POJ 3090 Visible Lattice Points 欧拉函数运用

来源:互联网 发布:新浪汽车销量数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 18:16

Visible Lattice Points
Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65536KB 64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu

A lattice point (x, y) in the first quadrant (x and y are integers greater than or equal to 0), other than the origin, is visible from the origin if the line from (0, 0) to (x, y) does not pass through any other lattice point. For example, the point (4, 2) is not visible since the line from the origin passes through (2, 1). The figure below shows the points (x, y) with 0 ≤ x, y ≤ 5 with lines from the origin to the visible points.

Write a program which, given a value for the size, N, computes the number of visible points (x, y) with 0 ≤ x, y ≤ N.

The first line of input contains a single integer C (1 ≤ C ≤ 1000) which is the number of datasets that follow.

Each dataset consists of a single line of input containing a single integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1000), which is the size.

For each dataset, there is to be one line of output consisting of: the dataset number starting at 1, a single space, the size, a single space and the number of visible points for that size.

Sample Input
Sample Output
1 2 5
2 4 13
3 5 21
4 231 32549

/*http://blog.csdn.net/lianai911/article/details/40142277?utm_source=tuicool&utm_medium=referral考虑1*1的时候,有三个点(1,0)(1,1)(0,1)。(1,0)和(0,1)关于(1,1)对称再看2*2的时候,有个点(1,0)(1,1)(2,1)(0,1)(1,2)(1,0)和(0,1)关于(1,1)对称(2,1)和(1,2)关于(1,1)对称比1*1多了两个点。并且都是关于(1,1)对称,而(2,2)则被(1,1)遮挡住了所以我们只考虑下三角的情况。得出结果*2+1就是最终答案。因为同斜率的点都被第一个点盖掉看不到了,所以我们只考虑斜率有多少种就是得出结果了。1*1的时候,斜率有02*2的时候,斜率有0,1/23*3的时候,斜率有0,1/2,1/3,2/34*4的时候,斜率有0,1/2(2/4),1/3,2/3,1/4,3/4;5*5的时候,斜率有0,1/2(2/4),1/3,2/3,1/4,3/4,1/5,2/5,3/5,4/56*6的时候,斜率有0,1/2(2/4,3/6),1/3(2/6),2/3(4/6),1/4,3/4,1/5,2/5,3/5,4/5,1/6,5/6可以看出,其实就是求分母小于等于N的真分数有多少那么就是单纯的欧拉函数了,这里用普通欧拉函数和快速求欧拉函数都可以*/#include<stdio.h>#include<string>#include<cstring>#include<queue>#include<algorithm>#include<functional>#include<vector>#include<iomanip>#include<math.h>#include<iostream>#include<sstream>#include<stack>#include<set>#include<bitset>using namespace std;const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;const int MAX=1000005;int Phi[MAX],N,T;void Init(){    memset(Phi,0,sizeof(Phi));    for (int i=2; i<MAX; i++)        if (!Phi[i])            for (int j=i; j<MAX; j+=i)            {                if (!Phi[j])                    Phi[j]=j;                Phi[j]=Phi[j]/i*(i-1);            }    Phi[1]=1;}int main(){    cin.sync_with_stdio(false);    Init();    cin>>T;    for (int cases=1;cases<=T;cases++)    {        cin>>N;        long long Ans=0;        for (int i=1;i<=N;i++)            Ans+=Phi[i];        cout<<cases<<' '<<N<<' '<<Ans*2+1<<endl;    }    return 0;}
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