
来源:互联网 发布:sql语句表数据录入 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:25

10.2-8 说明如何在每个元素仅使用一个指针x.np的(而不是通常的两个指针next和pre)情况下实现双向链表,假设所有的指针的值都可以视为k位的整型数,且定义x.np = x.next ^ x.pre,即 x.next 和 x.pre 的异或,(NULL的值为0)注意要说明获取表头所需的信息,并说明如何在该表上实现SEARCH、INSERT、DELETE和REVERSE,REVERSE要求时间复杂度为:O(1)。

需要了解的是异或运算的特点:a = b ^ c,则:b = a ^ c,c = a ^ b。





3)当我尝试把新的Node的指针申请放在main函数中时,插入没有问题,但是在SHOW函数执行的时候,出现"error: segment fault 11",似乎是不能访问;


temp = cur;cur = (Node*) ((long)(cur->np) ^ (long)pre);pre = cur;


#include <iostream>#include <algorithm>#include <cstdio>#include <cmath>#include <ctime>using namespace std;struct Node {int value;Node* np;};// define class: LISTclass LIST {private:Node* head;Node* tail;public:LIST();void INSERT(int);void DELETE(int);Node* SEARCH(int);void REVERSE();void SHOW();};// constructLIST::LIST() {head = NULL;tail = NULL;}// insertionvoid LIST::INSERT(int val) {printf("begin-INS\n");Node* p = new Node();p->value = val;if (head != NULL) {head->np = (Node*)((long)&(head->np) ^ (long)&p);  // modify the old head's np}// new head: modify its np (head->np ^ 0), // and the first elem's np = 0, in other words, its next ptr = NULLp->np = head;  head = p;if (tail == NULL) {tail = p;  // jump the origin head, ignore it}delete p;printf("end-INS\n");}// deletingvoid LIST::DELETE(int val) {printf("begin-DEL\n");Node* cur = head;Node* pre = NULL;while (cur != NULL && cur->value != val) {pre = cur;cur = (Node*) ((long)&(cur->np) ^ (long)&pre);}if (NULL == cur) {printf("Cannot find this value!\n");} else {// delete this value's NodeNode* next = (Node*) ((long)&pre ^ (long)&(cur->np));Node* ppre = (Node*) ((long)&(pre->np) ^ (long)&cur);pre->np = (Node*) ((long)&ppre ^ (long)&next);}printf("end-DEL\n");}// searchingNode* LIST::SEARCH(int val) {printf("begin-SEAR\n");Node* cur = head;Node* pre = NULL;while (cur != NULL && cur->value != val) {pre = cur;cur = (Node*) ((long)&(cur->np) ^ (long)&pre);}printf("end-SEAR\n");return cur;}// reversingvoid LIST::REVERSE() {Node* temp = head;head = tail;tail = temp;}void LIST::SHOW() {Node* cur = head;Node* pre = NULL;while (cur != NULL) {printf("%d, ", cur->value);pre = cur;cur = (Node*) ((long)pre ^ (long)cur->np);}printf("\n");}// test funcvoid test() {LIST L;for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {L.INSERT(i + 3);}L.SHOW();Node* node = L.SEARCH(4);if (node != NULL) {printf("%d\n", node->value);} else {puts("This value 4 is not exist!");}Node* node2 = L.SEARCH(100);if (node2 != NULL) {printf("%d\n", node2->value);} else {puts("This value 100 is not exist!");}L.REVERSE();L.SHOW();}int main() {test();return 0;}

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