noip2005篝火晚会 2008.10.18

来源:互联网 发布:阿里云如何域名解析 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 12:18

noip2005篝火晚会 2008.10.18


1.       刚开始,我用的是图来标记这两个人是否已经输出过,一直出错,后来看了标称,方法很好

2.       求出序列后,因为是圆环,要正着求一次差,求相同的最大值,还要倒着求一次差,求最大值,这样才圆满,我只正着求了,故一直出错

3.       不能用abs,若剪出的结果是负数,应加上n;标称的处理方法很好,相减后+n,再mod n


program noip2005_3; const  maxn=50000; var    n:longint;    tm,w:array[0..maxn] of longint;    g:array[1..maxn,0..4] of longint; function solve(x,y:longint):boolean;  var      i:integer;  begin   solve:=true;   for i:=1 to g[x,0] do   if y=g[x,i]   then exit(false);  end;{判断两个人以前是否出现过} procedure init;  var     i,x,y:longint; begin  readln(n);  for i:=1 to n do  begin    read(x,y);    if solve(i,x)    then begin         inc(g[x,0]); g[x,g[x,0]]:=i;         inc(g[i,0]); g[i,g[i,0]]:=x         end;    if solve(i,y)    then begin         inc(g[y,0]); g[y,g[y,0]]:=i;         inc(g[i,0]); g[i,g[i,0]]:=y;         end;    if (g[x,0]>2) or (g[y,0]>2)    then begin         writeln(-1); close(input); close(output);         halt         end;{不必读完,出现问题,不再读他,就跳出}  end; end; procedure ready;  var     i,j:longint; begin   tm[0]:=0; tm[1]:=1;   for i:=2 to n do   for j:=1 to g[tm[i-1],0] do    if g[tm[i-1],j]<>tm[i-2]    then tm[i]:=g[tm[i-1],j]; end; procedure main;  var      i,j,max,ans:longint; begin  max:=0;  for i:=1 to n do  inc(w[ (tm[i]+n-i) mod n ]);  for i:=0 to n-1 do  if w[i]>max then max:=w[i];  fillchar(w,sizeof(w),0);  for i:=n downto 1 do  inc(w[ (tm[i]+n-(n-i+1)) mod n ]);  for i:=0 to n-1 do  if w[i]>max then max:=w[i]; ans:=n-max; writeln(ans); end; begin  assign(input,'');  assign(output,'fire.out');  reset(input); rewrite(output);  init;  ready;  main;  close(input); close(output); end.

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