来源:互联网 发布:科技感html页面源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 15:59
/*Problem:Longest increment sequence*/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define MAX_LEN 100#define _INF -0x7FFFFFFF/*Display the longest increment sequence@s: longest increment sequence@n: maximum length of s*/void dispS(int * s,int n){int i;for(i=0; i<n&&s[i]!=_INF ;i++)printf("%d\t",s[i]);putchar(10);}/*Assemble s@seq: sequence@s: will be longest increment sequence@L: length of s@pre: pre-element position array@p: current element position*/void pushS(int * seq,int * s,int L,int * pre,int p){int i=L-1;while(i>=0){s[i--] = seq[p];p = pre[p];}}/*args:@seq: sequence of input array@n: the length of sequence@s: for longest increment sequence*/int LIS(int * seq,int n,int * s){int b[MAX_LEN]={0};//Record longest length from element (0) to (n-1)int pre[MAX_LEN] = {-1};//Record pre-element position,default set to -1,it's the end mark of search backint i,j;b[0] = 1;//Set minimum length is 1;for(i=1; i<n ;i++){int k = 0;//Record temp longest length of b[j](=b[i-1])for(j=0; j<i ;j++){//From j = 0 to i-1,if element seq[i] is bigger than seq[j],and at the same time //current k is smaller than b[j],modify k and record pre-element of i is j;if(seq[i]>seq[j]&&k<b[j]){k=b[j];pre[i] = j;}}b[i] = k + 1;}//To this step,have get all the length of possible b[i];//Now,calculate the biggest b[i]'s positonint m = 0;for(i=1; i<n ;i++){//printf("%d\t",b[i]);if(b[i]>b[m])m = i;}pushS(seq,s,b[m],pre,m);//Record the longest increment sequencereturn b[m];//Return the longest length}/***************************Main()*****************************/int main(int argc, char *argv[]){int n = 9;int a[9] = {8,65,158,170,155,239,300,207,389};//The return sequenceint s[9];int i;for(i=0; i<n ;i++)s[i]=_INF;printf("\nL:%d\n",LIS(a,n,s));dispS(s,n);putchar(10);system("PAUSE");return 0;}

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