatch_data.append(minbatch)            cross_entropy_data.append(average_cross_entropy)            if do_print_progress:                print("\nMinbatch=%d Cross-entropy from full softmax = %.3f perplexity = %.3f samples/s = %.1f"                    % (minbatch, average_cross_entropy, exp(average_cross_entropy), samples_per_second))    # Number of samples we measured. First two minbatches were ignored    samples_measured = Param.minibatch_size * (Param.num_minbatches - 2)    overall_samples_per_second = samples_measured / t_total    return (minbatch_data, cross_entropy_data, overall_samples_per_second) def compute_average_cross_entropy(softmax_input):    vectors, indices = get_random_one_hot_data(Param.test_set_size)    total_cross_entropy = 0.0    arguments = (vectors)    z = softmax_input.eval(arguments).reshape(Param.test_set_size, Param.num_classes)    for i in range(len(indices)):        log_p = log_softmax(z[i], indices[i])        total_cross_entropy -= log_p    return total_cross_entropy / len(indices)# Computes log(softmax(z,index)) for a one-dimensional numpy array z in an numerically stable way.def log_softmax(z,    # numpy array                index # index into the array            ):    max_z = np.max(z)    return z[index] - max_z - log(np.sum(np.exp(z - max_z)))np.random.seed(1)print("start...")train(do_print_progress = True)print("done.")


  1. 使用计算完整softmax平均交叉熵的函数
  2. 使用CNTK内部的ProgressPrinter









# We want to lot the data import matplotlib.pyplot as plt# Define weights of zipfian distributuiondef zipf(index):    return 1.0 / (index + 5)# Use zipifian distribution for the classesdef zipf_sampling_weights():    return np.asarray([ zipf(i) for i in range(Param.num_classes)], dtype=np.float32)data_sampling_distribution = lambda: zipf_sampling_weights() / np.sum(zipf_sampling_weights())print("start...")# Train using uniform sampling (like before)np.random.seed(1)softmax_sampling_weights = lambda: np.repeat(1.0/Param.num_classes, Param.num_classes)minibatch_data, cross_entropy_data, _ = train(do_print_progress = False)# Train using importance samplingnp.random.seed(1)softmax_sampling_weights = zipf_sampling_weightsminibatch_data2, cross_entropy_data2, _ = train(do_print_progress = False)plt.plot(minibatch_data, cross_entropy_data, 'r--',minibatch_data, cross_entropy_data2, 'b--')plt.xlabel('number of mini-batches')plt.ylabel('cross entropy')





  • 分类的数量。通常加速会增加更多的输出类
  • 在使用采样softmax时的样本数
  • 隐藏层的输入大小
  • 取样包大小
  • 硬件


print("start...")# Reset parametersclass Param:    # Learning parameters    learning_rate = 0.03    minibatch_size = 8    num_minbatches = 100    test_set_size = 1 # we are only interrested in speed    momentum_time_constant = 5 * minibatch_size    # Switch off reporting to speed up    reporting_interval = 1000000     allow_duplicates = False    # Parameters for sampled softmax    use_sampled_softmax = True    use_sparse = True    softmax_sample_size = 10    # Details of data and model    num_classes = 50000    hidden_dim = 10data_sampling_distribution = lambda: np.repeat(1.0 / Param.num_classes, Param.num_classes)softmax_sampling_weights = lambda: np.repeat(1.0 / Param.num_classes, Param.num_classes)sample_sizes = [5, 10, 100, 1000]speed_with_sampled_softmax = []# Get the speed with sampled softmax for different sizesfor sample_size in sample_sizes:     print("Measuring speed of sampled softmax for sample size %d ..." % (sample_size))    Param.use_sampled_softmax = True    Param.softmax_sample_size = sample_size    _, _,  samples_per_second = train(do_print_progress = False)    speed_with_sampled_softmax.append(samples_per_second)# Get the speed with full softmaxParam.use_sampled_softmax = Falseprint("Measuring speed of full softmax ...")_, _,  samples_per_second = train(do_print_progress = False)speed_without_sampled_softmax = np.repeat(samples_per_second, len(sample_sizes))# Plot the speed of sampled softmax (blue) as a function of sample sizes# and compare it to the speed with full softmax (red).    plt.plot(sample_sizes, speed_without_sampled_softmax, 'r--',sample_sizes, speed_with_sampled_softmax, 'b--')plt.xlabel('softmax sample size')plt.ylabel('speed: instances / second')plt.title("Speed 'sampled softmax' (blue) vs. 'full softmax' (red)")plt.ylim(ymin=0)



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